标题 | 初中英语作文:Qinhuang Island-秦皇岛 |
范文 | 初中英语作文:Qinhuang Island-秦皇岛 在日常生活或是工作学习中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是小编精心整理的初中英语作文:Qinhuang Island-秦皇岛,希望对大家有所帮助。 Qinhuang island The summer holiday came, and my family decided to go to the qinhuang island to spend a few days there. on the first day of our trip, we climbed up the hill called ifeng, which is near the coast. you cant imagine how wonderful the view was from the top of ifeng. here was an overall picture of the small town. we saw lots of white buildings with red roofs among big green trees. there was the vast sea with many little green islands on it. The net day we got up early and went ecitedly to the beach near the hotel to watch the sun rising. we looked to the east. the clouds were reddish and then turned bright red. soon the sun slowly showed half of her face.the sky around the sun was very bright and suddenly the sun had a leap from the sea and her full face appeared with golden rays setting out. the sea looked as if it was covered with red silk. the sight was so beautiful that we would never forget it. Not only is the scenery beautiful there, but the people there are very friendly. we also bought many things, such as necklaces, shells and a lot of sea food. To our disappointment, we had to leave the island. but well always remember this trip and the people there. 秦皇岛 暑假到了,我们全家决定去秦皇岛游览几天。 旅游的.第一天,我们爬上了西凤山。这座山濒临大海,从山顶望去,景色美得让人难以想象:小城全貌尽收眼底,绿树丛中坐落着许多红顶白墙建筑;浩瀚的大海中点缀着许多绿色的小岛。 第二天,我们早早地就起了床,兴奋地奔向旅馆附近的海滩去观看日出。我们仰望东方,只见云彩由微红变到鲜红。不一会儿,太阳渐渐露出了半个脸。太阳周围的天发出万丈金光。大海好像披上了红缎子。我永远也忘不了那美丽壮观的景象。 秦皇岛的景色好,秦皇岛的人更好。我们还买了许多东西,如项链、贝壳和许多海产品。 然而遗憾的是,我们不得不离开秦皇岛回家。但是,我们永远不会忘记这次旅行,永远不会忘记好客的秦皇岛人。 |
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