标题 | 花花的故事英语作文 |
范文 | 花花的故事英语作文 在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是小编为大家收集的花花的.故事英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 同学们,你们认识花花吗?瞧,就是那个穿着花衣裳、背着花书包的小猫。今天,它就是动物园第一小队的小队长啦。看它,又蹦又跳,多高兴啊! Students, do you know Huahua? Look, it's the kitten in flowery clothes and carrying a flowery schoolbag. Today, it is the leader of the first team of the zoo. Look at it. How happy it is! 今天,正好是第一小队值日。一放学,花花就把它们小队的伙伴们集合起来,开始分工。“喵,喵,小兔、小狗,你们扫地。”“小鹿,你擦黑板。”“小鸭、小公鸡,你们俩摆桌子。”“喵,喵,你们听清楚了吗?”没等大家说话,小狗就嚷开了:“汪!汪!小猫,自己干什么呀?”“喵,我是小队长。负责检查。们快干吧!”大伙听了都不高兴了。等花花一走,它们就议论开了: Today, the first team is on duty. As soon as school was over, Huahua gathered their team's partners and began to work. "Meow, meow, rabbit, puppy, you sweep the floor." "Deer, you clean the blackboard." "Duck and rooster, you two set the table." "Meow, meow, do you hear me clearly?" Before we could speak, the dog shouted, "woof! Wang! Kitten, what are you doing? " "Meow, I'm the captain. Responsible for inspection. Let's go! " Everyone is not happy. As soon as the flowers left, they began to talk: “花花真是!咱们在这里打扫卫生,它却出去玩,太不像话了!” "What a flower! Let's clean up here, but it's out to play. It's so outrageous! " “就是嘛!它还是小队长呢。自己一点活都不干!”…… "That's it! It's still a team leader. I don't do any work myself! " 过了一会儿,花花神气地回到教室里一看,呆住了,教室里乱七八糟的:桌椅歪歪扭扭的,黑板黑一道儿白一道儿的,地上满是碎纸。花花气得拎起花书包,哭着跑回家了。 After a while, Huahua came back to the classroom and looked at it in a daze. The classroom was in a mess: the desks and chairs were crooked, the blackboard was black and white, and the ground was full of broken paper. Hua Hua was so angry that she picked up her bag and ran home crying. 第二天,山羊老师批评了花花,花花委屈地把事情的经过告诉了老师。山羊听了,告诉它四个字…… The next day, the goat teacher criticized Huahua, and Huahua told the teacher the story wrongly. The goat listened and told him four words 时间过得真快,转眼,又一个星期一来到了。下午,花花照例先分好工,随后和大家一起干起来:它一会儿帮着扫地,一会儿帮着摆桌椅,一会儿又帮着擦黑板,干得十分卖力。工夫不大,教室里便整整齐齐、干干净净的了。花花又检查了一遍,关好了门窗,这才离去。 Time flies. In a flash, another Monday comes. In the afternoon, Huahua divides the work as usual, and then works with everyone: it helps sweep the floor, set the tables and chairs, and clean the blackboard. It works very hard. Time is not long, the classroom will be neat and clean. Huahua checked again, closed the doors and windows, and then left. 第二天,山羊老师微笑着表扬了花花,并让它向全班同学介绍一下经验。花花笑眯眯地把山羊告诉它的四个字说了,原来,这四个字就是“以身作则”。 The next day, the goat teacher smiled and praised Huahua and asked her to introduce her experience to the class. Hua Hua smiled and said the four words the goat told him. It turned out that the four words were "set an example". |
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