双语例句: 1、He fell through the window, breaking the glass. 他撞破玻璃从窗口摔了下去。 2、She broke a leg in a skiing accident. 她在一次滑雪事故中摔断了一条腿。 3、Once you've broken the seal of a bottle there's no way you can put it back together again. 一旦你撕开瓶子的密封条,你就无法再把它复原。 4、When the clutch broke, the car was locked into second gear. 离合器失灵后,汽车只能在二挡行驶。 5、We didn't know we were breaking the law. 我们不知道自己在犯法。 上一篇:你想到了什么用英语怎么表达 下一篇:已ly结尾的形容词是? |