标题 | 快乐的英语作文 |
范文 | 快乐的英语作文锦集7篇 在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是小编收集整理的快乐的英语作文7篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 快乐的英语作文 篇1Before I went to school, I felt so excited, because I was so curious about the campus life. Now I have been in middle school, after seven years’ study, I feel the bitter and happiness. The bitter is that there are always exams, sometimes I can’t do well. Every time when I get the low mark, I will be afraid of disappointing my parents. The happy thing is that I make many friends here. We play and study together. They are just like the brothers and sisters to me. This is the process of growing up, which mix pain and happiness. I am so lucky to have these friends in my life, they mean so much to me. 在我上学前,我感到很兴奋,因为我对校园生活很好奇。如今我已经读初中了,经过了七年的学习,我体会到了苦和乐。痛苦的是经常会有考试,有时候我考不好。每次我拿到低分的时候,我会担心让父母失望。高兴的是在这里我交到了很多朋友。我们一起玩耍和学习。他们就像是我的兄弟和姐妹。这就是成长的过程,夹杂着痛苦和快乐。我很幸运生命中拥有了这些朋友,他们对我来说很重要。 快乐的英语作文 篇2我曾经上过一节快乐的英语课。 我非常喜欢那节课,因为我们不再坐在教室,而是去了郊外的树林。那里绿树成荫、鲜花盛开,我们坐在树下的长板凳上,突然一片大落叶落在了一个同学的头上,他大叫道:“谁摸我的头!”同学们都在大笑,这时他才发现,他的头上有一片落叶。老师说:“树叶的单词是—leaf。” 我们起身往前走,看到了一簇野花,老师问我们:“谁知道花儿的英语怎么说吗?回答问题的有两颗大白兔奶糖。”我们一个个都把手举的高高的,都想要这两颗大白兔奶糖。“马悦龄”老师叫到我了,我回答说:“花儿的单词是—flowers。”老师立刻把大白兔奶糖给了我,同学们都非常的羡慕我,而我呢,则大方的把大白兔奶糖分给了同学,在他们眼里我就是大英雄。 接着,老师让我们看周围的景物,把会读的英语单词记下来。不会的可以问同学或老师。还可以查手机。最后老师打分给奖品。自己会认的单词最高分,查手机记单词的最低分。 于是,同学们兴致勃勃的.散开,寻找景物配单词。 还有几个同学在草地玩,听不到老师的作业,在最后写积累的单词的时候很多都不会。 这节课可真满有风味、多好玩呀!我希望以后还能再上。 快乐的英语作文 篇3Happiness is a kind of enjoyment. I'm particularly happy, because I'm going to enjoy the Spring Festival this year! I didn't stay on the night before, and this year I gave my mother a proposal to watch the night. Beauty! We live at the top, and the people in the yard have fireworks, and we can all see it! Last year put the fireworks, our whole family stood on the balcony, suddenly, a fireworks put up, let us look, it is really big! We almost didn't smoke our windows! When it was just put up, my house was flickering, Jane was just so beautiful! We also eat dumplings in the new year, parents always call me to elders to speak blessings, the harm of my little beautiful face is red! Don't say it to others. I look forward to the new year every day. I love the happiness of the New Year! 扩展阅读:民族新年习俗 藏族:除夕那天,人们穿上艳丽服装,戴着奇形怪状的假面具,用唢呐、海螺、大鼓奏乐,奉行隆重而又盛大的“跳神会”。小伙子们狂舞高歌,表示除旧迎新,驱邪降福,到了新年早晨,妇女们便去背“吉祥水”,预祝新的一年吉祥如意。 回族:年三十晚上包饺子,这一天要把素日里喜欢搬弄是非的小人的“嘴”捏上,端上热腾腾的饺子,打开预先做好的腊八醋,一家人团坐在桌前,欢声笑语,其乐融融!孩子们却对桌上摆的各种零食更感兴趣,果壳可以随便扔满一地,三十晚上不能扫,叫“踩碎(岁)”。 春节这天,噼噼啪啪的鞭炮声响彻云天,孩子们穿着崭新的衣服,初一中午年饭丰盛无比,但晚上要吃面条或是合子,象征新的一年和顺、团圆、美满。 傣族:春节期间,小伙子和姑娘们互相投掷糠包,看谁投得准,看谁接得着。玩到一定的时候,姑娘们就悄悄抢走小伙子身上佩的腰刀、包头布或拴着的马,跑回家去,假如小伙子有情就追随而来。父母见到女儿拿着头布、牵着骏马回来,便设宴款待。另外,每年4月13日是傣历新年,也是傣族人民的最隆重的节日——泼水节,他们把泼水看成是驱邪除污,吉祥如意的象征,也把这一天视为最美好,最吉祥的日子。 苗族:过春节时,除准备丰富的食品外,还要杀鸡祭祖,“守岁”、开“财门”、敬“年神”,从初一到十五都要庆祝。在此期间,要举行传统的娱乐活动。这种活动,在贵州西部及川南、云南等地都将举行,译成汉语,称为“踩花山”、“跳场”、“跳年”、“跳月”等等。 快乐的英语作文 篇4Dear Dad, Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father’s Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, and selected and read again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you. You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Days together. I haven’t always been with you on Father’s Day nor have I been with you for all of your birthdays. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to be with you. I’ve always been with you in my heart but sometimes life gets in the way. You know, Dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized by it. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other, father and daughter split apart by age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing, curfews, music, and boys. The Father-Daughter Duel of ’54 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the ‘54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who escorted me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old. You were so decent about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life. Our relationship improvved immensely when I married a man you liked, and things really turned around when we begin making babies right and left. We didn’t have a television set, you know, and we had to entertain ourselves somehow. I didn’t know what to expect of you and Mom as grandparents but I didn’t have to wait long to find out. Those babies adored you then just as they adore you now. When I see you with all your grandchildren, I know you’ve given them the finest gift a grandparent can give. You’ve given them yourself. Somewhere along the line, the generation gap evaporated. Age separates us now and little else. We agree on most everything, perhaps because we’ve learned there isn’t much worth disagreeing about. However, I would like to mention that fly fishing isn’t all you’ve cracked it up to be, Dad. You can say what you want about wrist action and stance and blah, blah, blah... I’ve been happily drifting for a lot of years, Dad, and I didn’t see you getting older. I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine. Numbers never seemed important. But the oddest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didn’t immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car. It was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day. Or maybe I saw my own. Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa. I didn’t know then that I would remember that day for the rest of my life. This week, we’ll plant kohlrabi together again, perhaps for the last time but I hope not. I don’t understand why planting kohlrabi with you is so important to me but it is. And the funny thing about it is, well, I don’t know quite how to tell you this, Dad...I don’t even like kohlrabi...but I like planting it with you. I guess what I’m trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their Dad today. Honoring a Father on Father’s Day is about more than a Dad who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends school functions, graduations, and weddings. It isn’t even so much about kohlrabi, ’54 Chevrolets, and fly-fishing. It’s more about unconditionally loving children who are snotty and stubborn, who know everything and won’t listen to anyone. It’s about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking. It’s about loving someone more than words can say,and it’s wishing that it never had to end. I love you, Dad. 快乐的英语作文 篇5This summer, I move to a new city with my parents, and I transfer to a new school. I used to live in the countryside, so my new life is so different from before. The school is a little far from my home, so I go to school by bus. After school, I have many activities in school. Classmates are friendly to me. I learn English now. It’s so interesting that I like it very much. Besides, life in city is different. There are many interesting places to go. At weekends, my parents take me outside. We go to the park, the zoo or go shopping. But we are not so familiarwith our neighbors. I think we should build good relationship with them. 快乐的英语作文 篇6Today, I got up very early, I had a very good breakfast, then I went out to play with my friend, We had a very good time. In the afternoon, I went swimming with my father, it was very hot, but we felt very good in the water. After supper I began to do my homework, I didn't think it is difficult, so I finished it very early.Then I read some books and went to bed. 快乐的英语作文 篇7one of my happiest experiences is celebrating christmas in college. since i'm in college, chances are high that there are other foreign students who have no family to celebrate with. So i gathered my friends, classmates and other Christmas-celebrators together and enjoyed the day. i also invited my local friends to join us. It is a great way to share your culture with each other. we hanged beautiful Christmas ornaments from dorm windows. we picked up some large poster board and markers at the bookstore and made signs that read, for example, “Just Say Merry Christmas!” we also taped one sign to dorm windows facing out for everyone to see. as for the celebration at night, everybody showed their talent. some were good at singing. some preferred to dance. i shared my jokes with foreign friends. the effect was good that it aroused a big laugh. but the more interesting thing i found was that some of my classmates didn't give their responses, for they didn't understand it at all. this is an really unforgetable christmas to me. we all had a big fun on that day. |
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