这两位教师用游戏和图画而不是公式和图表来阐明他们的题旨。 Instead of formulas and charts, the two instructors use games and drawings to illuminate their subject. 想象正忙着描绘欢乐的`玫瑰色图画。 Imagination is busy sketching rose-tinted pictures of joy. 它可以是营养的大图画中的一部分。 It is part of the big picture in nutrition. 他在他的沙发上看他的图画书呢。 He's up on his sofa with his picture-books. 对于埃及人来说,图画仍然具有魔力。 For the Egyptians, pictures still had magic power. 上一篇:以fy为后缀的单词及意思 下一篇:er结尾的单词 |