标题 | 假如我是桥梁设计师英语作文 |
范文 | 假如我是桥梁设计师英语作文 在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?下面是小编收集整理的假如我是桥梁设计师英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 桥,不是没有生命的冷冰冰的建筑物,它体现着人类的勤劳和智慧,并给人以美感,人们会情不自禁的用诗词或用诗文来赞颂它,关于“桥”的故事传说也十分丰富。这些都赋予了“桥”的无穷的魅力和令人销魂的情感。 Bridge is not a cold building without life. It embodies human's diligence and wisdom and gives people aesthetic feeling. People can't help praising it with poems or poems. There are also rich stories and legends about bridge. All of these endow the bridge with infinite charm and enchanting emotion. 人们常说:“我走过的桥比你走过的路还长”这些桥都是我们这些设计师们的创造出来的这些桥不仅具有形式美还具有艺术美。 People often say, "the bridge I have walked is longer than the road you have walked." these bridges are created by our designers. These bridges have not only the beauty of form but also the beauty of art. 假如我是桥梁设计师,我会修建和设计出一座很长,很高,很大的一座桥,给它取名叫“万年桥”这座万年桥的含含意是这座桥直到永远,而不是一时的。 If I were a bridge designer, I would build and design a very long, high and large bridge, named "Wannian bridge". The implication of this Wannian bridge is that this bridge will last forever, not for a while. “万年桥”的自身结构也很美,圆的桥洞,方的石块,弧的桥脊,方和圆之间相互和谐,得体,力学的规律往往与美感的规律相拍合。 The structure of "Wannian bridge" is also very beautiful. The round bridge holes, square stones, arc bridge ridges, square and circle are harmonious, appropriate, and the laws of mechanics often coincide with the laws of beauty. 假如我是桥梁设计师,我要设计出一座很完美很精致的桥,使人们一眼难忘。在这座桥的下面有着轻轻流动的小溪,两边有着绿油油的青草。 If I am a bridge designer, I want to design a perfect and exquisite bridge that people will never forget. Under the bridge there is a gently flowing stream with green grass on both sides. 我们这些设计师和匠师们一致追求:务必使游览者无论站在哪个点上,眼前总是一幅完美的图画。 Our designers and craftsmen are in the same pursuit: make sure that no matter where the visitors stand, there is always a perfect picture in front of them. 桥的设计也包蕴着设计师的艺术装饰和美化的内容,还有着审美观的艺术价值。随着当今桥梁事业的迅速发展和发展势头,面对着这一形势,作为一名像我们这样设计师应该怎样去看待这一类的.社会问题呢?人们对桥梁的设计师们的要求也越来越高了。 The design of the bridge also contains the contents of art decoration and beautification of the designer, as well as the artistic value of aesthetic concept. With the rapid development and momentum of the bridge industry, in the face of this situation, as a designer like us, how to treat this kind of social problems? People have higher and higher requirements for the designers of bridges. 但是我们作为国家的一名设计师,我们应该能经受起考验,设计师应该继承前一辈人的优点。同时,又修建出新一代的一个特色桥梁。为了能够成为一名更出色,更好的设计师,我们应该怎样去努力,去实现自己的梦想。 But as a designer of our country, we should be able to stand the test and inherit the advantages of the previous generation. At the same time, a new generation of characteristic bridge has been built. In order to be a better and better designer, how should we work hard to realize our dreams. 世界是你们的,我们应该尽自己最大的力量和努力去建设更加美好的家园。 The world is yours. We should do our best to build a better home. |
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