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标题 优秀学生留学申请书



Dear x,

Ever since childhood I have enjoyed working with my hands. Whether as aneight year- old gluing together a model car or an adolescent assembling abookshelf in woodworking class, I thrived on the challenges of precise andmeticulous tasks. Throughout high school I have been intrigued by the sciences,but it was not until I read about late-breaking discoveries and research in thefield of genetics that my interests in science intensified. When I entered theUniversity of British Columbia (UBC), I naturally chose to specialize in CellBiology and Genetics.

In my sophomore year at UBC, I first began to seriously consider dentistryas a career. At that time, I began to appreciate the important role thatdentistry played in my life. Four years earlier, I began an orthodontictreatment program with Dr. Junni Wang to correct a severe crowding problem withmy teeth. Both before and during the treatment, I was a most reluctantparticipant; not many teenagers look forward to braces filling their mouthduring their last two years of high school, and I was no different.

However, at every monthly check-up for three-and-a-half years the officestaff had nothing but kind words of encouragement and optimism. Now after thecompletion of the treatment I had reason to smile. Dr. Wang helped turn me froma shy adolescent who feared smiling into a confident, outgoing young man. Hisskills not only brought back my smile, but also my sense of confidence in allaspects of my life. Whereas once I feared drawing attention to myself and thusshied away from leadership posts and debates, now I am a completely differentperson. Hoping to feel as satisfied and gratified as Dr. Wang must have felt inimproving not only my smile but my entire way of life, I look forward toimproving the oral health of patients on a daily basis and participating indentistry’ s friendly, team-oriented work environment.

After this preliminary ‘ patient-doctor’ exposure to dentistry, Isubstantially increased my involvement in the field to determine if dentistryreally was for me. My participation with the UBC Pre-Dental Society allowed meto communicate with various professionals in the field. I also investigatedopportunities to volunteer in the University Dental Clinic or participate inresearch work. After speaking to a couple of professors in the UBC Faculty ofDentistry asking them about research opportunities, I found a topic thatinterested me. Dr. Putnins, of the Division of Periodontics, offered me aposition in his lab to conduct a semi-quantitative analysis to determine thelevels of endotoxin in dental unit water lines.

After taking many water samples from the University Dental Clinic andquantifying the amounts of endotoxin (lipopolysaccahride) in those samples withan Limulus Abeocyte Lysate test, I prepared to publish dentistry’ s firstaccount of this type of experiment. I conducted the study over a 16-week span(Jan.-Apr.‘ 98), and the research work counted as 3.0 credits towards myundergraduate degree. Because the vast majority of my work was self-directed, Isubmitted my findings for evaluation by the faculty in a 32-page report with 46references, and I also defended my methods before a panel of professors.Impressed by the findings and results, Dr. Putnins will use my study as a keycomponent of a journal article he is currently preparing for the Journal ofDental Research (JDR). The school also submitted an abstract of my findings forpresentation at the upcoming 77th General Session of the InternationalAssociation of Dental Research (IDAR) to be held at Vancouver, Canada. I amkeenly looking forward to this unique opportunity to have my work appear beforedistinguished members of the dental research community. My positive researchexperience definitely helped reinforce my goal of becoming a dentist.

In addition, my employment as a Canada Customs Inspector has helped meimprove my level of social awareness and helped me develop qualities I canusefully apply to dentistry. As a Customs Inspector, I had the opportunity tocommunicate effectively with many different types of people in varioussituations. I have also developed the ability to resolve conflicts, defusedifficult situations, and show empathy even during cases of enforcement. Inaddition, my experience with team sports has provided me with leadership skillsthat can not be taught in any textbook. As the captain of my hockey team and thecoach of a children’ s team, I have developed excellent communication skills andthe ability to identify and work effectively with kids. All of these qualitieswill prove very important to my future career in dentistry.

Attracted by the dental profession’ s ability to positively impact people’s lives, just like my orthodontist, and by the profession’ s financiallyrewarding and stable lifestyle, I look forward to one day opening my ownpractice and becoming a well-respected member of both the community of dentistsand the community of patients. While my GPA may not be as high as someapplicants’ , my academic record shows a consistent positive. I know I have theintelligence, ability, and determination to achieve success in dentistry; I onlyneed the opportunity. My dental research experience combined with my academicbackground, personal qualities, and leadership abilities makes me well suited toaccept the challenges in the field of dentistry. I look forward to an interviewand the chance to discuss my qualifications in person.

Yours sincerely,





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