标题 | 英文合同 |
范文 | 英文合同模板汇编9篇 随着法律观念的日渐普及,能够利用到合同的场合越来越多,它也是实现专业化合作的纽带。相信很多朋友都对拟合同感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编为大家收集的英文合同9篇,欢迎大家分享。 英文合同 篇1Yr. No. ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT OF PERMANENT LEGAL COUNSEL ENGAGING PARTY :ENGAGEDPARTY : THE UNIVERSAL LEGAL CORP. Party AEngaging Party:Address: rdTel: Fax: E-Mail: Party B Engaged Party: The Universal Legal Corp. Address:30Fl, The Youdianguangtong Bldg, 11 East Hubin Road, Xiamen, 361004, P.R.C. Tel: 86-592-2680710 Fax: 86-592-2680760 E-Mail: [email protected] With the development of its business, Party A would like to invite Party B’s lawyer to assume the post of the former’s permanent Legal Counsel (“PLC”). Party A and Party B have entered into the following agreement (“Agreement”) to be observed by both contractual parties. I. Party B accepts the invitation from Party A and designates Lawyer assumethe post of PLC of Party A. The term of validity of this engagement of PLC will be from Upon request, the PLC shall furnish Party A with services as below: * to attend / participate in / handle lawsuits & actions - to deal with criminal cases, acting as the advocate or the agent / deputy - to deal with civil and commercial cases, acting as the agent / deputy a) cases of labor dispute b) cases of economic dispute c) maritime cases d) other civil cases (matrimonial cases, case of succession, civil debt cases, etc.) * to deal with cases of administrative proceedings / litigation, acting as the agent / deputy - administrative cases of public security - administrative cases of patent, trademark, copy right - administrative cases of taxation - other administrative cases ( industrial & commercial administrative, environmental protection, administrative punishment cases, etc.) * to handle extra-judicial legal affairs - to provide legal consultancy or to give counsel, verbally or in writing - to assume the post of Legal Adviser / Counsel, permanently or case by case - to attend / participate in mediations, conciliations and arbitrations in all kinds of cases, acting as the deputy / agent - to do market research / surveys and to provide credit investigation service - to participate in the feasibility study of projects - to draft / amend / modify / revise or examine / vet legal documents, such as economic contracts, agreements and constitutions, etc.. - to take part in negotiations and to issue lawyer’s letters - to witness juristic acts - to go through the legal procedures / formalities of ventures’ establishments, alterations or cancellations / nullifications and other related legal affairs - to participate in liquidation affairs on the ventures’ dissolution or bankruptcy / insolvency - to furnish agency for legal affairs on matters of insurance & taxation - to provide legal service / assistance for bid invitations & tender offers of construction projects - to go through the formalities of Customs declarations or to apply for import /export licenses or to participate in anti-dumping investigations - to handle legal affairs in real estate transactions, including the legal affairs on the grant or transfer of land-use-right - to go through the formalities / procedures in the matters of notarial acts or successions, transfers & trust of properties - to furnish agency for the applications, registrations and filing of industrial property rights - to deal with / handle the legal affairs on international loan / credit arrangements & international contracts of tenancy, including the legal affairs on FX regulation - to act as agent of ventures for their administrative appeals or mediations - to undertake extra-judicial legal affairs authorized / entrusted by lawyers outside the country - to undertake other extra-judicial legal affairs * The PLC is obliged to visit Party A’s office at least once a month. With respect to the above-mentioned services, Party A may contact the PLC from time to time by telephone, fax or e-mail. In case Party A would like to meet with the PLC in person, an appointment should be made 24 hours prior to such meeting and such meeting generally shall be held at Party B’s office; * The total length of working time of the fore-mentioned services (extra-judicial legal affairs only; same hereinafter) shall be not more than hours. During the term of validity of this engagement, any agency / advocacy in lawsuits or arbitrations by the PLC or any over-time service from the PLC should be initiated through Party A’s additional trust formalities to Party B and be charged favorably at 20% discount based on the state regulations governing counsel fee or Party B’s Charging Clauses & payment conditions, whichever is applicable. II. Upon receipt of full cash payment or remittance of the PLC annual fee, Party B shall commence performing its duties & obligations under Article I of this Agreement. In case party A fails to pay or to pay the full amount, Party B is entitled to terminate the Agreement and correspondingly claim damages arising from Party A’s default. The incidental expenses should be paid up together with the PLC annual fee, fromwhich the PLC shall take responsibility for surplus or deficit. The PLC is also entitled to request reimbursement with vouchers/invoices for out-city traveling expenses arising from the PLC’s handling of matters entrusted or engaged by Party A . III. Party A is obliged to offer Party B true statements/descriptions of facts necessary for the PLC to perform its contractual duties & obligations and to provide relevant documents, materials & other essential assistance upon Party B’s request. The legal liabilities incurred from Party A’s misrepresentations, falsifications or other negligent acts shall be undertaken by Party A itself. Party A is also obliged to indemnify Party B for the claims/damages/losses arising from Party A’s fore-mentioned negligent acts. In such a case, Party B is concurrently entitled to terminate the Agreement and the PLC annual fee paid under the Agreement by Party A shall not be reimbursed. IV. The PLC is obliged to perform earnestly its duties & obligations within the scope of Party A’s authorizations and state legal provisions. In case Party B terminates the Agreement without valid causes or Party A’s lawful rights/interests is prejudiced owing to the PLC’s negligent acts, the PLC annual fee shall be reimbursed in full to Party A. V. Any transfer of or modification to the Agreement shall not be permitted without prior mutual written consent between Party A and Party B. VI. In case the term of validity of the engagement of PLC expires, the Agreement shall automatically extend for another one-year term unless a written notification of termination is issued by either party and the PLC annual fee shall thereupon be increased by 5% while other clauses shall remain unchanged, and so on and so forth. VII. The construe, interpretation & jurisdiction of the Agreement is subject to the law of the PRC. Any and all dispute(s) in connection with or arising from the performance of the Agreement shall first be settled amicably through friendly consultations & negotiations between Party A and Party B. If this fails, the said dispute shall then be submitted to the Xiamen Arbitration Commission for a final finding. Party A shall defray Party B a PLC annual fee of and incidental expenses of RMBfor telecommunications, mails, typing/duplicating of documents, city transportation, etc., totally VIII. Other clauses: IX. The Agreement shall be made in two originals and each Party holds one, which becomes effective as from the date of signature. Party A : Date of Signature: Party B : The Universal Legal corp. Account No.: 4100021419224845582 Bank Name:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Xiamen Branch, Wucun Sub-BranchBankAddress: 30th Fl.,The Youdianguangtong, Bldg,11East Hubin Road, Xiamen, 361004, P.R. China : Date of Signatur 英文合同 篇2买方 The Buyer: 地址 Address Tel: Fax: 卖方 The Seller: 地址: Address Tel: Fax: 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品: This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: (1) 货名及规格 Commodity & Specification (2) 数量 Qty. (3) 单价 Unit Price (4) 总价Total Amount (5) 原产公司:COUNTRY OF ORIGIN : (6) 装运期限:TIME OF SHIPMENT: (7) 装运口岸:PORT OF SHIPMENT: (8) 到货目的地:DESTINATION: (9) 保险: INSURANCE: 由卖方按合同金额11%投保一切险和战争险 All Risks and War Risk for 11% contract value to be covered by the Seller. (1) 运输方式:TERM OF SHIPMENT: 空运 By air (11) 包装:PACKING: 须用坚固的新木箱包装,适合长途空运/陆运,防湿、防潮、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运。由于包装不良所发生的损失,由于采用不充分或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损、破损,卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用和损失。包装箱内应包含一整套服务操作手册。卖方使用的木质包装应经薰蒸处理,并在木质包装表面标上清晰的IPPC标识。 To be packed in new strong wooden case(s) suitable for long distance air/land transportation and well protected from dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage and break damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Sellers, and in such case or cases any and all losses and / or expenses incurred in consequence thereof shall be borne by the Sellers. One full set of service and operation manuals concerned shall be enclosed in the case(s). The wood packaging the Seller used shall be fumigated and marked with “IPPC” on the surface of wood packaging. (12) 唛头:SHIPPING MARK: 卖方应在每件包装上,用不褪色油墨清楚地标刷件号、尺码、毛重、净重、“此端向上”、“小心轻放”、“切勿受潮”等字样,并刷有下列唛头: On the surface of each package, the package number, measurements, gross weight, net weight, the lifting positions, such cautions as “THIS SIDE UP”, “HANDLE WITH CARE”,“KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE” and the following shipping mark: (13) 付款条件:TERMS OF PAYMENT: 1%的合同金额通过电汇支付。1% contract value by T/T. 买方在合同生效后两周内支付合同金额的1%货款 The Buyer shall pay 1% advance payment to the Seller within two week after contract effected. (14) 单据:Documents, 1. 正本空运单(收货人联),标明“运费已付”及唛头,买方为收货人及通知方。 Original Airway Bill (copy for Consignee) marked “freight prepaid” and shipping mark, consign to and notify the Buyer. 2. 涵盖1%合同金额的商业发票三正三副,注明合同号、唛头。 Commercial invoice covering 1% of contract amount in 3 originals and 3 copies, indicating contract number, shipping mark. 3. 装箱单三正三副,注明毛、净重、尺码和所装货物的包装形式及数量。 Detailed Packing List in 3 originals and 3 copies indicating both gross and net weights, measurements and packing condition and quantity of each item packed. 4. 卖方出具的质量及数量证书正本三份。 Certificate of quality and quantity issued by seller in 3 originals. 5. 卖方出具的原产地证书一正一副。 Certificate of origin in 1 original and 1 copy issued by Seller. 6. 货物装运后24小时内卖方发给买方装运通知传真复印件一份。 Copy of fax from seller to the buyer advising the particulars of shipment within 24 hours after shipment is made. 7. 保险单或保险证明一正一副,按照合同金额11%投保一切险及战争险。 Insurance Policy or Certificate for 11% contract value, covering All Risks and War Risk in 1 original and 1 copy. 8. 卖方声明外包装表面标有IPPC标识证书正本一份, 或卖方出具的非木质包装证明正本 Seller’s Certificate in 1 original certifying IPPC has been marked on surface of the wooden cases / seller’s Certificate certifying no wood package is used in the shipment. (15) 装运通知:SHIPPING ADVICE: The Sellers shall fax to the Buyer the Readiness Notification one week before the goods to be shipped. 卖方在发货前一周物向买方传真货物备妥通知。 The Sellers shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods in 24 hours, send the Buyers Air Waybill, Invoice and Packing list by fax. 装运通知:卖方应在货物装运完毕后24小时内用传真将空运单、发票和装箱单发给买方。 英文合同 篇3THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE is made on this 16th day of December 20xx by and BETWEEN:- Mrs. Ghazala Waheed w/o Abdul Waheed, Adult, R/o House No.***-*, DHA, Lahore Cantt, (hereinafter to as the LESSOR of the ONE PART). And Mr.* ***,R/o China, refereed to as the LESSEE of the OTHER PART.(Expression “LESSOR” and “LESSEE” wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their respective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees). WHEREAS the LESSOR is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of House No,***-*,DHA, Lahore Cantt, consisting of 4 Bedrooms with bath, D/D,TV; Lounge, Kitchen, Store, Servant, Quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the DEMISED PREMISES). AND WHEREAS the LESSOR has agreed the lease and the LESSEE has agreed to take on lease the DEMISED PREMISES on the terms and condition as given below:- 1. This agreement in only valid if LESSEE is renewed and extended for the lease period. 2. The LESSOR lets LESSEE takes the DEMISSED PREMISES for a period of 12 months Commencing from 15th January 20xx. The Lease is renewable for a further period as may be mutually agreed in writing on expiry of the lease period 3. The rent of the DEMISED PREMISES shall be USD3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) per month 4. The LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of USD.19,800/-(US dollars Nineteen Thousand and eight Hundred Only) per month. 5. It is hereby agreed between the parties that the LESSEE shall pay the aforesaid monthly rent USD. 3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) as the monthly rental advance by 20th of each calendar month for which if is due after completion of advance rent period ending on 15th July 20xx. 6. That the LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the (来自:www.zaidian.cOm 在 点 网)sum of Rs.60,000/-(Rupees Sixty Thousand Only) from the LESSEE as FIXED EDPOSIT SECURITY which shall be refunded to the LESSEE on giving back the vacant possession of the DEMISED PREMISES after deduction of damages/shortages outstanding bills for Electricity, Water, Gas and Telephone charges etc, against the DEMISED PREMISES. THE LESSEE HERBY CONVENANTS WITH LESSOR AS FOLLOWING: 1. To pay to the LESSOR the rent hereby reserved in the manner before mentioned. 2. That the LESSEE shall not at any time during the terms, without the consent in writing of the LESSOR, pull down, damages or make any structure alterations to the DEMISED PREMESES provided always, the LESSEE shall have go write install any fixtures and fittings excluding air-conditioners in the DEMISED PREMESES, to detach and repossess the same s ubject to the restoration of the DEMISED PREMESES to their original state at his cost (reasonable wear and tear excepted) on the expiry of this lease or any renewal hereof. 3. To use the DEMISES PREMISES for residential purpose and would not be used for a commercial purpose the DEMISES PREMISE would not be used occupied by Mr. **** And family. 4. Not to sublet the whole or any part of the premises. 5. To pay regularly the bills for Electricity, Gas, Water and Telephone charges in respect of the DEMISED PREMISES. A copy of all the paid utility bill be forwarded to the LESSOR every three month regularly. In case of disconnection of any facility due to non-payment, LESSEE will be responsible to get them restored and pay the same. All dues must be cleared before the expiry of the LEASE. 6. The LESSEE shall keep and maintain the said premises in good and tenantable conditions during the tenure of the lease. THE LESSOR HEREBY CONVENANTS WITH THE LESSEE AS FOLLOWING:- 1. To pay all existing and future rate, taxes assessments and other charges of a public nature whether impose by the Municipality, Government or any other authority in respect of DEMISED PREMISES. 2. Not to erect or set up a building or structure on the DEMISES PREMISES nor to add to any existing building or structure during the period of lease or any renewal without the written consent of the LESSEE. IT IS HEREBY DECLEAR AND MUTURALLY AGREED BETWEEN THE LESSOR AND LESSEE ANS FOLLWING:= 1. The LESSEE and the LESSOR shall have the right and option to terminate this Lease at any time only after the expiry of the lease period i.e., 24 months, provided they give ONE (1) month notice in advance to either of the parties. 2. The meter reading of various utilities are as given below:- UTILITY METER NUMBER TODAY’S READING a) ELECRICITY ———————— ———————— b) GAS ———————— ———————— c) TELEPHONE ———————— ———————— d) WATER ———————— ———————— 3. That the LESSEE has also agreed with the LESSOR for a mandatory increase in rent by 10% per annum, the rent would be enhanced to Rs.36,300/-( Rupees Thirty Six Thousand and Three Hundred Only), should the LESSOR and I ESSEE mutually to renew the Lease. It can be negotiated between the parties. WHEREOF THE PARTIES hereto have executed these presents on the and day above written. LESSSOR:__________________________ Mrs. Ghazala waheed NIC NO._______________________ LESSEE__________________________ Mr.**** Chinese passport no.___________________ 英文合同 篇4THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE is made on this 16th day of December 20xxby and BETWEEN: Mrs. Ghazala Waheed w/o Abdul Waheed, Adult, R/o House No.***-*, DHA, Lahore Cantt, (hereinafter to as the LESSOR of the ONE PART).And Mr.* ***,R/o China, refereed to as the LESSEE of the OTHER PART.(Expression “LESSOR”and “LESSEE” wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their respective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees). WHEREAS the LESSOR is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of House No,***-*,DHA,Lahore Cantt, consisting of 4 Bedrooms with bath, D/D,TV; Lounge, Kitchen, Store, Servant, Quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the DEMISED PREMISES). AND WHEREAS the LESSOR has agreed the lease and the LESSEE has agreed to take on lease the DEMISED PREMISES on the terms and condition as given below: 1. This agreement in only valid if LESSEE is renewed and extended for the lease period. 2. The LESSOR lets LESSEE takes the DEMISSED PREMISES for a period of 12 months Commencing from 15th January 20xx. The Lease is renewable for a further period as may be mutually agreed in writing on expiry of the lease period 3. The rent of the DEMISED PREMISES shall be USD3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) per month 4. The LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of USD.19,800/-(US dollars Nineteen Thousand and eight Hundred Only) per month. 5. It is hereby agreed between the parties that the LESSEE shall pay the aforesaid monthly rent USD. 3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) as the monthly rental advance by 20th of each calendar month for which if is due after completion of advance rent period ending on 15th July 20xx. 6. That the LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of Rs.60,000/-(Rupees Sixty Thousand Only) from the LESSEE as FIXED EDPOSIT SECURITY which shall be refunded to the LESSEE on giving back the vacant possession of the DEMISED PREMISES after deduction of damages/shortages outstanding bills for Electricity, Water, Gas and Telephone charges etc, against the DEMISED PREMISES. THE LESSEE HERBY CONVENANTS WITH LESSOR AS FOLLOWING: To pay to the LESSOR the rent hereby reserved in the manner before mentioned. Signature: Signature: Stamp: Stamp: Date: Date: 英文合同 篇5COMPENSATION TRADE CONTRACT Contract No.: __________ Date of Signing: _________ Place of Signing: _______ The two Parties: Party A: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Tel:_________________Fax: _______________ E-mail: _________________________________ Party B: ________________________________ Address: _______________________________ Tel:_________________Fax: ________________ E-mail:_________________________________ WITNESSETH Whereas Party B has machines and equipment, which are now used in Party B's manufacturing of _______, and is willing to sell to Party A the machines and equipment; and Whereas Party B agrees to buy the products, _______, made by Party A using the machines and equipment Party B supplies, in compensation for the price of the machines and equipment, and Whereas Party A agrees to purchase from Party B the machines and equipment, and Whereas Party A agrees to sell to Party B the products, _______, in compensation of the price of Party B's machines and equipment; Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described hereinafter, Party A and Party B agree a follows: ARTICLE 1 TRANSACTIONS A) Party B agrees to provide Party A with _________ machines to be used in production, their auxiliary machinery, accessories and spare parts and a variety of measuring and testing instruments required in the process of production. The details of the models, names, specifications,quantity, prices, packing, delivery , etc. thereof shall be specified in an additional equipment-import agreement to be concluded by and between both parties which shall serve as an component part hereof. B) The total value of the machines, auxiliary equipment, etc. supplied by part B shall be paid off by Party A with part of the manufactures made therewith and/or other goods, or with(designate name)products made in (Name of the plant)if both parties agree. The specific name(s), quantity, price, delivery, etc. of the goods granted as the make-up payment shall be decided in an additional compensation goods-supply agreement made by the parties which shall serve as a component part hereof. The equipment-import agreement and compensation-goods-supply agreement aforesaid may be merged as one called sales agreement on compensation trade(See appendix). ARTICLE 2 PAYMENT Both parties agree to open letters of credit in favor of each other, i.e. Party A will open, at regular intervals, long term letters of credit in favor of Party B to pay by installments the total cost of the machines and auxiliary equipment provided by Party B; whereas Party B will open sight letters of credit in favor of Party A to pay the products to be delivered by Party A. Party A shall pay for the total cost of the machines and auxiliary equipment with the money remitted by Party B as reimbursement for the products to be delivered by Party A. In case the sum to be paid by Party B fails to cover the value of the long-term letters of credit opened by Party A, the difference shall be made up by Party B by paying that much to Party A in advance, before the long-term letters of credit are due, to enable Party A to reimburse on time the long-term letters of credit it opens. The payment of the long-term letters of credit opened by Party A is based on Party B's opening a sight letter of credit under the provisions and on its paying the advance required herein. Thus, Party B warrants, guarantees and covenants that it will open the letters of credit and pay the advance as provided herein. ARTICLE 3 REIMBURSEMENT Party A shall reimburse Party B for all the machines and auxiliary equipment supplied by Party B by delivering goods to Party B on a monthly basis and the reimbursement will last for___ year(s) and ____months(s). The reimbursement shall start approximately ____month(s) after the first delivery of the machines and, in principle, the money to be reimbursed per month shall be ______percent of the total amount due for the machines. With a ______month(s) notice to Party B, Party A may reimburse Party B in advance. Within the reimbursement period, Party B shall, under the provisions of the additional sales agreement aforesaid, open, sight, irrevocable, divisible and assignable letters of credit, covering the full amount, in favor of Party A. ARTICLE 4 STANDARD MONEY AND PRICE STANDARD The standard money for this transaction is (Name of currency). All the machinery, auxiliary equipment and measuring and testing instruments , etc. provided by Party B shall be valued with (Name of currency), while the goods provided by Party A to Party B as reimbursement shall be valued with the basis price (Name of currency) of the same goods exported by Party A at the time when this agreement is entered into, and the total price (Name of currency) shall be changed into that of (Name of currency) in accordance with the exchange rate then. ARTICLE 5 INTREREST Party A shall pay the interest on its long-term letters of credit and the interest on the cash in advance rendered by Party B. The annual interest rate is agreed upon at_____%. ARTICLE 6 TECHNICAL SERVICE The machinery, after arrival at its destination, shall be installed by Party A, Party B shall dispatch its technicians to render spot instructions and other necessary technical assistance during the installation of the main machines, as may be requested by Party A in case of necessity, Party B shall be liable for the losses resulted in such a course of installation from technical default on its part. ARTICLE 7 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT During the enforcement of this agreement, if it is found necessary that, in addition to the machinery and equipment listed herein, some new accessories or measuring and testing instruments are needed for completion of the project, (an) additional order(s) may be made through negotiation by the parties. The new items thus added shall be incorporated in agreement. ARTICLE 8 INSURANCE The machinery and auxiliary equipment, after shipment, shall be insured by Party B. The title thereof shall be transferred into Party B after full payment therefore is made by Party B, thereafter, the unforeseeable losses concerning the machinery and auxiliary equipment shall be indemnified for first by the Insurance Company to Party B, then Party B shall remit for Party A,in proportion, the sum already paid by Party A for the machinery or equipment involved in the contingency. ARTICLE 9 LIABILITY FOR BREACH OF AGREEMENT Party B shall , if it fails to comply with this agreement to make purchase of the goods delivered by Party A as reimbursement, or Party A shall, if it fails to comply with this agreement to deliver the goods it is due to provide, be deemed liable for a breach of agreement and shall compensate the non-breaching Party for the loss caused thereupon and shall pay the non-breaching Party a fine accounting for % of the total value of the goods in question. ARTICLE 10 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE To guarantee the implementation of this agreement, each party shall submit to the other party a letter of guarantee issued by its bank respectively. The guaranteeing bank of Party A is ______ Bank, ______, while the guaranteeing bank of Party B is ______Bank, ______. ARTICLE 11 AMENDMNET The modification of this agreement in particular cases shall be agreed upon by both parties through negotiations. ARTICLE 12 Force Majeure In case that one or both parties are impossible to perform the duties provided herein on account of force majeure, the party (or parties) in contingency shall inform the other party (or each other) of the case immediately and may, provided the case is duly verified by the competent authorities, delay in performance of or not perform the relevant duties hereunder the be partially or entirely exempted from the liability for breach of this agreement. ARTICLE 13 ARBITRATION Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission,Shenzhen Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties and the applicable law is the material law of P.R.C. Notwithstanding any reference to arbitration, both Parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under the Contract unless otherwise agreed. ARTICLE LANGUAGE AND EFFECTIVE DATE There are two originals hereof made respectively in Chinese and ______, both of which are of the same effect. This agreement shall come into effect on the date when both parties set their hands hereunto and remain effective for_____ years. Upon its expiration, the parties may, if they choose, extend the term hereof for _____years or execute a new cooperation agreement, provided they apply to and approved by the Authority agencies concerned. Party A Party B Representative of___ Representative of____ (Authorized Signature)___ (Authorized Signature) 英文合同 篇6合约编号:________ Contract NO._______ 售货合约 SALESCONTRACT ------- 买方:_____ 日期:____年__月__日 Buyers:_____cate:_____ 卖方:____ 中国___进出口公司___省分公司 Sellers: China National Metals &Minerals Import& Export corporation ,____Branch 双方同意按下列条款由买方购进卖方售出下列商品: The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following good ontermsand conditions set for the below: ──────────────┬───────┬──────┬──────(1)货物名称及规格,包装及│(2)数量 │(3)单价 │(4)总价装运唛头 │ ││ Name or commodity and Speci- │Quantity│unit price │Total Fications Packing and shipp- │ ││AmountIng Marks │ ││ ──────────────┼───────┼──────┼──────(装运数量允许有 %的增减)│ ││ (Shipment Quantity % more │ ││ Or less allowd │ ││ ──────────────┴───────┴──────┴──────(5)装运期限 Time of Shipment: (6)装运口岸 Ports of Loading (7)目的口岸 Port of Destination: (8)保险:投保___险,由___按发票金额___%,投保 Insurance: Covering Risks for____% of Invoice Value to be effected By the (9)付款条件:___…… Terms of Payment :___凭保兑的,不可撤消的,可转让的,可分割的即期付款信用证,信用证以中 国五金矿产进出口公司__分公司为受益人并允许分批装运和转船。 By confirmed irrevocable, transferable and divisible letter of credit In favour of China National Metals &Minerals Import& Export Corporation ___Branch payable at sight allowing partial shipments and transhipment. 该信用证必须在___前开到卖方,信用证的有效期应为装船期后15天,在上述装运口岸到期, 否则卖方有权取消本售货合约并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。 注意:开立信用证时,请在证内注明本售货确认书号码 China National Texties Import and Export Corporation IMPORTANT: When establishing L/C, please Indicate the number of this Sales c ofrSHANTUNGBRANCH Mation in the L/C. 买方(The Buyers):_____ 卖方(The Sellers):_____ 请在本合同签字后寄回一份存档 Please sign and return one copy for outfile. 英文合同 篇7贷款方(Lender) 身份证件号码(ID Number.) 地址(Address) 电话(Tel) 借款方(Borrower) 法定代表人(Representative) 职务(Title) 地址(Address) 电话(Tel) 借款方是一家从事生产销售喷砂和抛光研磨纤维石产品;(砂石品业务)的公司: The Borrower operates Manufacture and sale of the spray-stone (the Stone Business); 借款方因生产经营需要,向贷款方借款。双方本着互惠互利的目的,友好协商,特制订本合同。 For its production and operation, the Borrower intends to borrow money from the Lender. For the mutual benefits, both Parties agree to conclude this Contract. 第一条 借款金额 Article 1 Amount of Loan 借款金额280,000美元 (大写:贰拾捌万美元) US$280,000(Capital Letter: Two Hundred Eighty Thousand US Dollars) 贷款方在签订本书面合同之前,已向借款方提供280,000美元贷款。借款方在此确认已经收到贷款方通过银行转账方式提供的280,000美元贷款。 The Lender agrees to advance the Loan US$280,000 to the Borrower prior to the signing of this Contract. The Borrower hereby confirms that it has received the Loan US$280,000 advanced by the Lender through bank transfer. 第二条 借款用途Article 2 Scope for Use 本合同所约定的贷款仅用于借款方生产销售砂石品业务,不得挪作它用。 The loan hereof is only for Borrower‘s Stone Business and shall not be appropriated for other use. 第三条 利率及还款期Article 3 Interest and Term Repayment 1. 如果借款方在合同约定的还期限内还清借款,贷款方则不收取借款利息。 The Lender agrees that no interest will be payable on the Loan for the term of the loan while the Borrower is not in default of repayment. 2. 借款方应按照以下还款期向贷款方偿还借款: The Borrower agrees to repay the Loan to the Lender in accordance with the following repayment schedule: 在本合同签订之日起十二个月内偿还借款 美元; Repayment due on or before the date 12 months from the date of this agreement. 在本合同签订之日起二十四个月内偿还借款 美元; Repayment due on or before the date 24 months from the date of this agreement. 在合同签订之日起三十六个月内偿还借款 美元。 Repayment due on or before the date 36 months from the date of this agreement. 3. 借款方应根据贷款方合理要求的时间、场所和方式还款。 All repayments shall be made at the time and place and in the manner reasonably required by the Lender. 第四条 管理费用Article 4 Management Fee 1.借款方同意在借款期内,向贷款方支付管理费用,管理费用的金额为借款方砂石品业务销售总额1.4%. The Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender a sum equivalent to 1.4% of the total income received by the Borrower, from the sales turnover of the Stone Business, during the term of the loan. 2. 借款方同意按第4.3条约定自每一财务季度结束之日起三十日内向贷款方支付管理费用,付款时间表如下: Subject to clause 4.3 the Borrower agrees to pay the Management Fee to the Lender in arrears on or before the date 30 days following the end of the previous financial quarter in accordance with the following payment schedule: 每年一月一日至三月三十一日期间的管理费用; Management Fee calculated for the period 1 January – 31 March each year. 每年四月一日至六月三十日期间的管理费用; Management Fee calculated for the period 1 April – 30 June each year. 每年七月一日至九月三十日期间的管理费用; Management fee calculated for the period 1 July – 30 September each year. 每年十月一日至十二月三十一日期间的管理费用。 Management Fee calculated for the period 1 October – 31 December each year. 3.本合同签订之日起的首个季度管理费用自20xx年 月 日起正式开始计算。 Management Fee due in respect of the financial quarter within which the date of this agreement falls will only become due on the date of 20xx. 4. 如果借款方在本合同签订之日起两年内提前还清借款280,000美元,借款方支付管理费用的义务自合同签订之日起两年后终止。 In case the Borrower repays the loan US$280,000 within 2 years from the date of this agreement then the obligation to pay the Management fee will cease at the end of the 2 year period. 第五条 浮动抵押 Article 5 Floating Mortgage 1. 借款方以其现有的和将来拥有的生产设备、原材料、成品和半成品向贷款方提供抵押。 The Borrower agrees to Mortgage to the Lender all equipments, raw materials, finished and unfinished goods owned now and in the future by the Borrower. 2.《抵押物清单》对抵押物价值的约定,并不作为贷款方依本合同对抵押物进行处分的估价依据,也不构成贷款方行使抵押权的任何限制。 The value of the Mortgaged properties stipulated in the shall neither be deemed as the price of sale nor as any limit on the Mortgagee‘s right, while the Lender exercises its right. 3. 抵押物的相关有效证明和资料由当事人确认封存后,由借款方交与贷款方保管,但法律法规另有规定的除外。 Subject to any the laws and regulations, any information and certifications in respect of the Mortgaged properties shall be handed over by the Borrower to the Lender after sealed. 4. 浮动抵押担保的范围为本金、利息、管理费、违约金、赔偿金以及实现债权所发生的一切费用,包括但不限于诉讼费、公证费、仲裁费、律师费、财产保全费、差旅费、执行费、评估费、拍卖费等。 The floating Mortgage hereof secures the principal, interests, management fees, compensation, and any other cost arising from the enforcement of the Lender‘s right pursuant to this Contract, including but without limitation court fee, cost for notarization, arbitration fee, attorney fee, fee for custody, traveling expense, compulsory execution fee, assessment fee and auction fee. 5. 借款方应自本合同签订之日起三十日内向有关部门办理本合同的审批、备案和登记等事宜,所产生的费用由借款方承担。 The Borrower shall apply for administrative approval, record-keeping and registration on its own fee in thirty days from the signing of this Contract. 6. 借款方应当合理使用和妥善保管抵押物,如抵押物的价值比本合同签订时的.评估价减少15%以上的,借款方应当在三日内通知贷款方。贷款方有权要求借款方继续提供相应担保或者提前还款。 The Borrower shall use and keep the Mortgaged properties in a reasonable manner, in case the value of the Mortgaged properties have been reduced by 15% from the agreed value at the date of signing this Contract, the Borrower shall inform the Lender. The Lender is entitled to require the Borrower for appropriate securities or for repayment immediately. 7. 贷款方在借款方发生以下情形之一时,可以行使抵押权: The Lender is entitled to exercise its Mortgagee‘s right, in the following cases: (1)借款方违反本合同所约定的义务; The Borrower is in default of its obligation hereof; (2)经营情况严重恶化、减少注册资本; The Borrower‘s business has seriously deteriorated or reduced the registered capital. (3)借款方分立、合并; The Borrower is to be or has been divided or merged; (4)借款方涉及重大纠纷诉讼,涉案标的30万元人民币以上; The Borrower is involved in an important litigation or any other dispute of which the amount is above 300,000RMB. (5)借款方破产、歇业、解散、被停业整顿、被吊销营业执照; The borrower risks to bankruptcy or goes bankrupt, closes out, dissolves, has been asked to suspend business to raise standards or has its license revoked; (6)借款方住所或法定代表人发生变更; The business place or the legal representative has been changed; (7)其他因借款方原因可能导致贷款方拥有抵押权无法实现的情形。 The Lender could not enforce the Mortgagee‘s right because of any other event due to the Borrower. 借款方发生或很可能发生以上情形之一的,贷款方书面通知借款方之日为浮动抵押财产确定之日。若借款方不签收通知回执的,贷款方有权按本合同第十四条所示方法通知,视为乙方已经收到。 If any case above said occurs or more than likely to occur, the floating Mortgage converts into being fixed Mortgage at the date of notice sent by the Lender. If the Borrower refuses to sign receipt, it is deemed to have received the notice sent by the Lender in according article 14. 第六条 陈述与保证Article 6 Presentations and Warranties 借款方在此陈述并保证以下事项属实,否则承担欺诈的法律责任: The Borrower hereby presents and warrants all the following facts, otherwise it shall be liable for fraud. 1.借款方是本合同项下抵押财产完全的、有效的、合法的所有者;该抵押财产不存在权属方面的争议。 The Borrower has the entire, valid and legal ownership of the Mortgaged properties without any dispute or claim. 2. 本合同项下抵押财产不存在瑕疵。 No defect on the Mortgaged properties. 3. 本合同项下的抵押财产依法可以设定抵押,设立本合同的抵押不会受到任何限制。 The Mortgaged properties are legally available for Mortgage without any limitation. 4. 本合同项下的抵押财产未被依法查封、扣押。 The Mortgaged properties haven‘t been sealed or seized. 借款方在此保证在合同存续期间,未经贷款方书面同意,不从事以下行为: Without the Lender‘s prior written consent, the Borrower hereby warrants that during the term of this Contract, it will not: 1. 对公司的利润进行分红; Pay any dividend in respect of its profits to its shareholders; 2. 在一个财务季度内购买价值合计25,000美元以上的生产设备; Not acquire an aggregate of more than US$25,000 worth of plant or equipment in a calendar quarter; 3. 对抵押财产再次设立抵押、质押或者出租、赠予抵押财产。 Remortgage, reMortgage, rent or give the Mortgaged properties to any other person; 第七条 经销Article 7 Distribution 借款方同意贷款方在本合同约定的条件下,在世界范围内销售借款方生产的喷砂和抛光研磨纤维石产品(“砂石产品”) The Borrower agrees that the Lender may distribute the “spray-stone” and “super-stone” products (“Stone Products”) anywhere in the world and on whatever terms it sees fit for the term of this agreement. 在本合同订立之日至20xx年12月31日期间,借款方向贷款方出售砂石产品的价格不高于当次交易时最近三个月借款方出售砂石产品的最低价格。 The Borrower agrees that from the date of this agreement until 31 December 20xx it will sell the Stone Products to the Lender at a price no higher than the lowest price for which it sold the Stone Products in the immediately preceding 3 month period. 本条所赋予的经销权是非独家经销权。 The rights conferred by this clause are non-exclusive. 贷款方同意在20xx年12月31日前,不向借款方签订本合同时已有的顾客出售砂石产品。该客户名单以签订合同当天本合同双方书面确认的名单为准。 The Lender agrees that it will not prior to 31 December 20xx sell the Stone Products to any existing customer of the Borrower at the time of this agreement. Only those customers of the Borrower confirmed in writing by the Parties hereof at the time of this agreement have the binding effect. 第八条 监督检查Article 8 Supervision 贷款方和保证人有权检查贷款使用情况。检查时,借款方对调阅有关文件、账册和记账凭证,查核物资库存,生产情况以及其它与借款人的清偿能力有关的信息,必须给予方便。 The Lender and the Surety have the right to supervise the use of loan. The Borrower shall provide all kinds of facility to the Lender and Surety to check the relevant documents, accounting books, accounting vouchers, inventory, production and any other information relating to the solvency of the Borrower. 第九条 违约责任Article 9 Liability 1. 借款方不按合同规定的用途使用借款,贷款方有权提前收回全部贷款,对违约使用的部分,收取12%/年的利息。 1. As if the Borrower appropriates the loan from use stipulated herein, the Lender is entitled to get back the entire loan immediately and to claim for interests on the amount of loan appropriated at the rate of 12%/year. 2.借款方如逾期不还借款,贷款方有权追回借款,并按0.05%每天加收罚息。 As if the Borrower fails the repay the loan in time, the Lender is entitled to get back the entire loan immediately and to claim for delayed repayment interest at the rate of 0.05% per day. 第十条 法律适用Article 10 Governing Law 本借款合同的效力、履行、变更、终止和解释均适用 有关法律法规。 The validity,performance, modification, termination and interpretation of this Contract are governed by law. 第十一条 争议解决Article 11 Dispute Resolution 对本合同的效力、履行、变更、终止或解释发生争议,由当事人双方协商解决。协商不成,双方同意向有管辖权的人民法院起诉。 Any dispute arising from the validity,performance, modification,termination or interpretation of this Contract, may be settled by negotiation. If an agreement could not be reached, then both Parties agree to submit the dispute to the court which has the jurisdiction over the matter. 第十二条 通知Article 12 Notice 1.贷款方指定本合同事宜的联系人为 . The Lender appoints as the particular for receipt. 联系电话 (Tel) 传真 (Fax) 地址 (Address) 电子邮箱 (Email) 2. 借款方指定本合同事宜的联系人为 . 2. The Borrower appoints as the particular for receipt. 联系电话 (Tel) 传真 (Fax) 地址 (Address) 电子邮箱 (Email) 借贷双方因履行本合同而相互发出或者提供的所有通知、文件、资料,均以本条所列明的地址、传真送达,一方如果变更联系人或其联系方式,应当书面通知对方。 Any notices, documents and material arising from the performance of this Contract shall be sent to the contact stipulated by this Article. During the Term, if one Party changes its particular for receipt of notices or the latter‘s contact, shall give written notice to the other Party in accordance with this Article. 通过普通邮寄方式寄出的,在寄出的三日内视为送达;通过挂号专递方式寄出的,在签收之日视为送达。 All notices shall be deemed served three days after the date of posting or, if hand delivered, on the actual date of receipt. 第十三条合同生效与解释 Article 13 Validity and Interpretation 本合同一式五份,借贷双方各执一份,另外三份送有关部门审批、登记或备案,本合同自借贷双方代表签字之日起生效。 This Contract is made out in five copies; the Lender and Borrower respectively hold one, the rest copies are for administrative approval, registration or record-keeping. This Contract comes into force from the day on which its signed by the representative of each Party. 贷款方(Lender) 借款方(Borrower) 法定代表人(Representative) 英文合同 篇8本协议于日订立。 BETWEEN 协议订立双方为: (1) VOLKSWAGEN GROUP IMPORT CO., LTD.(company name in Chinese: (formerly known as Volkswagen Import Co., Ltd),a wholly foreign owned limited liability company incorporated under the laws of PRC whose registered address is at Room 519-3 Tengda Building, No. 18, International Trade Road, Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone (the “VGIC”); and 大众汽车(中国)销售有限公司 (以前叫做“大众汽车销售有限公司”),该公司为外商独资有限公司,依据中华人民共和国的法律组建而成,注册地址为: ). (下文中称为“经销商”)。 Each of VGIC and the Dealer is a “party”, and collectively are the “parties”. 大众公司和经销商在本协议中单独称为“一方”,集体称为“双方”。 WHEREAS: 鉴于: A. The parties entered into a Contract with Authorized Purchaser (Dealer) of Lamborghini Import “Dealer Contract”). 协议双方于 日签署了一份兰博基尼授权买家(经销商)合同(下文中称为“经销商合同”)。 B. The parties agree to terminate the Dealer Contract in accordance with, and subject to, the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 协议双方同意根据本协议的条款和条件终止所述经销商合同。 THEREFORE the parties hereby agree as follows: 故此,本协议双方现此约定如下: 1. Termination 第一条 协议的终止 “Effective Date”). 本协议双方约定从日起终止所述经销商合同(生效日期)。 1.2 Each party’s rights and obligations under the Dealer Contract shall cease immediately on termination, except for the clauses which are expressed to survive termination. The Dealer hereby renounces and surrenders any and all rights granted pursuant to or in relation to Dealer Contract. 所述经销商合同终止时,本协议各方在该合同项下的权利和义务立即终止,除非该合同中明确规定某权利和/或义务应当在合同终止后继续生效。经销商现此放弃并让出自己和所述经销商合同相关的所有权利。 1.3The termination of the Dealer Contract does not of itself give rise to any liability on the part of VGIC to pay any compensation to the Dealer, including but not limited to, for loss of profits or goodwill. 所述经销商合同的终止不会产生大众公司向经销商给予任何补偿的义务,包括但不限于利润和商誉的损失。 1.4 The Dealer hereby waives, releases and forever discharges VGIC,VGIC’semployees and affiliates, and any replacing dealership appointed by VGIC against any actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses which the Dealer may now have or would have had for the termination of the Dealer Contract, including but not limited to any applicable rights upon termination of agreements it has may have had under the Dealer Contractor any applicable law. 经销商现此放弃、免除并永远解除大众公司、大众公司的雇员和附属公司、大众公司指定的任何替代经销商就经销商针对所述经销商合同的终止可能享有的、将会享有的任何起诉、诉讼程序、索赔、权利主张、花费和开支而应当承担的责任,包括但不限于所述经销商合同终止时经销商依据任何适用的法律而享有的、可能享有的任何适用权利。 1.5 The Dealer by executing this Agreement, for and on behalf of Dealer and all persons and entities who at present, in the past or in the future may have, have had or may hereafter have a legal or beneficial ownership or other interest in Dealer, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns (collectively the “Releasors”), hereby agrees to and does hereby unconditionally, irrevocably and forever voluntarily terminate and surrender to VGIC, as of the Effective Date, the Dealer Contract and any other agreements relating to the sale of the Lamborghini brand products and waives, terminates and surrenders to VGIC any and rights arising out or relating to the Dealer Contract or in connection with the Dealer Contract, including, without limitation, any and all rights, if any, to a continuation, extension or renewal of the Dealer Contract or any related business relationships between VGIC and the Dealer or any of the other Releasors after the Effective Date, which they, or any of them, may now or hereafter have or acquire. 通过本协议的签署,经销商代表经销商、以及过去、现在和将来和经销商可能有、已经有、之后可能有法律关系、受益所有权或者其它利益关系的任何人员和实体、其各自的继承人、执行人、管理人、继任人和受让人(总体称为“放弃权利人”),现此同意为了大众公司并无条件地、不可撤销地且永远自愿地从生效日期起终止并让出所述经销商合同以及和所述兰博基尼品牌产品的销售相关的其它任何协议,为了大众公司放弃、终止和让出因为所述经销商合同引起的或者与之相关的任何权利,包括但不限于延续、续展、续订所述经销商合同或者大众公司和经销商或者其它任何放弃权利人之间在生效日期后的任何相关业务关系的任何权利(如果有的话),因为大众公司和经销商或者其它任何放弃权利人(或者其中的部分人员)在当前或者今后可能具有或者取得该种业务关系。 1.6 The parties hereto intend that this Agreement constitute a general release of all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, that the Dealer and/or any of the other Releasors had, may have or may claim to have to the Effective Date. 本协议双方约定:本协议构成了全面免除,免除了生效日期之前经销商和/或其它任何权利放弃人享有的、可能享有的或者可能会声称享有的任何索赔、权利主张、起诉和诉因,无论是明确的还是不明确的,无论是疑似的还是非疑似的。 2. Obligations Following Signing of This Agreement 第二条 签署本协议产生的义务 2.1 Following the signing of this Agreement, both parties shall make best efforts to cooperate with each other, including providing and executing all necessary documents and materials and taking all necessary actions, to ensure an uninterrupted supply of parts and after sales services as required by customers after the date of termination of the Dealer Contract. 本协议签署后,协议双方应当尽最大努力展开合作,包括但不限于提供并签署所有必要的文件和材料并采取必要的措施,确保所述经销商合同终止后,能够按照客户的要求不间断地提供零部件和售后服务。 2.2 Following the signing of this Agreement, the Dealer undertakes to VGIC that it shall: 本协议一经签署,经销商即向大众公司保证:经销商应当 (a)Immediately inform its customers (especially owners of vehicles sold by the Dealer) of the Dealer’s closure using the mutually agreed template attached to this Agreement, and obtain the customers’ consent to the transfer of the customer’s information to VGIC and VGIC’s use of such informationsubject to the applicable laws and regulations of PRC; 使用本协议随附的且双方一致同意的方式,把经销商和大众公司之间签订的所述经销商合同的终止情况立即告知经销商自己的客户(特别是从经销商处购买了汽车的车主),取得客户同意后,把客户信息移交给大众公司,大众公司应当按照适用的中华人民共和国的法律和法规来使用该种信息。 (b) Immediately execute the necessary contracts for the transfer of its repair, return and replacement obligations pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations and the Dealer’s sales contracts for vehicles sold by the Dealer to a mutually agreed affiliate; 立即根据适用的法律和法规以及经销商就销售给双方一致同意的附属公司的车辆而签订的销售合同,为维修义务、产品退回义务和替换义务的让与而签署必要的合同。 (c) immediately transfer, and ensure its affiliated companies transfer, to VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies respectively, without any consideration, the trademarks registered in the PRC and/or trademark registration applied in the PRC, which belong to VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies, and any domain names registered in the PRC, which contain the Lamborghini trademarks or name of VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies; 立即向大众公司或者大众集团的其它公司让与全部归大众公司所有的或者大众集团其它公司所有的、在中华人民共和国注册的商标和/或在中华人民共和国申请的商标注册,以及包含兰博基尼商标或者大众公司名称或者其它大众集团公司名称的任何域名,不得收取任何对价,并确保经销商自己的附属公司也这样做。 (d) immediately cease using, and ensure its subsidiaries and branches (if any) to cease using,the Lamborghini trademarks and “Lamborghini” or its Chinese translations in its corporate name; 立即停止使用并确保其子公司和分公司(如果有的话)停止在其公司名称中使用兰博基尼商标、“Lamborghini”和Lamborghini 的汉语译文 “兰博基尼”; (e) not apply, and ensure its affiliated companies not apply, directly or indirectly, for registration of any trademarks or names (including any Chinese translations) belonging to VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies. Otherwise, VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies are entitled to request such trademarks and/or names transferred to VGIC or other Volkswagen Group companies, free of charge, at any time; 不得直接或者间接地申请注册属于大众公司或者大众集团其它公司的任何商标或名称(包括汉语译名),并确保其附属公司也这样做。否则,大众公司或者大众集团其它公司有权在任何时间要求把该等商标和/或名称让与给大众公司或者大众集团的其它公司。 (f) immediately remove and return to VGIC (or otherwise dispose of as VGIC may instruct) all signboard and symbols containing the Lamborghini trademarks; and 立即移除包含兰博基尼商标的任何招牌和标识并归还给大众公司(或者按照大众公司的指示处理这些招牌和标识);以及 (g) immediately return to VGIC or otherwise dispose of as VGIC may instruct all equipment and tools, samples, instruction books, technical pamphlets, catalogues, advertising materials, specifications and other materials, documents or papers whatsoever provided by VGIC to the Dealer and relating to VGIC’s business (other than correspondence which has passed between the parties) which the Dealer may have in its possession or under its control. 立即把经销商可能会拥有的或者控制的、大众公司提供给经销商的且和大众公司的业务有关的任何设备、工具、样品、说明书、技术手册、目录、广告材料、技术规范和其它材料、文件和文据返还给大众公司,或者按照大众公司的指示加以处理。 大众公司同意把 元人民币归还给经销商,这个金额包括: ’s dealership account; and 元人民币的经销商经销账户余额;以及 bank transfer within 30 working days from the execution of this Agreement by the parties. 元人民币的依据本协议规定归还招牌和标识的费用,本协议签署后三十天内,通过银行电子转账支付经销商。 2.4 Within 30 days following the signing of this Agreement, the Dealer should apply to deregister itself with the relevant government authorities as an authorized dealer of Lamborghini brand products, including revising its business scope shown on the business license accordingly. 本协议签署后的三十天内,经销商应当向相关的政府机关申请撤销自己作为兰博基尼品牌产品授权经销商的登记,包括相应地修改经销商营业执照中业务范围。 2.5 The Dealer agrees to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all VGIC’s confidential information, including any data, information, plans, drawings, specifications, documents, know-how, physical objects (such as models, parts or devices) or materials of or relating to the production, engineering, technology, financing, marketing of Volkswagen and Lamborghini products, personnel of VGIC, their parent corporation or their subsidiaries or affiliates, if such confidential information is not known or available to the public (“Confidential Information”). The Dealer undertakes that it will not, at any time, reveal, communicate, divulge or make available any Confidential Information to anyone, other than to such extent and to such persons as may specifically be designated by VGIC in writing. 英文合同 篇9一、交货条款 TERMS OF DELIVERY 1.装船条件: Terms of Shipment; 离岸加运费价条款:卖方应在本合同第(9)条规定之时间内,将货物由装船口岸直接船运到中国口岸,在未经征得买方同意前,中途不得转船。货物不得用悬挂买方不能接受国家的旗帜的船只装运。 For CFR Terms: The Sellers shall ship the goods within the time as stipulated in Clause (9) of this Contract by a direct vessel sailing from the port of loading to China Port. Transhipment eoute is not allowed without the Buyers' consent.The goods should not be carried by vessels flying of the countries not acceptable to the Buyers. 离岸价条款: For FOB Terms: (A)装运本合同货物的船只,由买方或买方运输代理人中国租船公司(地址:北京、二里沟。电报挂号:ZHOUGZU PEKING)租定舱位。卖放应负责将所订货物在本合同第 (9)条规定的装船期限内按买方所通知的任何日期装上买方指定的船只。 The shipping space for the contracted goods shall be booked by the Buyers or the Buyers'shipping agent,China National Chartering Corporation (Address: Er LiGou Beijing Cable Address:ZHOUGZU PEKING).The Sellers shall undertake to load the contracted goods on board the vessel nominated by the Buyers on any date notified by the Buyers, within the time of shipment stipulated in the Clause (9) of this Contract. (B)货物装运前10—15日,买方应电告卖方合同号、船只名称、船只预计到港日期、装运数量及船运代理人的名称,以便卖方可与该船运代理人联系及安排货物的装运。卖方应将联系结果及时报告买方,如买方因故需要变更船只或有关船只提前或推迟到达情况发生,买方或船运代理人应及时通知卖方。卖方亦应与中租代理保持密切联系。 10—15 days prior to the date of shipment,the Buyers shall inform the Sellers by cable if the contract number,name of vessel, ETA of vessel, quantity to be loaded and the name of shipping agent, so as to enable the latter to contact the shipping agent directly and arrange the shipment of the goods. The Sellers shall cable in time the Buyers of the result thereof. Should,for certain reasons,it become necessary for the Buyers to replace the named vessel with another one, or should the named vessel arrive at the port of shipment earlier or later than the date of arrival as previously notified to the Sellers, the Buyers or their shipping agent shall advise the Sellers to this effect in due time. The Sellers shall also keep close contact with the agent of Zhougzu. (C)如买方所订船只到达装港后,卖方不能按买方所通知的时间如期装船时,则空舱费及滞期费等一切费用和后果均由卖方负担。但如船只临时撤换、延期或退关等情况而未能及时通知卖方停止发货者,在装港发生的栈租及保险费损失的计算,应以代理通知之装船日期(如货物晚于船代理通知之装船日期抵达装港,应以货物抵港日期)为准,在港口免费堆存期满后第16天起应由买方负担,人力不可抗拒的情况除外,但卖方仍负有载货船只到达装港后立即将货物装船之义务并负担费用及风险。前述各种有关费用均凭原始单据核实支付。 Should the Sellers fail to load the goods,within the time as notified by the Buyers, on board the vessel booked by the Buyers after its arrival at the port of shipment, all expenses such as dead freight, demurrage, etc.,and consequences thereof shall be borne by the Sellers. Should the vessel be withdraw or replaced or delayed eventually or the cargo be shut out,etc.,and the Sellers be not informed in good time to stop delivery of the cargo, the calculation of the loss for storage expenses and insurance premium thus sustained at the loading port should be based on the loading date notified by the agent to the Sellers(or based on the date of the arrival of the cargo at the loading port in case port in case the cargo should arrive there later than the notified loading date).The above-mentioned loss to be calculated from the 16th day after expiry of the free storage time at the port should be borne by the Buyers with the exception of Force Majeure. However, the Sellers still undertaked to load the cargo immediately upon the carrying vessel's arrivel at the loading port at their own risks and expenses. The payment of the afore-said expenses shall be effected against presentation of the original vouchers after being checked. 2.装船通知:货物装运完毕后,卖方立即以电报通知买方合同号、货名、所装数量或重量、发票金额、船名、起运口岸、开船日期及目的口岸。由于卖方不给上述装船通知电报而导致买方不能及时保险时,则所发生之一切损失均由卖方负责赔偿。 Advice of Shipment: Immediately after completion of loading of goods on board the vessel the Sellers shall advise the Buyers by cable of the contract numver, name of goods, quantity or weight loaded, invoicevalue, name of vessel, port of shipment, sailing date and port of destination. Should the Buyers be made unable to arrange insurance in time owing to the Sellers' failure to give the above mentioned advice of shipment by cable, the Sellers shall be held responsible for any and alll damage and/or loss attributable to such failrue. 3.装船单据: Shipping documents: (A)卖方凭下列单据向付款银行议付货款: (a)填写通知目的口岸中国对外贸易运输公司分公司的空白抬头、空白背书的全套已装船清洁海运提单(如系成本加运费条款则注明运费已付,如系离岸价条款则注明运费待收)。(b)已签署的发票5份,注明合同号及装船码头。(c)注明尺码的装箱单/或重量单2份。(d)本交货条款第5条规定的品质检验证明书及数量或重量证明书各1份。(e)本交货条款第2条规定的按港通知电报副狈荨 The Sellers shall present the following documents to the paying bank for negotiation of paymenta)Full set of clean on board,"freight prepaid" for C﹠F Terms or "freight to |
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