标题 | Shall I Wasting in Despair英语诗歌 |
范文 | Shall I Wasting in Despair英语诗歌 Shall I, Wasting in Despair Shall I, wasting in despair, Die because a woman’s fair ? Or make pale my cheeks with care ’Cause another’s rosy are ? Be she fairer than the day Or the flowery meads in May, If she thinks not well of me What care I how fair she be ? Shall my foolish heart be pined ’Cause I see a woman kind; Or a well disposed nature Joined with a lovely feature ? Be she meeker, kinder than Turtle-dove or pelican, If she be not so to me What care I how kind she be ? Shall a woman’s virtues move Me to perish for her love ? Or her well-deservings known Make me quite forget mine own ? Be she with that goodness blest Which may merit name of best, If she be not such to me, What care I how good she be ? ’Cause her fortune seems so high, Shall I play the fool and die ? She that bears a noble mind If not outward helps she find, Thinks what with them he would do Who without them dares her woo; And unless that mind I see, What care I how great she be ? Great or good, or kind or fair, I will ne’er the more despair; If she love me, this believe, I will die, ere she shall grieve; If she slight me when I woo, I can scorn and let her go, For if she be not for me, What care I for whom she be ? 岂能 岂能为一位美女赴死, 空耗我一生的时光? 岂能因牵挂那玫瑰般的容颜, 就让自己的面颊变得苍黄? 即使她娇媚胜过五月鲜花盛开的草原, 即使她灿烂有如阳光, 如果她对我并无情意, 我又何必管她有多漂亮? 岂能因看到一位女子的仁爱, 就让我失去理智念念不忘? 岂能因她的容貌仪态, 就让我盲目地心驰神往? 即使她比斑鸠温柔, 即使她比塘鹅慈祥, 如果她对我并非如此, 我又何必管她有多善良? 岂能因一位女子的德行, 就让我去为爱殉葬? 岂能因她有众人称道的'名誉, 就让我自愧毫无声望? 即使她美德清纯, 即使她值得最高的赞扬, 如果她对我不以礼相待, 我又何必管她有多辉煌? 岂能因她高贵的身价, 就让我舍生忘死晕头转向? 她若有崇高的思想就该设身处地, 在人们的胸中燃起情感的希望, 有望的人才有信心, 无助的人谁有追求她的胆量? 除非我看清她的真心, 我又何必管她有多高尚? 高贵、辉煌,美丽、善良, 对这些我并未失望, 她如爱我便一切是真, 我宁死也不会让她悲伤; 如果她蔑视我的求婚, 那我就不屑再看她的模样, 既然她不属我, 她属何人我又何必放在心上? 乔治·威瑟(George Wither 1588—1667)英国诗人 诗人有独特的爱情价值观。无论女子多么高贵、辉煌、美丽、善良,都果断处之,绝无半点拖泥带水。爱我,便一切是真,为她赴汤蹈火也在所不辞;不爱我,便毅然了断,丝毫不再放在心上。 |
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