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标题 英文合同



英文合同 篇1









第一条 本合同规定____ 年贷款额为人民币(大写)____ 万元,用于____ 。

第二条 借款方和贷款方必须共同遵守贷款办法,有关贷款事项按办法规定办理。

第三条 贷款自支用之日起,按实际支用数计收利息,利率为月息____ ‰,超计划贷款的超过部分利率为月息____ ‰,逾期贷款加计利息20%,挪用贷款挪用部分加罚利息50%。

第四条 贷款方保证按照本合同的规定供应资金,贷款方如因工作差错贻误用款,以致借款方遭受损失时,应按直接经济损失,由贷款方负责赔偿。

第五条 贷款方有权检查贷款使用情况。检查时,借款方对调阅有关文件、帐册、凭证和报表,查核物资库存和施工生产情况等,必须给予方便。

第六条 借款方如违反合同和贷款办法的规定,贷款方有权停止贷款,提前收回部分或全部贷款。

第七条 担保方对借款方归还贷款本息承担责任,如果借款方未按期清偿贷款本息时,担保方应在接到贷款方还款通知后一个月内负责归还。

第八条 本合同有效期:自____ 年____ 月____ 日起,至___ _ 年____ 月____ 日为止。


借款方:____________(盖章)________ 代表人____________

贷款方:____________(盖章)________ 代表人____________

担保方:____________(盖章)________ 代表人____________

Contract Number: _____________

BORROWER: ________________

Address: _________________

LENDER: __________________

Address: _________________

In accordance with provisions of Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and Bank of China, after reviewing the status and the request of the Borrower, the Lender agrees to grant the Borrower a line of credit on . The Borrower, Lender and Guarantor, through friendly negotiation, have executed this Contract as follows:


1. The Currency under this loan is Reiminbi.

2. The Line of the loan is yuan.

3. The period of this loan is 12 months from the date of effectiveness of this contract.


1. The purpose of this loan is used for working capital turnover.

2. Without written approval of the Lender, the Borrower could not use the loan out of the scope of the purpose.


1. Interest rate: The interest rate shall be [***] During the loan term, if the countrys related authority adjusted the interest rate or the manner of calculation of interest, the interest of this

英文合同 篇2

Contract No.: LYLS-01-20121228


Date: 20xx-12-28


Place: ZIYANG, CHINA 合 同 Contract 合同号:


The buyers: Sichuan LianYou Textile Industry Corporation (LMT)

General Manager: Huang De


The sellers: German Textile Machinery Company

Sales Manager: David Paul


This contract is made by and between the buyer and the seller: whereby the buyer and the seller agree to the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated below:

1. 商品名称和规格

Name of Commodity and Specification

Name of Commodity :Flexible Rapier Loom抗扰箭杆织布机

Specifications: MIG,德国最新生产MIG型号


Unit price: USD$150000.00/set CIF5% SHANGHAI, CHINA

Total value: USD$ 7500000.00

2. 原产国及制造厂商:

Country of origin & manufacturer: Germany

3. 装运期限:

Shipping date: NOT LATER THAN MAR 30, 20xx

4. 装运口岸:

Port of loading: Hamburger Germany

  5. 到货口岸

Port of destination: SHANGHAI, CHINA

6. 付款条件:

Terms of payment: 100% of the total value will be paid by L/C at 90 days at sight.

7. 包装:需用适合长途海运,防潮、防湿、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运的包装,由包装不良


Packing: The packages should be suitable for long distance freight transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers.

  8. 装运条款:卖方保证按时将合同所述货物运往买方港口。

Terms of shipment: The seller shall ship the goods within the shipping date from the port of shipment to the

port of destination. Transshipment is not allowed without the buyer’s consent.

  9. 装运通知:货物全部装船后,卖方将于10个工作日内将合同编号、商品名称、数量、毛重、发票金额、船名和开船日期传真通知买方。

Shipping advice: The seller shall within 10 working days after the completion of the loading of the goods advise by fax the buyers of the contract No., commodity, quantity, invoice value, gross weight, name of vessel and date of sailing.

10. 保险:

Insurance: Insurance shall be covered by the seller for 110% of the invoice value against Additional Risks and Strike Risks 11. 检验: Inspection 卖方须在装运前15日委托德国机械进出口检验机构对本合同之货物进行检验并出具检验证书,货到目的港后,由买方委托中国进出口货物检验机构进行检验。 The Seller shall have the goods inspected by 15 days before the shipment and have the Inspection Certificate issued by German Machinery I/E Inspection Bureau. The Buyer may have the goods reinspected by China I/E Inspection Corporation Shanghai Branch after the goods arrived at the destination.

12. 索赔:货物到达买方后,买方应向中国进出口商品检验检疫局申请对质量、规格、数量进行初步检验,并出具检验证明书,如发现货物品质、规格、数量与合同不符,除保险公司或船运公司应负责的以外,买方在货到90天内有权换货或索赔,一切费用(如商检费、相关的运费、保险费etc)由卖方承担。

Claims: Within 90 days after the arrival of goods at destination should be quality, specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. the buyers shall, on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China have the right to claim for replacement with new goods or for compensation and all the expenses (such as inspection charges, freight for returning the goods and for sending the replacement insurance premium) shall be borne by the sellers.

12. 仲裁:凡有关本合同或执行本合同而发生的一切争执,应通过友好协商解决。如不能解决,则应申请进行仲裁。仲裁将在中国贸易促进委员会仲裁委员会进行。其做出的裁决是最终的,买卖双方均应受其约束,任何一方不得向法院或其他机关申请变更。仲裁费用由败诉方负担。

Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiation, in case no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the case under dispute shall be submitted for arbitration to the China Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Beijing in accordance with the provisional rules of procedures promulgated by the said arbitration commission. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties for revising the decision. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing part.

  13. 不可抗力:由于人力不可抗拒事故,而卖方交货迟延或不能交货时,责任不在卖方,但卖方应立即将事故通知买方,并于事故发生后十四天内将事故发生地政府主管机关出具的事故证明用空邮寄交卖方为证。

Force Majeure: The seller shall not be held responsible for any delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. However, the seller shall advise the buyer immediately of such occurrence and within 14 days thereafter, the seller shall send by airmail to the buyers for their acceptance a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authorities of the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof.

14. 附加条款:本合同一式二份买卖双方各执一份。

Supplements and other terms: This contract is made in two originals, one original to be held by each party. The original pieces have the same law effect to each party. All the disputes would be solved by the buyer within the people’s court of Sichuan province according to the Contract Law of PRC.

英文合同 篇3

Mrs. Ghazala Waheed wo Abdul Waheed, Adult, Ro House No.***-*, DHA, Lahore Cantt, (hereinafter to as the LESSOR of the ONE PART).


Mr.* ***,Ro China, refereed to as the LESSEE of the OTHER PART.(Expression “LESSOR”

and “LESSEE” wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their reective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees).

WHEREAS the LESSOR is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of House No,***-*,DHA,

Lahore Cantt, consisting of 4 Bedrooms with bath, DD,TV; Lounge, Kitchen, Store, Servant, Quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the DEMISED PREMISES).

AND WHEREAS the LESSOR has agreed the lease and the LESSEE has agreed to take on lease the DEMISED PREMISES on the terms and condition as given below:-

1.This agreement in only valid if LESSEE is renewed and extended for the lease period.

2. The LESSOR lets LESSEE takes the DEMISSED PREMISES for a period of 2 months

Commencing from 5th January xx年,自 年 月____日起至_______年____月____日止。

the tenancy shall be for a term of years,commencing on ______________and expiring on __________________.

4.2 租赁期满,如乙方不再根据此条款续约,甲方有权收回全部出租房屋,乙方应如


on expiry of the tenancy, if party b has not exercised its option to renew this agreement in accordance with this clause,party a has the right to repossess the entire leased property,and party b shall deliver the leased property to the party a provided always that party b shall have the option to renew this agreement upon giving prior written novice to party a of its intention to do so that least three(3) months before the expiration of this agreement.



5. 双方谈定的租金为每月____________________人民币,租金包括除水、电、液化气、电话费以外的一切管理费。

the rent for the leased property as agreed to by both parties is rmb___________yuan per month, which rent includes all management fee.

5.2 支付甲方壹个月的租金,应在每个月的第十天以前支付给甲方。

party b pay the rental fee before the tenth day of every calendar one month.

5.3 所有保证金、租金等费用均以人民币通过银行汇入甲方所提供的以下银行账户及户名:


all payments of security deposit,rent fee,etc heteunder shall be made be made by bank transfer rmb to party a's following account.

account no:________________________,user name:_____________bank:___ ________ __


security deposit:

6. 为确保出租房屋及其设施之安全并完好及租赁期内相关费用之如期结算,乙方同意于签订合同 0天内支付给甲方贰个月租金的租赁押金计__________________人民币作为乙方确保合同履行之保证金。乙方搬入后十天内付壹个与租金计______________人民币。

to ensure the protection and good condition of the leased property and the related facilities as well as the prompt payment and settlement of all related charges during the term of tenancy,party b agrees to pay to party a with 0 days when the execution of this agreement a security for party b’s obligations hereunder. when party b move in,party b pay one month’s rental in the amount of___________with 0days.

6.2 除合同另有约定之外,甲方应于租赁期满或此合同提前终止之期且乙方透空、点清并付清所有应付费用后,当天将保证金全额无息退还乙方,如保证金以人民币支付,届时也应以人民币形式退还。

unless otherwise provided in this agreement, party a shall return to party b the entire security deposit without interest thereon upon expiration or soonder detemination of this agreement provide that party b has vzcated the leased property and settled all related charges. if this security deposit was paid in rmb,it shall be returned to party b in the form of rmb.


other charges:


during the term of tenancy,party b is reonsible for paying the charges in relation to water, electricity, gas,telephone charges on the basis of the amount of such utilities party b uses. such charges shall be paid when due according to the invoice therefore received by party b from the management company or relevant authority every month.


party a’s obligations:

8. 甲方须按时将出租房屋及其家私家具用品与其设施以良好状态交付乙方使用。

party a shall deliver on schedule to party bvacant possession of the leased property including the furniture,furnishing and appliances and the related facilities for party b’s use(furniture,furnishing and appliances to be detailed in appendisl.)

8.2 租赁期内甲方不得收回出租房屋(除非本合同另有规定),甲方保证乙方可不受干扰的享用该物业。

party a shall not repossess the leased property during the term of party a disturb of interfere with party b’s quiet enjoyment of the leased property.

8.3 在乙方遵守本合同的条款及支付租金的前提下,乙方有权于租赁期内拒绝甲方或其他人骚扰而安静享用出租房屋。

proviede that party b pays the rent and performs and observes party b’s terms and conditions in accordavce with this agreement, party b shall be entitled to hold and enjoy the leased property throughout the term of this tenancy without any interruption by party a or any other person.

8.4 租赁期内出租房屋的结构,进出物业的排水、上下管道、电路等处于良好使用状态。

party a agrees to repair and maintain the structure,drains, pipes and cables, etc.leading in to or from the leased property at all times in good and tenable repair during the term of this tenancy.


party b’s obligations:

9. 乙方应按合同的规定,按时支付租金,保证金及其他各项应付费用。

party b shall promptly pay all rent ,security deposit and other charges payable by it in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

9.2 乙方应爱护使用出租房屋,如因乙方的过失或过错致使房屋设施及屋内用具和饰品受到损坏(正常损耗除外),乙方应负赔偿责任。

paryt b shall treat the leased property with care. if as a result of party b’s negligence or misconduct, the leased property and the related facilities and accessorties suffer any damage(fair wear and tear excepted ),party b shall be reonsible for compensating party a for such damages.

9.3 乙方应按本合同的约定合法使用出租房屋,不得擅自改变使用性质,不应存放中华人民共和国法律下所禁止的危险物品,如因此发生损害,乙方应承担全部责任。

party b shall use the leased property legally as agreed in this agreement and may not change such use on its own…party b shall not store any dangerous items which are prohibited by the laws in the people’s republic of china in the leased property and shall be fully reonsible for any admages of losses as result thereof.

9.4 未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方不得将出租房屋转租或租给其他的第三者。

without party a’s prior written consent ,party b may not assign the tenancy or sublet the leased property to a third party.


breach of agreement :

10. 1 甲、乙任何一方如未按本合同的条款履行,构成违约,应承担相应的违约责任。双方同意违约方应赔偿守约方之直接损失人民币____________元。

if either party a or party b fails to perform its obligations hereunder ,it shall constitute a breach of this agreement and the defaulting party shall be liable for the liabilities resulting from such breach. the parties agree that the party in breach shall pay the other party compensation ____________________for the direct loss and damage suffered by the other party as result of such breach .

10.2 乙方有下列行为之一的,甲方有权终止本合同,收回出租房屋,并且保证金不予返还;

party a shall have the right to terminage this agreement ,repossess the leased property and forfeit the security deposit if party b commits one of the following:


sublets the leased property without party a’s written consent;


alters the structure of the leased property or uses the leased property other than for the purpose started herein without party a’s consent;


fails to pay rent without any reason for more than thirty (30)days after the due date except where there is a diute in reect of this agreement.


applicable law:


the formation of this agreement ,its validity,interpretation,executiong and settlement of any diutes arising hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the people’s republic of china.


diute resolution:


in the case of diutes arising over this agreement of any matters related hereto ,the parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve such diutes.if such negotiation fails, the parties shall submit the diute to arbitration by the china international economic and trade arbitration commission in accordance with its arbitration rules and the arbitration law of the people’s republic of china.the decision of the arbitration body is final and shall be binding on the parties hereto.



13. 1 本合同如有未尽事宜,由甲、乙双方洽谈解决。

if this agreement it unclear with reect to certain matters, the two parties shall discuss to resolve such ambiguities.

13.2 本合同由中、英文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。

this agreement is written both in the chinese and english languages.both versions shall be equally authentic.

13.3 本合同经双方签字后立即生效,未经双方同意,不得任意终止或修改,本合同另有约定除外,本合同一式二份,甲、乙双方各执一份。

this agreement shall become effective upon the signing thereof by the parties hereto an registration with the relevant and except as provided in this agreement ,this agreement may not bye terminated or amended without the consent of both parties.there are two(2) originals of this agreement ,one for party a,one for party b.

本合同于__________年 月_____日签订。

this agreement was signed in __________________on ________________

甲方: 乙方:

partya: partyb:

盖章: 盖章:

seal: seal:

地址: 地址:

address: address:

电话: 电话:

telephone number: telephone number:

传真: 传真:

英文合同 篇4


Jinyuan Garments & Accessories Co., Ltd





DATEJune 22, 20xx


联系电话:+537 070 186 532传真:+537 070 186 532

BUYERThe United States 5th Avenue clothing hypermarket

TEL: +537 070 186 532 FAX: +537 070


联系电话:0595—7656300 传真:0595—7656300



TEL: 0595—7656300 FAX: 0595—7656300

双方同意按下列条款由买方购进卖方售出下列商品: The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as below :

(1) 货物名称及规格,包装及装运标志 | (2) 数 量(件)| (3) 单 价(美元) | (4) 总 价(美元)

Name of Commodity, Specifications, QuantityUnit Price ($)Total Amount($)

Packing and Shipping Marks

金苑20xx新品衬衫,货号:A22105400024.00 96000.00

Jinyuan20xx New Shirt, Item No.A22105 4000 24.00 96000.00

金苑20xx新品衬衫,货号:H22103400024.70 98800.00

Jinyuan20xx New Shirt , Item No.h22103 4000 24.70 98800.00

金苑20xx新品衬衫,货号:A22111400021.30 85200.00

Jinyuan20xx New Shirt , Item NoA22111 400021.30 85200.00

金苑20xx新品休闲淑女裤, 600030.50 183000.00


Jinyuan 20xx New Casual Lady pants 6000 30.50183000.00

Item No.:C22105

金苑20xx新品休闲七分裤, 600032.40 194400.00

Jinyuan20xx New Casual Cropped pants6000 32.40 194400.00


Item No. C22108



材料:50%—80%棉,20%—50%涤纶;Material: 50%-80% cotton 20%-50% dacron

尺寸:S—XL,每种款式各个尺寸配送 Size:S-XL, The distribution number of each style in all size,

namely each size distribute 1/4 of the total number



颜色:每种产品所具有的颜色都配送相 Color:the color of each kind of product distribute the same quantity.namely distribution quantity=total number/the number of color


包装:单件产品用透明塑料袋包装,每个Packing:A single product with a transparent plastic bag

纸箱装50件尺寸一致的产品,纸箱外部 50 pieces of products in each carton of the same size

由防水袋包裹,内置50克干燥剂一袋,Wrapped by waterproof bag, with a bag of 50 grams desiccant

纸箱规格为60*70*900(mm);并配 Carton standard 60*70*900(mm)

送24000个金苑服饰购物袋。Distribute 24000 pieces of Jinyuan shipping bags.


Shipping mark 总计: Total No. (装运数量允许有2%的增减 Shipping Quantity Two Percent More or Less Allowed)

(5) 装运期限



(1) 装运口岸 福建泉州新港

Port of shipment

(2) 目的口岸 伊丽莎白港

Port of Destination

(3) 保险投保


(4) 付款条件


该信用证必须在 45天 前开到卖方, 信用证的有效期应为装船期后15天, 在上述装运口岸

到期, 否则卖方有权取消本售货合约并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权 .

The covering Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers 45 Days Prior to the Shipment Date

and is to remain valid in above indicated Loading Ports 15 days after the date of shipment, failing

which the Sellers reserve the right to cancel this Sales Contract and to claim from the Buyers

compensation for losses resulting therefrom.


(1)异议 : 品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30天内提出,数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日 ALL RISK AND WAR RISK COVERED BY BUYER

起15天内提出。 但均须提供经卖方同意的公证行的检验证明. 如责任属于卖方者卖方于收到异议20天内答复买方并提出处理意见.

QUALITY/QUANTITY DISCREPANCY: In case of quality discrepancy, claim shou

ld be filed by the Buyers within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyers within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. In all cases, claims must be accompanied by Survey Reports of Recognized Public Surveyors agreed to by the Sellers. Should the responsibility of the subject under claim be found to rest on part of the Sellers, the Sellers shall, within 20 days after receipt of the claim, send his reply to the Buyers together with suggestion for settlement..


The Sellers reserve the option of shipping the indicated percentage more or less than the quantity hereby contracted, and the Letter of Credit shall be negotiated for the amount covering the value of quantity actually shipped. (The Buyers are requested to establish the L/C in accord with the indicated percentage over the total value of order as per this Sales Contract.)

(3)信用证内容须严格符合本售货合约的规定,否则修改信用证的费用由买方负担,卖方亦 不负因修改信用证而延误装运的责任。并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。

The contents of the Letter of Credit shall be in strict accordance with stipulations of the Sales Contract; in case of any variation thereof necessitating amendment of the L/C, the Buyers shall bear the expenses for effecting the amendment. The sellers shall not be held responsible for possible delay of shipment resulting from awaiting the amendment of the L/C, and reserve the right to claim from the Buyers compensation for the losses resulting therefrom..

(4)除经约定保险归买方投保者外,由卖方向中国的保险公司投保。如买方须增加保险额或 须加保其他险,可于装船前提出,经买方同意后代为投保,其费用由买方负担。

Except where the insurance is covered by the Buyers as arranged, insurance is to be covered by the Sellers with a Chinese insurance company. If insurance for additional amount and/or for other insurance terms is required by the Buyers, prior notice to this effect must reach the Sellers before shipment and is subject to the Sellers’ agreement, and the extra insurance premium shall be for the Buyers’ account..



The Buyers are requested to send the Sellers authentic copy of the License-application (endorsed by the relative bank) filed by the Buyers and to advise the Sellers by fax immediately when the said License is obtained. Should the Buyers intend to file reapplication for License in cases of rejection of the original application, the Buyers shall contact the Sellers and obtain the latter’s consent before filing reapplication..

(6)商品检验:产地证明书或中国有关机构所签发的品质数量/重量检验证,作为品质数量/ 重


INSPECTION:The Certificate of Origin and/or the Inspection Certification ofQuality/Quantity/Weight issued by the relative institute shall be taken as the basis for the shipping Quality/Quantity/Weight..



The Sellers shall not be held responsible if they owing to Force Majeure cause or causes fail to make

delivery within the time stipulated in this Sales contrast or cannot delivery the goods. However the Sellers shall inform immediately the Buyers by fax. . The Sellers shall delivery to the Buyers by registered letter, if it is requested by the Buyers, a certificate issued by the China council for the Promotion of International Trade or by any competent authority, certifying to the existence of the said cause or causes. Buyers’ failure to obtain the relative Import license is not to be treated as Force Majeure.

(8)仲裁 : 凡因执行本合约或有关本合约所发生的一切争执,双方应以友好方式协商解决, 如果协商不能解决,应提交北京中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会根据中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会的仲裁程序暂行规则进行仲裁,仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。

ARBITRATION : All disputes arising in connection with the Sales Contract of the executionthereof shall be settled amicably by negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case under dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Trade Arbitration commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Foreign Trade Arbitration commission of the China council for the Promotion of International Trade. The decision of the Commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties.


THE BUYERS:The United States 5th Avenue clothing hypermarket

THE SELLERS: China Fujian Jinyuan Garments Co., Ltd.


Buyer representative signature: Seller representative signature:

英文合同 篇5


反稀释条款 The Conversion Price shall be adjusted on a full-ratchet basis for issuance of any securities of the Company at a purchase price less than the then-effective conversion price. Additionally, the Conversion Price shall be proportionally adjusted for share splits, share dividends, recapitalizations and the like.


Protective Provisions

保护性条款 The consent of 75% of the CN holders will be required for any of the following actions of the Company and its subsidiaries:


1) Amendment to the Memorandum of Articles of Association


2) Make any material change in the nature of its business


3) Merger, consolidation, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, or winding-up


4) Acquire, grant an operating right in relation to or otherwise dispose of any shares or securities or material part of its business or assets (excluding current assets)


5) Sell, mortgage, pledge, lease, transfer or otherwise dispose of a substantial portion of assets 重大资产的出售、抵押、担保、租赁、转让或处置

6) Issuance of equity or debt securities, repurchase or redemption of any equity security: re-classification of issued securities; increases, decreases or alters the existing issued share capital 股权或债权证券的发行,任何股权证券的赎回,已发行证券的重新分类,现有股本的增加、减少或改变

7) Declaration or payment of dividends


8) Enter into any joint venture, partnership or consortium arrangement


9) Termination, or material amendment to the terms of stock option plan including number of options, vesting period, and exercise price of options


10) Any loans to any director, officer or employee


11) Any related party transaction outside the ordinary course of business


12) Incurrence of any external borrowing by the Company which exceeds US$ [ ], or a series of external borrowing by the Company which in the aggregate over any 12 month period exceed US$ [ ].

公司超过[ ]美元的任何外部借贷,或12个月内累计超过[ ]美元的一系列外部借贷的发生

13) Change the terms of employment of any employee whose base salary is in excess of US$50,000 per annum


14) Hire or dismiss key management staff


15) Enter into any contract or arrangement which involves a consideration or payment exceeding US$[ ] to be made within any one year

任何1年内须支付对价超过[ ]美元的合同或安排的达成

16) Change of the Auditors or any material change in accounting practices or policies


17) Select the listing exchange or the underwriters for an IPO or approve the valuation and terms and conditions for the IPO, whether or not the IPO is a Qualified IPO


18) Annual budget including capital expenditure.


Undertakings by Founders

创始人股东保证 The Founders undertakes with the Investors that, at all times after the Closing Date, they will not sell or transfer any of their shares prior to the completion of a Qualified IPO, unless the prior written consent is obtained from the Investors.


Pre-emptive Rights

优先购买权 The Investors shall have a pro-rata right, based on their percentage equity ownership on a as-if converted basis, to participate in any subsequent equity financing of the Company on the same price and terms and conditions as the Company proposes to offer such new securities. The Investors will have a right to subscribe any portion of the new issue that is not subscribed by the existing shareholders.


Right of First Refusal, and Co-Sale Rights

优先受让权和共同出售权 The Investors shall have first refusal rights and co-sale rights whereby any holder of Ordinary Shares who proposed to sell all or a portion of his shares to a third party must first permit the investors at their option (i) to purchase such shares on the same terms as the proposed transferee, or (ii) sell a proportionate part of their shares on the same terms offered by the proposed transferee. Such rights of first refusal and co-sale rights would terminate upon the closing of a Qualified IPO.

投资人享有优先受让权和共同销售权,任何欲向第三方出售全部或部分股份的普通股股东须首先允许投资人 (i) 以与拟受让人同等条款购买该股份,或 (ii) 以同等条款按比例向拟受让人出售股份。合格IPO完成后,该优先受让权和共同出售权即终止。

Information Rights

信息获取权 The Company shall provide to all Investors:


1) audited consolidated profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and statements of cash flow of the Company within three (3) months after the end of each financial year;


2) monthly management accounts of the Company and individual company standard accounts for each entity within the Company, to be provided within 15 business days after each month end; 每月度结束后15个工作日内提供公司月度管理报表及公司内每一主体单独的标准报表;

3) quarterly consolidated management accounts within 30 days after each quarter end;


4) annual budgets and forecasts not less than 30 days prior to the commencement of each financial year;


5) all other information which Investors may reasonably require within 7 days of the Company’s receipt of a notice requesting such information, or a clear demonstration of best efforts if more than 7 days are required;


6) full details of any progress in relation to any IPO of all or part of the business as soon as practicable;


7) access to books and records, the facilities, properties, management, employees, and accounting and legal advisors of the Company at any reasonable time after reasonable prior notice by Investors;


8) prompt notification of any withdrawal of bank facilities of the Company, and the Company’s best efforts to restore adequate banking facilities;


9) prompt notification of any material litigation or any circumstances that would likely give rise to material litigation; and


10) prior notification of any change in the equity percentages of any subsidiary or affiliate, or any joint venture to which the Company is a party.


All financial statements shall be prepared to Investors in English and prepared in accordance with IAS.


These information rights shall terminate upon the IPO of the Company.


Registration Rights

注册权 1) Demand, S-3, F-3 or Equivalent, and Piggyback Rights: The specific terms of registration rights would include at least the following: (i) starting three years after the Closing Date, the holders of 50% of the outstanding CN may request a Form F-1 registration statement to be filed; (ii) starting one year after the IPO, two (2) demand registrations upon request of holders of 50% of the outstanding CN on Form S-3 or F-3 or equivalent if listed on a non-US stock exchange; (iii) unlimited piggyback registrations in connection with registrations of shares for the account of the Company or selling shareholders exercising demand rights; and (iv) cut-back provisions providing that registrations must include at least 25% of the shares requested to be included by the holders of registrable securities and employees, directors, etc. must be cut back before the holders of registrable securities would be cut back.

要求注册、按S-3、F-3(或相当的表格)注册和附带注册权:注册权的特定条款至少包括如下内容:(i) 本次融资完成3年后,持有50%已发行可转换债券的股东有权要求公司向美国SEC提交F-1注册申请; (ii) IPO后1年内,持有50%已发行可转换债券的股东有权向公司提出两次按S-3、F-3(或相当的表格,若在美国之外的股票交易所挂牌)请求注册; (iii) 次数不限的当公司或其他出售股票的股东注册时的附带注册权或与其相当的权利;以及 (iv) 注册削减条款:任何注册削减条款应规定,所有注册(除与IPO相关的注册)应至少满足原持有人要求注册数的25%,且股东要求的注册数被削减的前提是公司的董事、高管、员工、顾问和普通股股东要求的注册数首先被削减。

2) Expenses: The Company would bear the registration expenses (excluding underwriting discounts and commissions but including all other expenses related to the registration) of all such demand, piggyback and S-3, F-3 or equivalent registration.


3) Transfer of Rights: The registration rights may be transferred.


4) Termination: The registration rights would terminate on the earlier date of: (1) five (5) years after the closing of this financing, or (2) when any holder can sell all of such holder’s shares in any three-month period without registration pursuant to Rule 144 under the 1934 Act.

权利的终止:注册权在下述较早实现之日终止:(1) 本次融资完成5年后,或 (2) 任何股东可以依据美国1934年《证券交易法》第144条在任何3个月期内出售所有股份而不必登记之时。


排他性 The Investors will have the exclusive right to negotiate and complete the Investment for a period of eight weeks from the signing of this Term Sheet. During this Exclusive Period, neither the Company, nor the Founders, shall provide information, solicit or entertain proposals, or conduct any discussion or negotiation with any third party regarding the issuance of shares or other securities or instruments by the Company, or any other subsidiary or affiliate of the Company.



费用 The Company shall bear all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by the Investors in relation to the Investors’ investment contemplated under this Term Sheet including but not limited to the preparation, negotiation and execution of Transaction Documents and the legal, financial, commercial and technical due diligence undertaken by the Investors, up to a maximum limit of US$200,000.


In the event Completion does not take place, the Company and the Investors shall bear their own costs and expenses, provided that if the Company unilaterally decides not to proceed with Completion, the Company shall bear all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the Investors in relation to the Investors’ intended investment under this Term Sheet including but not limited to the preparation and negotiation of the Transaction Documents and the due diligence undertaken by the Investors, up to a maximum limit of US$200,000.



保密性 The terms and conditions stipulated in this Term Sheet, including its existence, and the information about the Company shall be confidential information and shall not be disclosed to any third party unless required by applicable law or regulations of any stock exchange. This restriction does not apply to employees, legal counsels, accountants, and other professional advisors of the Company, the Founders, or the Investors, on a need-to-know basis.


Language of Performance

履行语言 All notices, communications, and proceedings relating to this Investment and the exercise or performance of the parties’ respective rights and duties will be in English.



终止 The CN and CN Holders’ rights hereunder terminate upon the closing of any Qualified IPO, except for any public offering or registration rights, which continue for the respective agreed periods. In the event of a Qualified IPO, the terms of the CNs and CNs will have to be disclosed in the offering document / prospectus and therefore the confidentiality clause can no longer be able to complied with.


英文合同 篇6

THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE is made on this 16th day of December 20xxby and BETWEEN:

Mrs. Ghazala Waheed w/o Abdul Waheed, Adult, R/o House No.***-*, DHA, Lahore Cantt, (hereinafter to as the LESSOR of the ONE PART).And Mr.* ***,R/o China, refereed to as the LESSEE of the OTHER PART.(Expression “LESSOR”and “LESSEE” wherever the context so permit shall always mean and include their respective heirs, successors legal representative and assignees).

WHEREAS the LESSOR is the lawful owner and in lawful possession of House No,***-*,DHA,Lahore Cantt, consisting of 4 Bedrooms with bath, D/D,TV; Lounge, Kitchen, Store, Servant, Quarter together with fixtures and fitting (hereinafter collectively called the DEMISED PREMISES).

AND WHEREAS the LESSOR has agreed the lease and the LESSEE has agreed to take on lease the DEMISED PREMISES on the terms and condition as given below:

1. This agreement in only valid if LESSEE is renewed and extended for the lease period.

2. The LESSOR lets LESSEE takes the DEMISSED PREMISES for a period of 12 months Commencing from 15th January 20xx. The Lease is renewable for a further period as may be mutually agreed in writing on expiry of the lease period

3. The rent of the DEMISED PREMISES shall be USD3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) per month

4. The LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of USD.19,800/-(US dollars Nineteen Thousand and eight Hundred Only) per month.

5. It is hereby agreed between the parties that the LESSEE shall pay the aforesaid monthly rent

USD. 3,300/-(US dollars Three Thousand and Three hundred Only) as the monthly rental advance by 20th of each calendar month for which if is due after completion of advance rent period ending on 15th July 20xx.

6. That the LESSOR hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of Rs.60,000/-(Rupees Sixty Thousand Only) from the LESSEE as FIXED EDPOSIT SECURITY which shall be refunded to the LESSEE on giving back the vacant possession of the DEMISED PREMISES after deduction of damages/shortages outstanding bills for Electricity, Water, Gas and Telephone charges etc, against the DEMISED PREMISES.


To pay to the LESSOR the rent hereby reserved in the manner before mentioned.

Signature: Signature:

Stamp: Stamp:

Date: Date:

英文合同 篇7








surety :




this contract is made in line with the contract law of the peoples republic of china and the general provisions of loans of the peoples bank of china to specify the rights and obligations of parties involved.

借 贷 条 款

loan borrowing clause

第一条 借款金额。见36.1

article 1. amount of loan: refer to 36.1

第二条 借款用途。见36.2

article 2. purpose of loan: refer to 36.2

第三条 借款期限。

article 3. life of loan


3.1 refer to 36.3



3.2 a certificate of indebtedness or a loan voucher is an integral part of this contract. the date of advance and payment due date shall follow the date specified on the certificate of indebtedness or loan voucher . where there is any inconsistency between the stipulations on the certificate of indebtedness or loan voucher and the terms and conditions on this contract except date, the latter shall prevail.

第四条 借款划付。在借款人办妥借款手续后5个营业日内将全部款项划至借款人指定的账户,划付次数、时间、金额见 36.4 .

第五条 article 4 transferring of loan. the full amount of loan shall be transferred to an account designated by the borrower within 5 working days from the date of completing borrowing procedure. refer to 36.4 for the frequency, time and amount of transferring

第五条 借款利率和计息。

article 5. interest rate of loan and calculation

5.1借款利率。本合同项下借款利率根据国家有关规定,确定利率见36。5 .遇利率调整时,借款期限在1年(含)以下的,执行合同利率,不分段计息;借款期限在1年以上的,实行分段计息,从利率调整的次年1月1日开始,按相应利率的档次执行新的利率;如借款人未按约定时间归还借款本息或未按合同约定用途使用借款,贷款人将按国家规定对借款人计收罚息,罚息率见36.6.

5.1 interest rate of loan: the interest rate under this contract is specified in 36.5 in line with relevant rules. in case of change of interest rate, the interest rate stipulated in the contract shall prevail for loans with a life of less than or equal to one year; for loans with a life exceeding one year, the interest shall be calculated on a multi-stage basis, i.e. from next jan. 1st following the adjustment of interest rate, the new rate shall prevail. in case the borrower fails to repay the principal and interest before the due date, or fails to use the loan for purposes as agreed in this contract, the lender shall be entitled to collect default interest in line with relevant rules. the default interest rate is specified in 36.6.


5.2 in case of calculating interest on multi-stage basis due to adjustment of interest rate, the lender shall be entitled to adjust the interest rate on his own without further notice to the borrower.

第六条 还款方式。

article 6 type of repayment of loan

6.1借款人应在贷款人开设帐户,户名和帐号见 36.7 ,并保证在每次还款日前足额存入当期应还款项的存款。借款人在此授权贷款人从借款人该帐户中扣收借款本金、利息和可能发生的复利、罚息、违约金、保费、损害赔偿金及实现债权的费用(含律师费和诉讼费)如该帐户资产不足以归还到期的贷款本息,贷款人有权从借款人在中国工商银行任何分支机构开立的任何帐户划收。

6.1 the borrower should open an account with the lender( the account name and account number are specified in 36.7.) and promise to deposit sufficient money for repayment before each due date. the borrower hereby authorizes the lender to collect , if any, compound interest, default interest, liquidated damage, premium, compensation and expenses arising from the realization of creditors right (including lawyers fee and court expense)in addition to due principal and interest of loan. in case the asset in this account is not enough for repayment of due principal and interest, the lender shall be entitled to collect from any account opened by the borrower with any branch of icbc.

6.2贷款人与借款人双方商定,自贷款发放次月起,借款人按月归还贷款本息(一次性还本付息除外),还款期数及还款方式见 36.8 .

6.2 the borrower shall repay the principal and interest on a monthly basis (except repaying principal and interest in a lump sum) from the second month following the issuing of loan , as agreed between the borrower and lender. the repayment tenors and type are specified in 36.8.


6.3 in case of multi-stage calculation of interest as specified in 5.1 due to adjustment of interest rate during the life of loan, the repayment amount for loans with a life exceeding one year shall be recalculated on the basis of balance of unpaid loan and the rest of repayment tenor from next jan. 1st following the adjustment of interest rate.


6.4 repayment of the loan ahead of schedule by the borrower shall be subject to written consent from the lender. the interest of prepaid amount should be calculated on the basis of rate specified in this contract and actual days.

第七条 担保方式。本合同的担保人及担保方式见 36.9.具体约定由本合同中相应的担保条款确足。

article 7 guaranty type. the guarantor and guaranty type under this contract is specified in 36.9. the specific stipulations are stated in corresponding guaranty clauses.

第八条 借款人的权利、义务。

article 8 rights and obligations of the borrower.


8.1 rights of the borrower.


obtain and use the loan for the period and purposes as agreed in this contract.





随着市场经济的发展,经济生活较为宽裕,资金使用效益被受到重视,民间债权债务关系日趋增多。那么,怎样才能较好的保护民间债权债务关系的合法有序以及当事人的合法权益呢?我们的处理经验是 :















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