标题 | 英语作文400字 |
范文 | 【必备】英语作文400字六篇 在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是小编整理的英语作文400字6篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 英语作文400字 篇1Every time when I run in the playground, I always set a target for myself,such as I need to finish 3000 meters. It is such a long distance, but if I setthe target of 500 meters and repeat the target, then I can finish my originalgoal. It is the same way to realize our dreams. Though we are in middle schoolnow, we need to equip ourselves with knowledge. What we learn today will decidewhat we will become tomorrow. The first goal for us is to enter a better highschool and then continue to fight for the college. But college is not the end tofight, which is just the beginning. The way to realize our dreams is long. 英语作文400字 篇2I love spring, spring has a fragrant and pleasant fragrance, it is every year to come, because it let us put the heavy jacket off, because it makes the trees wake up; because it makes the earth wearing bright, green and beautiful clothes. In my childhood, I lived in a small village where spring air is fresh, flowers and grass are flourishing, colorful, trees are flourishing, and leaves of trees are beginning to come out. My family is all in the spring. My mother knitted sweaters, my father planted fields, my grandfather planted vegetables, grandma cooked, and sometimes it made warm and warm. I sometimes help you. My favorite season is spring, because spring brings us happiness. 英语作文400字 篇3When I grow up, I want to be an engineer. I want to build a big house and a small house for my father and mother. We will live together. There will be a garden and playground in front of the house. We will grow beautiful flowers and fruit trees in the garden. We will grow grass in the playground. I will buy a big car. I will take my father and mother to many places. 参考译文: 当我长大后,我想成为一名工程师。我想为我的父亲和母亲盖一座大房子和一间小房子。我们将生活在一起。 在房子前面会有一个花园和一个运动场。我们将在花园里种植美丽的花朵和果树。我们将在操场上种草。 我要买一辆大轿车。我将带我的父亲和母亲去许多地方。 英语作文400字 篇4The giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family and among the world’s most threatened animals. It is universally loved. Today, the giant panda's future remains uncertain. As China's economy continues rapidly developing, this bamboo-eating member of the bear family faces a number of threats. Its forest habitat, in the mountainous areas of southwest China, is increasingly fragmented by roads and railroads. Habitat loss continues to occur outside of protected areas, while poaching remains an ever-present threat. 英语作文400字 篇5小学六年来,我上过许多课,但最喜欢的是五年级时上的一堂英语课《公鸡和狐狸》。那天预备铃响过,师生互相用英语问候后,英语老师在黑板上挂出准备好的课文图画,然后手拿教棒,指着挂图用英语讲解。她一边讲一边把这一段的重点词语贴到事先准备好的绒板上。 接着她又用同样的方法绘声绘色地把其它的挂图讲完,我们都聚精会神地听着。然后老师要求我们回答问题,我们都对答如流,老师很高兴,连连夸奖我们。通过上面的练习,我们对课文的内容已经基本掌握,这时老师就不失时机地要求我们复述课文。一位女同学自愿上台,她神态自若,准确地复述整个故事,而且语言生动,富有表情。她一讲完,我们都情不自禁地鼓起掌来。 这时,老师从讲台里拿出硬纸板制成的大树、公鸡和狐狸的面具,说:“现在我们表演话剧《公鸡和狐狸》,谁愿意上台表演?”我们觉得既新鲜又有趣,都跃跃欲试,纷纷举起手来。老师指定三个人上台。演狐狸的`同学一上台就做了一个狐狸的动作,把我们逗乐了。 由于课堂气氛轻松,表演者无拘无束地进入角色,演得十分逼真,特别是演狐狸的同学把狐狸贪婪的个性和对狗的害怕心理充分表现出来。当他听到有狗叫时,一边夹着尾巴一边逃跑,演得惟妙惟肖。接着其它的两人也演得很精彩,我们都报以热烈的掌声。下课铃响了,可是我还久久地回味着这堂声情并茂、活泼生动的英语课。这堂课是我最喜欢的,也是我最难忘的。 英语作文400字 篇6I want to grow up as soon as possible. When I grow up, I can do many things that I can’t now. However, at the same time, I am afraid. I don’t know what my future life would be. Look around myself, some people are busy working for having enough food to eat and live better; some are achieving every goal that they make; some may live in the poor situation. I don’t know what kind of life I would have in the future. But I know that everyone’s life is in their hands. So I will try my best to work hard for a better future life. 我想快快长大。长大后,我就可以做很多我现在不能做的事情。然而,与此同时,我也很害怕。我不知道我的未来生活会是什么样的。看看我周围的人,有人忙绿工作只为了三餐和温饱;有些是一个个地实现自己的目标;有些可能生活贫困。我不知道我的未来生活会是什么样的。但我知道,每个人的生活都是掌握在他们手上的。所以我要尽我最大的努力赢得一个较好的未来生活。 |
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