标题 | 美丽的秋天英语作文及翻译 |
范文 | 美丽的秋天英语作文及翻译 时间已经进入9月中旬,秋高气爽,凉风习习。小编下面整理了一些美丽的秋天英语作文,欢迎大家阅读! 美丽的秋天英语作文1秋天带着一身金黄,迈着轻盈的脚步悄悄地来到人间。 Autumn, with a golden body, walked with light footsteps quietly came to the world. 草坪上的枫树上飘下几片黄中带红的落叶,像许多小鸟在飞,啊!原来是秋风给落叶长了一双翅膀。 The maple trees on the lawn floated a few yellow leaves with red leaves, like many birds flying! It turned out that the autumn wind had a pair of wings for the fallen leaves. 一群大雁往南飞,它们一会儿拍成“人”字,一会而拍成“一”字。望城坡上的枫树阿姨和柳树婶婶都脱去了绿罩衫;松树爷爷却还穿着绿罩衫;菊花姐姐正迎风开放;地上小草动一块西一块,不像春天那样茂盛,也不像夏天那样碧绿。来望城坡的`小朋友都穿上了毛绒衣。 A flock of wild geese fly south, and they are made into "human" characters for a while, and then they are made into "one". The slope of the Wangcheng maple and willow aunt aunt are off the green blouse; pine grandpa was still wearing green blouse; chrysanthemum sister is the wind open ground grass; moving west one piece, like a spring nor summer lush, green. The kids from Wangcheng slope are all wearing plush clothes. 果园里,果实累累,海棠果摇动着它那圆圆的小脸,冲你点头微笑;红艳艳的苹果好像挤在一起的胖娃娃,拔开绿叶,笑咪咪地往外瞧…… In the orchard, fruit, canophyllic shook its round face, you nod and smile; red apples seem crowded together fat baby, unplug the leaves, smiling to see...... 望城坡下的山脚是一片金黄的田野,稻谷黄了,像一层金黄色的地毯,农民伯伯擦着汗水,心里想:一年的劳动又有了收获了! The foot of the Wangcheng slope is a golden field. The rice is yellow. It looks like a golden carpet. The farmer's uncle rubs his sweat. He thinks, "one year's work has got a harvest again."! 美丽的秋天英语作文2秋天,在我眼里,是一个非常美丽的季节,是一个丰收的季节。让我们走进秋,去看看我眼中美丽的秋天吧! Autumn, in my eyes, is a very beautiful season, is a harvest season. Let's go into the autumn and see the beautiful autumn in my eyes! 秋天到了,大地丰收了。你看,苹果们你争我抢的,涂上了红红的胭脂,把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的,等人们来摘呢;梨头穿上镶着金子的衣裳,像高贵的皇帝一样;柿子穿上秋天送给它的橙红色的新衣服,高兴地又蹦又跳,显得非常丰满;香蕉脱下绿色的外套,换上金色的'皮袄。 Autumn is coming, and the earth is bumper to harvest. You see, Apple will you compete, painted red rouge, to dress up, and other people to pick it; pear head wear with gold clothes, like a noble emperor; new clothes to wear in autumn persimmon gave it the red orange, happily jumped up and dancing is very plump; banana off green coat, put on the cloak of gold. 你看,那庄稼也丰收了,那一簇簇的稻谷,像一片金色的田野。秋天带给大家的是一片凉爽,带给大地的是一阵欢笑。 You see, the crops are harvested, the clusters of rice, like a golden field. What autumn brings to you is a cool place and a laugh to the earth. 秋天,是一个美丽的季节,因为,秋天给我们带来了凉爽,给大地带来了丰收的快乐;秋天,像一个淘气的小朋友,和小伙伴们在一起嬉戏打闹。 Autumn is a beautiful season, because autumn brings us cool, and brings happiness to the earth. Autumn, like a naughty child, and small partners playing together, slapstick. 在我眼里秋天是最完美的,小朋友,你眼中的秋天是怎么样的呢? In my eyes, autumn is perfect. What's autumn in your eyes, my little friend? |
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