标题 | 一堂英语作文 |
范文 | 一堂英语作文合集7篇 在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是小编整理的一堂英语作文7篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 一堂英语作文 篇1We got the news before the English Cla that some foreign teachers would visit our cla . The teachers, came from a middle school in New York. We felt nervous and excited. The bell rang and the foreign teachers came into the cla room. We each sat on the seats silently. A woman teacher came to my desk, with a smile on her face. "Hello, nice to meet you! "She said clearly and slowly. Just now I wa 't nervous any more. We talked with each other for a while. She thought my English was good. I thanked her and felt very ha y. 一堂英语作文 篇21 An Unforgettable LessonI‘ve had quite a lot of lessons in my school life. Among them the one given by an American young man is the most unforgettable. It was on Tuesday morning in May. Our teacher told us all of a sudden that an American would give us an English lesson. Then in came a young man. He greeted us in English and then began his class. It was quite different from those we had before. During the whole class he taught us several English songs, played games with us and helped us act out a dialogue. He neither taught us English grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written exercises. He was not serious at all. He was always smiling at each of us.Happy time was always short. Before we knew it, the class was over. We took a photo with our American teacher in the classroom. I will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class. 我在学校上过很多很多的课。其中,一位年轻的美国老师上的课最令我难忘。 那是五月的一个星期二的上午,老师突然告诉我们,一位美国老师将给我们上一节英语课。随后进来了一位年轻人。他用英语向我们打过招呼,然后就开始上课了。他的课与我们以前的课大不相同。整节课,他教我们唱了几首英语歌,与我们一起做游戏,表演了一个对话。他没教我们语法,也没让我们做大量的笔头练习。他一点也不严肃,一直对我们每个人微笑。欢乐的时光总是短暂的,很快就下课了。我们和美国老师一起在教室里合了影。 我永远不会忘记他的微笑,他唱的歌,他在课上所做的一切。 2 An Unforgettable LessonI‘ve had many lessons in my school life. Among them the one given by an American young man is the most unforgettable. In his class, the American teacher neither taught us English grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written exercises. He just played games with us, taught us several English songs and helped us act out a dialogue.Above all, he was not serious at all. He was always smiling at each of us.It was quite different from those we had before. However, it was strange that all of the students grasped what they learned in class. I will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class. 我在学校上过很多很多的课。其中,一位年轻的美国老师上的课最令人难忘。 课上,这位美国老师既没教我们语法,也没让我们做大量的笔头练习。他只是和我们一起做游戏,教我们几首英文歌,教我们表演了一个对话。最重要的是他一点也不严肃,一直对我们每个人微笑。他的课与我们以前的课一点儿也不一样,可奇怪的是学生们全都掌握了课上所学的知识。 我永远不会忘记他的微笑,他唱的歌,他在课上所做的一切。 一堂英语作文 篇3今天上午8点半,我走进了新世纪英语培训学校。这儿的老师将给我上一堂英语课。课分为3节,每节1小时,中间有十分钟的'休息时间。 “叮铃铃!”上课铃响了,大家纷纷冲进教室。“大家好,我姓潘,三点水的潘,希望大家记住我!下面那位同学来做个自我介绍?”听老师这么一说,大家立刻踊跃举手,老师叫了我。我大大方方地说:“我叫赵皓,赵氏孤儿的赵,皓月当空的皓,希望大家记住我!”“很好,”老师笑了笑:“下面我们请一位同学来领读。” 老师请了柳致远来领读。他大大方方的,还挺像个小老师。这时,下面有一位同学在开小差,柳致远立刻走到那位同学面前,用手拎了拎他的耳朵说:“你呀你,不好好听课,长大后必定成不了才!”那位同学被训得哑口无言,乖乖的拿出书本读了起来。大家看到柳致远那副一本正经的样子,不禁哈哈大笑,连潘老师也笑了起来。 领读之后,潘老师开始讲新课。但是就在这时,下课铃声响了,大家休息了片刻后,潘老师继续讲课。一旦有同学开小差,潘老师就会走到那位不专心听课的同学面前,用手拎住那位同学的耳朵,学着柳致远的样子训斥:“你呀你,不好好听课,长大后必定成不了才!”同学们都说柳致远是潘老师的后代,他不好意思得笑了,大家也都笑了。 转眼间到了第3节课,潘老师宣布道:“这节课我们来做一个游戏——词语接龙。”这个游戏的规则是:老师先写一个单词,同学们以这个单词的最后一个字母作为开头,接下去写单词,以此类推。游戏开始了我们组抽到的单词是“super”。我一马当先,写出了“read”,而其他组的队员刚开始就卡壳了,想了好久才想出来。到了最后一个单词,我们也卡壳了,这个单词的开头是“o”。终于,我灵机一动,想出来了——orange(橙子)。再去看其他组,才写了15个。最后,我们组写了18个,第三组写了17个,而第一组写了16个,我们以1分的优势险胜。 这时,下课铃声响起了。这堂英语课,我不但学到了知识,还得到了胜利的快乐,这真是一堂难忘的英语课啊! 一堂英语作文 篇4我们的英语老师是一个极其幽默的人,她总能将英语课由一碗枯燥的白开水变成一碗情意浓浓的骨肉汤,下面就随我去看一下我们的英语课吧! 你还未到班级就会听见从班里传来的嘻嘻声,那绝对是老师又在逗我们了,你一进班就会接到热情的招待,我们再来看我们怎样上课的吧! 老师一进教室,完全没有别的老师那样严肃的表情,我们同学也没有那样拘束,一看到老师,我们总会对老师抱以一笑。 老师上课特别幽默,时不时讲个笑话,把我们逗到哈哈大笑。有一次,我们表现非常积极,老师提的问题一下就说出来了,老师说:“你们今天怎么了,都喝乐虎了吗?”我们一时还没反应过来,老师接着说:“电视上不常说吗?乐虎提神抗疲劳啊!”,我们一经老师提醒,立刻想了起来,哈哈大笑。 后来老师又说:“我们男女生比赛,输的可要受罚了,嘿嘿!”,我们一听觉得大感不妙,于是我们男女生都卖力地读了起来。读完,我们每人也捏了一把汗,老师先对女生奸笑了两声,我们男生都觉得我们赢了,正乐呵着呢!可老师却说:“胜利的是——女生”,随着女生的欢呼声,我们男生只好受罚,就对女生说:“你们读的真好呀!”,而且还做出女生的动作。 你们看,有这样的老师我们的课堂是不是非常有趣呀? 一堂英语作文 篇5今天上午第二节课是一位外国英语老师给我们上课。一开始,她有一口流利的英语,她说汉语也说的不标准,但是我们上这堂课很有趣。 第二节可以上课,我们就看见一个老师脸黑黝黝的,嘴巴有一点大。开始上课了,他一上来就开始说英语hello,我们根本不知道对什么,就跟着说hello。然后老是跟毕馨月说hello,毕馨月也说hello,老师就说hello,Hi。我们才知道对Hi。 然后老师就让我们上去画电视机,接着画狗,再画火,最后画人。他们画电视机的时候,有的都画成电脑了;画狗的时候,有的画的狗都能站着;画火的时候,画的都成山了;画人的时候,倒是画的挺像。 然后老师又给我们组一个沙漏,是看时间的。我们这个游戏是传橡皮,传到谁,谁就上去画电视机、狗、火,人。结果我们组没被人上去,就光是翟泽洋和李晓丽上去了,其余的都没上,因为橡皮传到他们俩手里老师就喊停了,所以就是他们俩上去过,最后下课了我们才走出教室去上操了。 这真是一节难忘的英语课呀! 一堂英语作文 篇6那是一个仲夏的上午,天气格外炎热,不知为何,我的心情也随着这炎热的天气变得十分糟糕,到了学校,仍旧是无精打采。前两节课十分难熬,有种度日如年的感觉,80分钟,仿佛过了两个世纪,好不容易熬到第三节英语课。 只见胡老师风风火火地走进教室,看到同学们昏昏欲睡的样子,眼珠一转,计上心来。 胡老师没有批评我们,这让我们有些惊讶。老师习惯地扶了扶眼镜,拿起粉笔,转身在黑板上写了一个单词:road(道路)。然后问同学们:“这个单词怎么读?”同学们支吾了半天,不会读。这时,老师忽然对我们说:“给大家一个小小的提示,你们吃包子最喜欢什么馅?”“肉的。”同学们异口同声地回答。“对了,这个单词就读road。”“road”同学们快乐地跟读,顿时来了精神。 随后,老师面带笑容地在黑板上又写了一个单词:pest(害虫)。“这个单词的意思是害虫,遇到害虫你们要干什么呀?”同学们脑洞大开,有的说踩死它,有的说赶紧跑,还有的说抓住烧烤。只见老师微微一笑补充道:“不就是拍死它嘛!这个单词就读pest。”同学们哄堂大笑。你看,有的笑弯了腰,有的笑出了眼泪,还有的笑得喘不上气。等同学们笑完了,胡老师开始了她声情并茂的英语课。这节课同学们的精力充沛,听得格外认真。我打心眼里佩服胡老师。 这堂英语课生动有趣,让原本枯燥的英语学习变得不再单调乏味,不仅让我学到了知识,还让我从此爱上了英语,不愧是一堂生动有趣的英语课。 一堂英语作文 篇7ive had quite a lot of lessons in my school life. among them the one given by an american young man is the most unforgettable. it was on tuesday morning in may. our teacher told us all of a sudden that an american would give us an english lesson. then in came a young man. he greeted us in english and then began his class. it was quite different from those we had before. during the whole class he taught us several english songs, played games with us and helped us act out a dialogue. he neither taught us english grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written eercises. he was not serious at all. he was always smiling at each of us.happy time was always short. before we knew it, the class was over. we took a photo with our american teacher in the classroom. i will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class. ive had many lessons in my school life. among them the one given by an american young man is the most unforgettable. in his class, the american teacher neither taught us english grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written eercises. he just played games with us, taught us several english songs and helped us act out a dialogue.above all, he was not serious at all. he was always smiling at each of us.it was quite different from those we had before. however, it was strange that all of the students grasped what they learned in class. i will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class. |
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