标题 | 我知道了怎样种蒜苗英语作文 |
范文 | 我知道了怎样种蒜苗英语作文 在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是小编为大家收集的我知道了怎样种蒜苗英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 我从小就喜欢吃蒜苗。有一天,我问爸爸:“蒜苗可以种吗?”爸爸说:“当然可以,我可以教你。” I like to eat garlic sprouts since I was young. One day, I asked my father, "can garlic be planted?" Dad said, "of course, I can teach you." 我和爸爸先找了几头又大又好的蒜,再拿针和线,还需要一个小盒。我们先把大蒜的外皮一瓣一瓣的剥下来,再把线系一个死扣把针穿进针眼,然后把一瓣一瓣的蒜穿成一个圆,放在空盆里,接上水,这样蒜苗就种好了。 My father and I found some big and good garlic first, then took the needle and thread, and needed a small box. First, we peel off the skin of garlic one by one, then thread a dead button to put the needle into the eye of the needle, and then put the garlic one by one into a circle, put it in an empty basin, connect with the water, so that the garlic seedling can be planted. 过了两天,我去看胖胖的蒜瓣。我发现它已经长大了嫩嫩的小苗,蒜的底下还长出了根,就像老人的白胡子,我非常高兴!我自言自语说:“蒜苗呀!蒜苗呀!你快点长高把!”过了一个星期,蒜苗真的长高了,已经有半尺长了。又长又细的叶子,一层裹着一层,用鼻子嗅嗅,还有一股辣滋滋的`蒜味。长长的根密密地交织在一起,晚上,妈妈用剪下来的蒜苗给我做了一盘菜吃起来美滋滋的,因为,这是我自己的劳动成果。 After two days, I went to see fat garlic cloves. I found that it has grown up tender seedlings, and there are roots under the garlic, just like the old man's white beard, I am very happy! I said to myself, "garlic! Garlic bolt! You can grow up quickly! " After a week, the garlic sprouts are really tall, half a foot long. Long and thin leaves, wrapped in a layer, sniffed with the nose, and a spicy and Zizi garlic flavor. The long roots are closely intertwined. In the evening, my mother made me a dish of chopped garlic, which is delicious because it's my own work. 我知道蒜苗不一定都在土里长的,也有在水里长的,就像今天我实验的,只要蒜瓣长出了根,就能长出蒜苗。 I know that not all the garlic sprouts grow in the soil, but also in the water. As I did today, as long as the garlic cloves grow roots, they can grow garlic sprouts. 指导教师:崔慧珍老师 Instructor: Miss Cui Huizhen |
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