标题 | 庆祝建党百年英文演讲稿 |
范文 | 庆祝建党百年英文演讲稿 一、庆祝中国共产党成立100周年2021年是中国共产党成立100周年。为庆祝党的百年华诞,党中央决定举行一系列活动。 2021年3月23日,中宣部介绍中国共产党成立100周年庆祝活动八项主要内容。3月24日,中宣部发布中国共产党成立100周年庆祝活动标识。6月26日,庆祝中国共产党成立100周年活动新闻中心在北京梅地亚中心正式运行。 2021年6月29日消息,庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会7月1日上午8时在北京天安门广场隆重举行。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平将发表重要讲话。 二、庆祝建党百年英文演讲稿(精选6篇)2021年是中国共产党百年华诞。中国站在“两个一百年”的历史交汇点,全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程即将开启。下面是小编整理的庆祝建党百年英文演讲稿(精选6篇),欢迎大家分享。 庆祝建党百年英文演讲稿1Dear ladies and gentlemen: hello everyone! As a child,we often sang a song: without the Communist Party,there was no new China……I don't know why. When I joined the young pioneers,I swore under the flag of the team. I don't know why there is a flag with a sickle hammer next to the flag of the star torch. Once,my mother gave me a set of Chinese Communist Party 18 One of the commemorative stamps of the National Congress,one of which is a boat on the lake,I don't know what it means,and what it has to do with the Communist Party. With questions,I grew up every day. My mother pointed to the stamp and told me that this is Jiaxing Nanhu,Zhejiang Province. 100 years ago,it was on this boat that the Communist Party was born! Since then,with the Communist Party as a wise helmsman,China will not go in the wrong direction until it sails on the rough sea. The counselor of the young pioneers told me that sickle hammer is the symbol of the Communist Party. Sickle represents farmers,hammers represent workers,workers and farmers unite to form a strong force,overcome difficulties and overcome enemies. The flag of the star torch nestled beside the sickle hammer,indicating that the young pioneers would follow the Communist Party forever! The song continued to sing: the Communist Party worked hard for the nation,the Communist Party was committed to saving China,he pointed to the road of people's liberation,he led China to the bright……Yes,since its birth,the Communist Party has been working hard,wind and rain,from the sound of Nanchang uprising to the autumn smoke of righteousness,eight years of Anti Japanese resistance,The war of Liberation... Countless Communists have won victory by life and blood,so that the Chinese people have stood up,established new China and created a new world,so that the five-star red flag will always float over the Tiananmen square. So,without the Communist Party,there will be no new China! Today,100 years later,as a young pioneer in the 21st century,we should establish a great ideal,actively exercise our body,love our motherland,study hard,strive to be four good teenagers,study for the rise of China,work hard for the future of the motherland,and give a gift to the party's birthday with practical actions - always follow the party! 尊敬的各位: 大家好! 小时候,我们经常唱一首歌:没有共产党就没有新中国……我不知道,为什么这样说。 加入少先队的时候,我在队旗下宣誓,我不知道,星星火炬的旗帜旁边,为什么还有一面镰刀锤子的旗帜。 有一次,妈妈送给我一套中国共产党第18次全国代表大会纪念邮票,其中一张上是湖面上的一条船,我不知道这又意味着什么,和共产党又有什么关系。 带着疑问,我一天天长大。 妈妈指着邮票告诉我,这是浙江嘉兴南湖,100年前,就是在这条船上,共产党诞生了!从此以后,中国这条大船,有了共产党做英明的舵手,在波涛汹涌的大海上航行,才不会走错方向。 少先队辅导员给我讲:镰刀锤子是共产党的标志,镰刀代表农民,锤子代表工人,工人和农民团结一致,才能形成强大的力量,克服困难,战胜敌人。星星火炬的旗帜依偎在镰刀锤子的身旁,就表示少先队永远跟着共产党走! 那首歌里继续唱到:共产党辛劳为民族,共产党他一心救中国,他指给了人民解放的道路,他领导中国走向光明……是啊,共产党从诞生起,沤心沥血,风雨兼程,从南昌起义的枪声,到秋收起义的硝烟,八年抗日,解放战争……无数共产党人用生命和鲜血换来了胜利,让中国人民站了起来,建立了新中国,开创了新天地,让五星红旗永远飘扬在天安门广场的上空!所以说,没有共产党就没有新中国! 100年后的今天,作为21世纪的少先队员,我们应该树立远大理想,积极锻炼身体,热爱祖国,好好学习,争当四好少年,为中华之崛起而读书,为祖国的未来而努力,用实际行动向党的生日献礼——永远跟党走! 庆祝建党百年英文演讲稿2Dear teachers,students: hello everyone! My name is --,from_ I am speaking with the party forever. 2021 is a great day for the Communist Party of China,which ushered in the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China. 100 years of hard wind and rain,along the way,the achievements are remarkable. Our hero,the Communist Party of China,is the core of the leadership of the Chinese people,the leader of leading the Chinese people from one victory to another,and the navigation light guiding China to the prosperous,prosperous and powerful Ming masters! Think of the past it opened the door of imperialist invasion of China,and the Chinese people have been suffering from imperialism for more than half a century. At this time,the decadent Qing Dynasty was also in a precarious state and finally collapsed after the 1911 Revolution. The poor Chinese people thought that they could live a bright and happy life after they were rid of feudal rule. But the subsequent northern government rule shattered this good hope,and the Chinese people were in a painful ocean. It is because the Chinese people suffer and suffer that the birth of the Communist Party of China is because of the absence of a country,and it is precisely because of the correct leadership of the Communist Party of China that we will not be colonized before we will not die,and we will establish a new China. After the founding of new China,the Communist Party of China resolutely led the Chinese people to create a new life and build a new country when all the waste was waiting for prosperity. After years of hard work and outstanding leadership,before the reform and opening up,the Communist Party of China led the Chinese people to establish a solid industrial system,laying a solid foundation for the development of China's economy after the reform and opening up. At this time,the two bombs and one star made millions of Chinese people raise their eyebrows. After the reform and opening up,our country has strong national strength,and any foreign enemy dare not invade it. At this time,the country is still taking off,but there are also some problems. The high house prices dare not look up to,the expensive doctors dare not think,school hard to imagine,the difficulty of pension dare not to delusion. But I believe that the wise Communist Party of China will step by step solve these problems. The future is bright and the party's principles and policies are wise. We should always support the Communist Party of China and follow the party. Forever! My speech is over. thank you! 各位老师,各位同学: 大家好! 我叫XXX,来自_级财政学专业,今天我演讲的题目是永远跟党走。2021年是中国共产党大喜的日子,因为这年迎来了中国共产党100年华诞。100年风雨艰程,一路走来,成绩斐然,让人瞩目。我们英雄的中国共产党是中国人民的领导的核心,是领导中国人民从一个胜利走向另一个胜利的掌舵者,是指引中国走向繁荣昌盛富强明主的航灯! 遥想过去,打开了帝国主义入侵中国的门户,从此在多达半个多世纪里中国人民饱受帝国主义蹂躏之苦。而这时腐朽的清王朝也在摇摇欲坠中经辛亥革命终于覆灭了,可怜的中国人民以为摆脱封建统治从此可以过上光明幸福的日子了。可随后的北洋政府统治让这美好的希望破灭了,中国人民又陷入了痛苦的汪洋之中。正是因为中国人民受苦受难才有中国共产党的诞生,正是因为国将不国才有中国共产党的诞生,也正是因为中国共产党正确的领导,我们才不会被殖民统治才不会亡国,我们才会建立新中国。新中国建立后,在百废待兴之时中国共产党毅然领导中国人民开创新生活建设新国家。经过几年艰苦卓绝的领导,在改革开放之前我们中国共产党领导中国人民建立了坚实的工业体系,为改革开放后中国经济的腾飞打下了坚实的基础。而这时的两弹一星更是让亿万中国人民扬眉吐气。改革开放后,我们国力强盛,任何外敌不敢悍然入侵。而今之际,国家仍在腾飞,但也有一些问题。房价之高不敢仰望,看病之贵不敢奢想,上学之难不敢想象,养老之难不敢妄想。但我相信英明的中国共产党会一步一步解决这些问题。 未来是美好的,党的方针政策是英明的,我们要永远拥护中国共产党,永远跟党走。永远! 我的演讲结束。谢谢! 庆祝建党百年英文演讲稿3Dear friends: 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1951. Since the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1951,the party has gone through 100 years of arduous and glorious history. We all know that the history of the party is the history of the independence,liberation and prosperity of the Chinese nation and the unremitting struggle for the freedom,democracy and happiness of the Chinese people. The past 100 years have witnessed the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and the continuous promotion of the Sinicization of Marxism. It has also witnessed the tests of various storms,the continuous development and growth of our party,and the constant creation of new situations in various undertakings. For us young students,we must conscientiously study,correctly understand the glorious history and great achievements of the party,and always remember them. We should strive to improve our theoretical level,fully grasp the national conditions,correctly understand and consciously implement the party's basic theory,basic line,basic program and various principles and policies,learn from the past and from the present,take history as a mirror,constantly sum up experience and create the future. The party's 100 year history is unforgettable and impressive. It was founded in the inevitability of the development of modern Chinese history. It was tempered and tested by the great revolution. It opened up the revolutionary road of China in the agrarian revolution. Later,it became the mainstay of the Anti Japanese War and finally won the national victory of the democratic revolution. After experiencing the transition from New Democracy to socialism,we explored the road of socialist construction hard,and then chose the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics in constant summary and reflection... Over the past 100 years,the party has been taking the development of socialism as the theme,combining China's actual situation with Marxism,and has made a lot of achievements. Although some mistakes and problems have been made in the process,achievements are still the mainstream,while shortcomings and mistakes are the tributaries. The history of the party can not be summarized in just a few words. We need to experience and comprehend it in constant learning. Do not forget the history of the party and create a better future. It is not easy to understand the party and the people,to cherish today's hard won happy life,to constantly cultivate our patriotic enthusiasm,to carry forward the spirit of patriotism,and to strive to make our motherland stronger! 亲爱的朋友们: 2021年是中国共产党成立100周年,从1951年成立以来,党已经走过了100年艰辛而辉煌的风雨历程。我们都知道,党的历史是中华民族的独立、解放、繁荣和为中国人民的自由、民主、幸福而不懈奋斗的历史。这100年,是马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合、不断推进马克思主义中国化的100年,是我们党经受各种风浪考验、不断发展壮大,不断开创各项事业新局面的100年。 对于我们这些青年学生,都必须要认真学习、正确认识党的光辉历史和伟大功绩,并永远铭记在心。努力提高自身的理论水平,全面掌握国情,正确理解并自觉贯彻党的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领和各项方针政策,知古鉴今,以史为镜,不断总结经验,开创未来。 党的风雨100年历程是令人难忘和感慨的。在近代中国历史发展的必然中创立,经受洪流中锻炼和考验,在土地革命中开辟出中国的革命道路,后来成为抗日战争中的中流砥柱,最后夺取民主革命的全国胜利。经历了从新民主主义向社会主义的过渡,艰辛探索着社会主义的建设道路,然后在不断的总结和反思中选择了建设中国特色社会主义的道路……100年来,党一直把发展社会主义作为主题,把中国实情和马克思主义很好地结合到了一起,取得了很多成就。虽然在过程中也犯了一些错误和存在问题,但成就还是主流,缺点和错误是支流。 党的历史不是三言两语就可以概述的,需要我们在不断的学习中慢慢去体会和感悟。不忘党的历史,开创美好未来。明白党和人民的不容易,懂得珍惜今天来之不易的幸福生活,不断培养我们的爱国热情,弘扬爱国主义精神,为把我们的祖国建设地更加强大而努力奋斗! 庆祝建党百年英文演讲稿4Dear ladies and gentlemen: hello everyone! Recalling the past,extraordinary years. The Communist Party of China has gone through a glorious course of 100 years. What remains unchanged is the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. Under her banner,many outstanding Chinese people have emerged,one after another,to devote their youth and life to the prosperity of China. Just like the medical staff in the front line of anti epidemic,under the strong leadership of the party,they depict scenes of war and epidemic romance with their own actions,write selfless love with their youth and blood,and give up their families for everyone's heroic spirit,which also reflects the unity and unity in this special period. Today's peace and tranquility are hard won. When we stand in front of the monument to the people's heroes,how can we not respect the heroes; How can we not love our revolutionary ancestors when we open the patriotic chapter they wrote with their blood and life. Reflecting on the past eventful years,we should apply our practical dedication to repay the land that nurtured us. Students,in this new era of rapid development,our motherland is also facing more competition and challenges. As a happy generation growing up under the red flag,we are the hope for the future of our motherland and the sunrise just rising from the horizon. We should feel the heavy burden on our shoulders and the long way to go. Because the motherland depends on us,and the party and the people depend on us. Students,today,standing under the national flag,we are looking forward to the present,to the world,and to commemorate the 100th birthday of the party. We should know that happiness is not easy,and we should take the rejuvenation of China as our own responsibility. Since ancient times,the Chinese people have the lofty ambition of self-cultivation,ruling the country and balancing the world. History and reality tell us that we should cherish today and strive for strength. At the end of the Qing Dynasty,Liang Qichao,facing the bleak and gloomy China,broke through the haze of history with a cry: the wisdom of the youth is the wisdom of the country,and the wealth of the youth is the wealth of the country; If the youth is strong,the country will be strong,and if the youth is independent,the country will be independent; Juvenile freedom means national freedom,and juvenile progress means national progress; If the youth is better than Europe,the country is better than Europe,and if the youth is better than the earth,the country is better than the earth. Sail for the dream of July 1,and never forget to praise the party's kindness. Students,let's take over the torch from our ancestors and work hard. This concludes my speech. Thank you! 尊敬的各位: 大家好! 忆往昔,峥嵘岁月。中国共产党已经走过了100年的光辉历程,始终不变的是全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,在她的旗帜下,涌现出许许多多优秀的中华儿女,前赴后继,为中华之强盛而奉献青春和生命。正如抗疫一线的医护人员,在党的领导下,用自己的行动描绘出一幕幕战疫浪漫,用青春和热血书写着无私的大爱,舍小家为大家的英雄精神,更体现出这段特殊时期的万众一心与众志成城。今天的和平与安宁来之不易,当我们站在人民英雄纪念碑前,怎能不对英雄们肃然起敬;当我们翻开革命先辈用热血和生命谱写的爱国华章时,又怎能不热爱他们。深思往昔峥嵘岁月,我们更应用实际的奉献精神,回报养育我们的这块热土。 同学们,在这个高速发展的新时代,我们的祖国也面临着更多的竞争和挑战。作为生长在红旗下幸福的一代,我们是祖国未来的希望,是刚从地平线上升起的朝阳。我们应感到肩上担子的沉重,感到任重而道远。因为,祖国寄希望于我们,党和人民寄希望于我们。 同学们,今天,我们站在国旗下,追往思今,放眼世界,纪念党的100岁生日,当知幸福来之不易,当将兴我中华作为己任。炎黄子孙自古有修身齐家治国平天下的远大抱负,历史和现实告诉我们,要珍惜如今,奋发图强。清末梁启超,面对满目苍夷、暮气沉沉的中国,呐喊声划破历史的灰霾:少年智则国智,少年富则国富;少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立;少年自由则国自由,少年进步则国进步;少年胜于欧洲则国胜于欧洲,少年雄于地球则国雄于地球。 扬帆逐梦迎七一,不忘初心颂党恩。同学们,让我们接过先辈手中的火炬,努力拼搏、奋发图强。我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家! 庆祝建党百年英文演讲稿5Dear leaders,teachers and students: hello everyone! In July,colorful flags are flying everywhere,flowers are like a sea,laughter and singing. Our great party has also ushered in her 100th birthday. This is an exciting,glorious and proud day. This day will always be stirring in the land of China and will always be remembered in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. Looking back on the past eventful years,the hundred year history volume is full of China's humiliating tears,and the decades of struggle has drained the boiling blood of the Chinese people. We will not forget July 23,1921. We will not forget the Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing and the small cruise ship on it,because it was on the rippling Nanhu Lake and on the small cruise ship that more than a dozen young people from all over the world passed through the boundless darkness and escaped the pursuit of guns,It has raised the fire of saving China's destiny difficultly and persistently,pointing out a bright and hopeful road for China. Since then,the brave Chinese people have united as one and cut through the thorns... When flowers replace peace,when our sky is no longer echoed by gunfire,when our home is no longer subject to the baptism of artillery fire,can we still think of the pioneers who put on prison,the revolutionaries who stagger along the long street with iron shackles Those party members who have fallen into a pool of blood and those who have sacrificed for their firm belief in communism. Our ancestors wrote a touching song of righteousness and nationality with their own blood and life. Through this stirring melody,what we see is not narrow egoism,nor shameless villain's recklessness,but the loyalty and magnanimity of a party member who has the courage to devote himself to the cause of the nation and the people. In the face of this spirit,what we feel is not only the respect for the revolutionary ancestors,the memory of a period of history,but also the call of a heavy responsibility and sacred mission. Today,our motherland is like a vigorous green pine. After 100 years of ups and downs,it is more proud and upright. Today,as a contemporary college student,standing here,I know that to celebrate the 100th birthday of our party,we are not only blessing it,but more importantly carrying forward the ideological spirit of our party in the new era. Today,I realize the sanctity of winning glory for my country,and I also understand the responsibility on my shoulders. Poverty will be discriminated against and backwardness will be punished. This is an eternal truth. Only when China's economy is rich and strong can we stand more upright and stable. Today,I also know that as long as we are full of persistent belief,we will have no insurmountable difficulties; As long as we do not stop our own pace,no matter how far ahead,no matter how difficult the road,we will not be afraid,will not shrink back. Because there is our beloved,great and glorious party ahead. My speech is over,thank you! 尊敬的各位领导、各位老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 七月,到处彩旗飘动,鲜花如海,笑语欢歌,我们伟大的党也迎来了她100岁的生日,这是一个激动人心、光荣而自豪的日子,这个日子将永远激荡在中华大地、将永远铭记在亿万人民的心头。 忆往昔峥嵘岁月,百年史卷浸满了中国多少屈辱的泪,数十年的抗争又流尽了中华儿女多少沸腾的血。 我们不会忘记1921年7月23日这一天,我们也不会忘记嘉兴的南湖,以及南湖上那条小游船,因为就是在那碧波荡漾的南湖上,就是在那条小游船上,就是那十几个来自天南海北的年轻人,他们穿过无边的黑暗,躲过追逐的枪炮,艰难而又执着地举起了拯救中国命运的火种,为中国指明了一条光明而又充满希望的道路。从此,奋勇的中华儿女万众一心、披荆斩棘……当鲜花代替了和平,当我们的天空不再有枪声回荡,当我们的家园不再经受炮火的洗礼,我们是否还能够想到那些把牢底坐穿的先驱者、那些带着铁镣蹒跚步行在长街的革命者、那些倒在血泊中的党员以及那些为着坚定的共产主义信念而牺牲的人。 我们的先辈用自己的鲜血和生命谱写了一曲动人的正气之歌、民族之歌,透过这一曲曲荡气回肠的旋律,我们所看到的不是狭隘的利已主义,也不是无耻小人的蝇营狗苟,而是作为一名党员为了民族和人民的事业勇于献身的忠诚和坦荡。在这种精神面前,我们所感受到的不仅是对革命先辈的崇敬,对一段历史的缅怀,更是一份沉甸甸的责任和神圣使命的召唤。今天,我们的祖国像一棵苍劲的青松,在经历了100年的风风雨雨之后更加傲岸挺拔。今天,作为一名当代的大学生,站在这儿我深知,庆祝我们党的100岁生日,我们不仅仅是对其祝福,更重要的是要在新时期把我们党的思想精神发扬光大。 今天,我体会到了为国争光的'神圣,也更加明白了自己肩上的那份责任。贫穷就会受岐视,落后就要挨打,这是一个亘古不变的真理,唯有中国经济富强,我们才能站得更直、更稳。 今天,我也知道,只要我们充满执着的信念,我们就没有什么不能克服的困难;只要我们不停下自己的脚步,无论前方有多远,无论道路有多艰难,我们都不会畏惧、不会退缩。因为,前方有我们敬爱的、伟大的、光荣的党。 我的演讲结束,谢谢大家! 庆祝建党百年英文演讲稿6Leaders,judges and friends: today,on behalf of Chenghai District transportation system,I am very honored to participate in the speech competition organized by the District Committee of work,and to feel the party's glory and dew together. My speech is: the party flag,flying in front of me. 100 years of history vicissitudes,the storm surge; 100 years of great generation,deep feelings. You are the lighthouse,shining on our way forward. You are the flag,guiding our victory. This lighthouse and this flag are our great Communist Party of China. No language or text can express our respect to the party as soundly as the party flag. Decades of leisurely years,has already cast the party into a sacred long poem in our chest,the party flag is the "poetic eye" in the long poem; The party has become a long historical volume written by us with numerous achievements in the 100 years of struggle. The party flag is the "spirit of literature" in this long volume! On the flag of the countless martyrs who dyed red with blood,I saw that the rolling waves of anti hunger,anti civil war and anti oppression were rolling,and the blood waves were flowing to protect the motherland. Ripples of love for the people were rippling. Looking at it,I seemed to break through time and space,With a pair of healthy wings and sharp eyes,we are invited to swim in the long history river Facing the solemn party flag,we seem to see that Mao Zedong waved,and again and again straightened the course of the revolution,leading the Chinese revolution from victory to new victory. From the Autumn Harvest Uprising to Jinggang to the establishment of Yan'an revolutionary holy land,from the long march of Zunyi Conference to Chongqing negotiation and liberation war,the Chinese people split chaos and saw the sun,finally pushed down the "three mountains" and created a new socialist China. The Chinese people have stood up! Facing the solemn party flag,we seem to see Deng Xiaoping raising his hand,drawing a grand blueprint for reform and opening up. The Chinese people tell the story of spring and ring the gongs and drums of the new era. 2021 In,when I was looking down,there was an unprecedented vicissitude in the Shenzhou of chixian county. Facing the solemn party flag,we seem to see - raise our hands,and hold up the flame of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Hong Kong and Macao returned to Beijing for the Olympic Games. China joined the world trade,with continuous events and a good play. The western development once again affected the overall situation,and the thought of "Three Represents" has become increasingly popular. China,standing on the new starting line. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will draw up a more updated and beautiful blueprint,laying a more solid foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation Facing the party flag,I feel how happy I am as a young life - bathed in the warmth and light everywhere of the party,listening to the party's gurgling and teaching,and letting the poetry like Sun Spray Bao as a general Party member,how sincerely I am eager that our party can cross the Century morning with bright and bright light and dust splashing,The sun control wind wheel Mercedes in July that the sunny road. We face the party flag,feel the responsibility of carrying forward and opening up,and feel the weight of keeping pace with the times! As the saying goes,"to be rich,build the road first." Chenghai national highway is the city's economic artery,through the East and West,traffic is busy! As the first-line road workers striving to make sure the safety and smooth of the road is the first responsibility! We take "serving the people and contributing to the society" as our duty. We work hard,work hard,carefully support the road,carry forward the fine tradition of hard work and thrifty and keep our family,adhere to the general policy of road construction,and plan to transform all kinds of roads. We actively participate in the road construction in the whole area with the attitude of master. The road capacity has greatly improved,and one radiates from the city as the center,and reaches all directions,Crisscross road network has basically formed! Who can say that Chenghai's economy does not take off because of our hard work? The people of Chenghai are not rich because of our efforts? I will not say that I am suffering,and guard the new songs of the Tantu music! You see,the "advanced workers' small family" organized by the municipal labor union,the provincial "all excellent Taoist class" and "double civilization Taoist class"! Even the "May 1 Labor Medal" of the National Federation of trade unions,and the small family of national model workers! Species. Kind of honor,flying like snow! Under the party's banner,our highway people with a new image,vigorous style,high morale,to open up the situation,explore the future,and explore a better tomorrow. We,for the party flag to enhance the glow,our life,will also be brilliant because of the party flag! 各位领导、各位评委、朋友们: 今天我代表澄海区交通系统,非常荣幸地参加区直工委举办的演讲比赛,和大家一起感受党的光辉雨露。我演讲的题目是:党旗,飘扬在前方。 100年历史沧桑、风云激荡;100年英雄辈出、情深意长。您是灯塔,照耀着我们前进的道路。您是旗帜,指引着我们胜利的方向。这灯塔、这旗帜,就是我们伟大的中国共产党。没有任何一种文字或语言,能像党旗那样酣畅淋漓地表达着我们心中对党的敬意。数十年的悠悠岁月,早已把党铸成了我们胸中的一首神圣长诗,党旗就是这长诗里的“诗眼”;100载的斗转星移,党成了我们用无数丰功伟绩撰写的历史长卷,党旗就是这长卷中的“文魂”!在那无数先烈们用鲜血染红的党旗上,我看见翻卷着的是打倒日本帝国主义的怒涛,滚动着的是反饥饿、反内战、反压迫的狂澜,流淌着的是为保卫祖国而澎湃的血浪,荡漾着的是对人民群众爱的涟漪……看着看着,我仿佛冲破了时空,带着一双矫健的翅膀和明锐的眼睛,邀游在历史的长河里…… 面对庄严的党旗,我们仿佛看见——毛泽东挥手之间,一次次拨正革命的航向,引导着中国革命从胜利走向新的胜利。从秋收起义上井岗到建立延安革命圣地,从遵义会议万里长征到重庆谈判、解放战争,中国人民劈开混沌,拨云见日,终于推倒了“三座大山”,创建了社会主义新中国。中国人民站起来了! 面对庄严的党旗,我们仿佛看见——邓小平抬手之间,绘就了改革开放的宏伟蓝图,中国人民讲述着“春天的故事”,敲响了新时代的锣鼓。2021年,俯仰之际,弹指之间,赤县神州发生了前所未有的沧桑巨变。 面对庄严的党旗,我们仿佛看见——举手之间,高擎起中华民族伟大复兴的圣火。香港、澳门回归,北京申奥成功,中国加入世贸,大事不断,好戏连台。西部大开发再次牵动全局,“三个代表”重要思想日益深入人心。中国,站在新的起跑线上。党的十八大将绘就更新、更美的蓝图,为中华民族的伟大复兴奠定更加稳固的基矗正所谓“捷报与彩云齐飞,富庶伴文明相长”。 面对着党旗,我感到,作为一个年轻的生命,我是多么的幸福——沐浴在党无处不在的温暖和光明之中,侧耳谛听着党的淙淙教诲,任由诗情如旭日喷保作为一名普通党员,我又多么由衷地渴望我们的党能以从不褪减的鲜艳横穿火光横溢、尘土纷溅的世纪早晨,驭太阳的风轮奔驰在七月那洒满阳光的坦途。我们面对党旗,感受到了继往开来的责任,感受到了与时俱进的份量! 俗话说得好:“要想富,先修路。”澄海国道乃全市经济大动脉,贯通东西,交通繁忙!作为奋斗在公路生产第一线的道班工人,确保公路的安全畅通是第一责任!我们以“服务人民、奉献社会”为己任,我们艰苦作业,勤细养路,发扬艰苦奋斗,勤俭持家的优良传统,坚持公路建设总方针,有计划地改造各类公路,我们以主人翁的姿态积极投身全区公路建设,路容路貌大大改善,一个以城区为中心向外辐射,四通八达,纵横交错的公路网已基本形成!谁能说澄海的经济不因我们的辛勤而腾飞?澄海的人民不因我们的付出而富裕?栉风沐雨不辞苦,守护坦途谱新歌!你看,市工会组织的“先进职工小家”、省级的“全优道班”、“双文明道班”!乃至中华全国总工会的“五一劳动奖章”、“全国模范职工小家”!种.种荣誉,如雪片般飞来!党旗下,我们公路人以崭新的形象、奋发的风貌、高昂的斗志,开拓局面、开拓未来、开拓美好的明天。我们,为党旗增辉,我们的生命,也一定会因党旗的辉映而精彩! |
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