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单词 base
释义 nounverbadjective🔑 baseBrE /beɪs/ NAmE /beɪs/ noun ➤ lowest part 底部🔑 [C , usually sing. ]the lowest part of sth , especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands 根基;基底;底座◆ the base of a column /glass 柱基;玻璃杯底座◆ a pain at the base of the spine 脊柱末端的疼痛◆ The lamp has a heavy base . 这盏灯的底座很沉。bottombase ⬥ foundation ⬥ footThese are all words for the lowest part of sth.以上各词均指底部、最下部。bottom[usually sing. ] the lowest part of sth指底部、最下部:◆Footnotes are given at the bottom of each page.脚注附于每页的下端。◆I waited for them at the bottom of the hill.我在山脚下等他们。base[usually sing. ] the lowest part of sth, especially the part or surface on which it rests or stands指根基、基底、底座:◆The lamp has a heavy base.这台灯的底座很沉。foundation[usually pl. ] a layer of bricks, concrete, etc. that forms the solid underground base of a building指地基、房基、基础:◆to lay the foundations of the new school给新校舍打地基foot[sing. ] the lowest part of sth指最下部、底部:◆At the foot of the stairs she turned to face him.她在楼梯底转过身来面对着他。bottom or foot?用 bottom 还是 foot?Foot is used to talk about a limited number of things: it is used most often with tree, hill/mountain, steps/stairs and page. Bottom can be used to talk about a much wider range of things, including those mentioned above for foot. Foot is generally used in more literary contexts. * foot 用于有限的一些事物,最常与 tree、hill/mountain、steps/stairs 和 page 等连用。bottom 适用的范围要广得多,其中也包括上面提到的与 foot 搭配的词。foot 一般用于文学性较强的语境中。Patternsat/near/towards the bottom/base/foot of sthon the bottom/base of sth(a) firm/solid/strong base/foundation(s)➤ original idea /situation 根源思想/状况🔑 [C ]an idea , a fact , a situation , etc . from which sth is developed 根据;出发点SYN basis◆ She used her family's history as a base for her novel . 她以她的家族史作为小说的素材。◆ His arguments have a sound economic base . 他的论点有充分的经济上的根据。basisfoundation ⬥ baseThese are all words for the ideas or facts that sth is based on.以上各词均指基础、根据。basis[usually sing. ] a principle, an idea or a fact that supports sth and that it can develop from指基础、要素、基点:◆This article will form the basis for our discussion.这篇文章将作为我们讨论的基点。foundation[C , U ] a principle, an idea or a fact that supports sth and that it develops from指基本原理、基础、根据:◆Respect and friendship provide a solid foundation for marriage.尊重和友爱是婚姻的牢固基础。◆The rumour is totally without foundation(= is not based on any facts).这谣传毫无事实根据。basis or foundation?用 basis 还是 foundation?Foundation is often used to talk about larger or more important things than basis.与 basis 相比,foundation 常用以指更大、更重要的事物:◆He laid the foundations of Japan's modern economy.他奠定了日本现代经济的基础。◆These figures formed the basis of their pay claim.这些数字是他们要求提高工资的根据。base[usually sing. ] an idea, a fact or a situation from which sth is developed指根据、出发点:◆His arguments have a sound economic base.他的论点在经济上有充分的根据。Patternsa/the basis/foundation/base for/of stha secure/solid/sound/strong/weak basis/foundation/baseto form the basis/foundation/base of sthto be without basis/foundation➤ of support /income /power 支持;收入;力量[C , usually sing. ]the people , activity , etc . from which sb /sth gets most of their support , income , power , etc .(支持、收入、力量等的)来源,源泉,基础◆ These policies have a broad base of support . 这些政策得到广泛支持。◆ an economy with a solid manufacturing base 以制造业为坚实基础的经济体 ➡  see also customer base, power base(especiallyNAmE ) (BrE usuallybasic ) ~pay /salary /wage the pay that you get before anything extra is added 基本工资◆ All we got was base pay —we didn't reach profitability levels to award a bonus . 我们只拿到了基本工资,因为没有达到可发奖金的盈利水平。➤ first /main substance 首要/主要材料[C , usually sing. ]the first or main part of a substance to which other things are added 混合物的首要(或主要)成分◆ a drink with a rum base 主要成分为朗姆酒的饮料◆ Put some moisturizer on as a base before applying your make -up . 化妆前先搽些润肤霜打底。➤ main place 主要地方🔑 [C ]the main place where you live or stay or where a business operates from 据点;总部;大本营◆ I spend a lot of time in Britain but Paris is still my base . 我有很多时间在英国度过,但主要还是居住在巴黎。◆ The town is an ideal base for touring the area . 这个镇子是在这一地区旅游观光的理想据点。◆ The company has its base in New York , and branch offices all over the world . 公司总部设在纽约,分支遍及全世界。➤ of army , navy , etc .陆军、海军等🔑 [C , U ]a place where an army , a navy , etc . operates from 基地◆ a military /naval base 军事/海军基地◆ an air base 空军基地◆ After the attack , they returned to base . 他们发动攻击之后返回了基地。admiral , aircraft carrier , base , captain , command , fleet , navy , submarine , torpedo , warship ➤ chemistry 化学[C ]a chemical substance , for example an alkali, that can combine with an acid to form a salt 碱➤ mathematics 数学[C , usually sing. ]a number on which a system of counting and expressing numbers is built up , for example 10 in the decimal system and 2 in the binarysystem 基数(如十进制的 10 和二进制的 2)➤ in baseball /rounders 棒球;圆场棒球[C ]one of the four positions that a player must reach in order to score points 垒 ➡  see also database ● off base (NAmE , informal ) completely wrong about sth 完全错误◆ If that's what you think , you're way off base . 你如果那么想就全错了。● cover all the ˈbases to consider and deal with all the things that could happen or could be needed when you are arranging sth 考虑周全;面面俱到● not get to first ˈbase  (with sth /sb )(informal , especiallyNAmE ) to fail to make a successful start in a project , relationship , etc .; to fail to get through the first stage (工程、关系等)未能顺利开始,未能跨出第一步● touch ˈbase  (with sb )(informal ) to make contact with sb again 再次联系🔑 baseBrE /beɪs/ NAmE /beɪs/ verb present simple - I / you / we / they base BrE /beɪs/ NAmE /beɪs/ present simple - he / she / it bases BrE /ˈbeɪsɪz/ NAmE /ˈbeɪsɪz/ past simple based BrE /beɪst/ NAmE /beɪst/ past participle based BrE /beɪst/ NAmE /beɪst/  -ing form basing BrE /ˈbeɪsɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈbeɪsɪŋ/ [usually passive ]~sb /sth /yourself in… to use a particular city , town , etc . as the main place for a business , holiday /vacation , etc .以…为据点(或大本营等);把(总部等)设在◆ They decided to base the new company in York . 他们决定将新成立的公司总部设在约克。◆ We're going to base ourselves in Tokyo and make trips from there . 我们将以东京为据点到各地旅行。 ● ˈbase sth on /upon sth 🔑 to use an idea , a fact , a situation , etc . as the point from which sth can be developed 以…为基础(或根据)◆ What are you basing this theory on ? 你这理论的根据是什么? ➡  see also based🔑 baseBrE /beɪs/ NAmE /beɪs/ adjective  (baser , bas·est ) (formal ) not having moral principles or rules 卑鄙的;不道德的◆ He acted from base motives . 他的行动动机卑鄙。▸ base·ly BrE /ˈbeɪsli/ NAmE /ˈbeɪsli/ adverb 




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