单词 | ask |
释义 | verbnoun🔑 askBrE /ɑːsk/ NAmE /æsk/ verb present simple - I / you / we / they ask BrE /ɑːsk/ NAmE /æsk/ present simple - he / she / it asks BrE /ɑːsks/ NAmE /æsks/ past simple asked BrE /ɑːskt/ NAmE /æskt/ past participle asked BrE /ɑːskt/ NAmE /æskt/ -ing form asking BrE /ˈɑːskɪŋ/ NAmE /ˈæskɪŋ/ ➤ question 问题🔑 [I , T ]to say or write sth in the form of a question , in order to get information 问;询问◆ How old are you —if you don't mind me /my asking ?要是你不介意我提问,你多大年纪了?◆ ~about sb /sth He asked about her family . 他询问了她的家庭情况。◆ ~sth Can I ask a question ? 我能提个问题吗?◆ Did you ask the price ? 你问了价钱没有?◆ + speech 'Where are you going ?' she asked . “你去哪里?” 她问道。◆ ~sb + speech 'Are you sure ?' he asked her . “你有把握吗?” 他问她。◆ ~sb sth She asked the students their names . 她问了学生们的姓名。◆ I often get asked that ! 我常常被问到那件事!◆ ~sb (about sth )The interviewer asked me about my future plans . 采访者问了我的未来计划。◆ ~where , what , etc .… He asked where I lived . 他问我住在哪里。◆ ~sb where , what , etc .… I had to ask the teacher what to do next . 我不得不问老师下一步做什么。◆ I was asked if /whether I could drive .有人问我会不会开车。askenquire ⬥ demandThese words all mean to say or write sth in the form of a question, in order to get information.以上各词均含口头或书面询问之义。askto say or write sth in the form of a question, in order to get information指口头或书面提问、询问:◆'Where are you going?' she asked.“你去哪?” 她问道。◆She asked the students their names.她问了学生的姓名。◆Can I ask a question?我能提个问题吗?enquire/inquire(ratherformal ) to ask sb for information指询问、查询:◆I called the station to enquire about train times.我打电话到车站询问了火车时刻。demandto ask a question very firmly指严正地问、质问:◆'And where have you been?' he demanded angrily.“那你去了哪里?” 他怒气冲冲地质问道。Patternsto ask/enquire about/after sb/sthto ask/enquire/demand sth of sbto ask/enquire/demand what/who/how, etc.to ask/enquire politelyto ask/enquire/demand angrilyHELPYou cannot say 'ask to sb' .不能说 ask to sb◆ I asked to my friend what had happened .➤ request 请求🔑 [T ]to tell sb that you would like them to do sth or that you would like sth to happen 要求;请求◆ ~sb to do sth All the students were asked to complete a questionnaire . 全体学生都被要求填一份调查表。◆ Eric asked me to marry him . 埃里克求我嫁给他。◆ ~whether , what , etc .… I asked whether they could change my ticket . 我问他们是否可以给我换票。◆ ~sb whether , what , etc .… She asked me if I would give her English lessons . 她问我愿不愿意给她上英语课。◆ ~that… (formal ) She asked that she be kept informed of developments . 她要求继续向她报告事态发展情况。◆ (BrE also) She asked that she should be kept informed . 她要求继续向她报告有关情况。Asking for help请求帮助If you need help, people are more likely to react favourably if you ask politely.礼貌地求助更有可能让对方答应帮忙:◆Could you possibly help me?请问您能帮帮我吗?◆I wonder if you could give me a hand?不知道您能否帮我一个忙?◆Would you mind opening the door for me?请你帮我开开门好吗?◆I wonder if you'd mind taking a picture of us?不知道您是否愿意给我们拍张照片?◆Could I ask you to keep an eye on my luggage for a moment?请你帮我照看一下行李好吗?Responses回应:◆Yes, of course.行,当然可以。◆I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.对不起,我要赶时间。◆Sure.(informal or NAmE ) 没问题。🔑 [I , T ]to say that you would like sb to give you sth 请求,恳求(给予);征求◆ ~for sth to ask for a job /a drink /an explanation 求职;要一杯饮料;要求解释◆ I am writing to ask for some information about courses . 我写信是想了解关于课程的情况。◆ ~sth Why don't you ask his advice ? 你为什么不征询他的意见?◆ ~sb for sth Why don't you ask him for his advice ? 你为什么不征求他的意见?◆ ~sth of sb Can I ask a favour of you ? 我能请你帮个忙吗?◆ ~sb sth Can I ask you a favour ? 我能请你帮个忙吗?Asking for something请求给予某物Whether you are in shops or restaurants or in somebody's home, you can use polite questions to get what you want.在店铺、餐馆或别人家礼貌地请求给予某物,可用以下方式:◆Could I have a glass of water, please?请给我一杯水好吗?◆Do you have any decaffeinated coffee?你们有没有不含咖啡因的咖啡?◆I'd like tea with sugar, please.请来一杯加糖的茶。◆I'll have the pasta with salad, please.请给我来份意大利面配色拉。Responses回应:◆Certainly.当然可以。◆I'm sorry, we don't have any left.抱歉,已经没有了。◆Yes, of course. Here you are/go.好的,给你。➤ permission 准许🔑 [T ]to request permission to do sth 请求允许;要求准许◆ ~to do sth Did you ask to use the car ? 你是提出想用这辆车吗?◆ I asked to see the manager . 我要求见经理。◆ ~if , whether , etc .… I'll ask if it's all right to park here . 我会问是否可以在这里停车。◆ ~sb if , whether , etc .… She asked her boss whether she could have the day off . 她问老板可不可以让她休一天假。➤ invite 邀请🔑 [T ]to invite sb 请;邀请◆ ~sb (+ adv ./prep .)They've asked me to dinner . 他们已邀请我吃饭。◆ I didn't ask them in (= to come into the house ). 我没有请他们进屋。◆ We must ask the neighbours round (= to our house ). 我们得请邻居到家里来。◆ ~sb to do sth She's asked him to come to the party . 她已邀请他来参加聚会。Inviting somebody to something发出邀请Here are some ways of making and responding to invitations.以下是一些发出邀请及回应的方式:◆Would you like to come for a meal on Saturday?你星期六愿意来吃顿饭吗?◆There's a presentation of our new product at the conference on Tuesday. Would you be interested in coming along?星期二的会议上我们会展示新产品。你有兴趣过来看看吗?◆I'm going to the game on Saturday— how about joining me?我星期六要去看比赛,跟我一起去怎么样?◆We're going to Boston— do you want to come with us?(informal or NAmE ) 我们要去波士顿,你想跟我们一起去吗?Responses回应:◆That would be very nice, thank you.那真是太好了,谢谢你。◆I'd love to, thanks very much.我很乐意,非常感谢。◆I'm sorry. I've already got something on at the weekend.抱歉,我周末已经有安排了。◆I'm sorry. I already have plans on Saturday.很遗憾,我星期六已经有计划了。◆Thank you, I'll check my diary and let you know. (BrE ) 谢谢,我查一下行事历再告诉你。◆Thank you, I'll check my calendar and let you know. (NAmE ) 谢谢,我查一下行事历再告诉你。➤ money 钱[T ]~sth (for sth )to request a particular amount of money for sth that you are selling 要价;索价◆ He's asking £2 000 for the car . 这辆轿车他要价 2 000 英镑。➤ expect /demand 期望;要求[T ]to expect or demand sth 期望;要求◆ ~sth I know I'm asking a great deal . 我知道我的要求很高。◆ ~sth of sb You're asking too much of him . 你对他要求过分了。◆ ~sth to do sth I know it's asking a lot to expect them to win again . 我知道期望他们再次获胜未免要求太高了。demandrequire ⬥ expect ⬥ insist ⬥ askThese words all mean to say that sb should do or have sth.以上各词均含要求之义。demandto ask for sth very firmly; to say very firmly that sb should have or do sth指强烈要求、坚决要求:◆She demanded an immediate explanation.她强烈要求立即作出解释。require[often passive ](ratherformal ) to make sb do or have sth, especially because it is necessary according to a law or set of rules or standards指要求做(某事)、达到(某水平),尤指根据法规或规定:◆All candidates will be required to take a short test.所有候选人都要做一个小测验。expectto demand that sb should do, have or be sth, especially because it is their duty or responsibility指要求、认为应得、指望,尤因义务或责任:◆I expect to be paid promptly for the work.我要求即时付工钱。insistto demand that sth happens or that sb agrees to do sth指坚决要求、坚持:◆I didn't want to go but he insisted.我并不想去,但他硬要我去。◆We insist on the highest standards at all times.我们始终坚持最高标准。askto expect or demand sth指期望、要求:◆You're asking too much of him.你对他要求过分了。demand, expect or ask?用 demand、expect 还是 ask?Ask is not as strong as demand or expect, both of which can be more like a command. * ask 不如 demand 和 expect 语气强烈,demand 和 expect 更像命令。Patternsto demand/require/expect/ask sth of/from sbto demand/require/expect/insist/ask that…to require/expect/ask sb to do sthto demand/require/expect/ask a lot/too much/a great dealto be too much to expect/ask ● ˈask for it (informal ) to deserve sth bad that happens to you or that sb does to you 罪有应得;自讨苦吃;自找麻烦● be ˈasking for trouble ● be ˈasking for it (informal ) to behave in a way that is very likely to result in trouble 要自找麻烦;要自讨苦吃● ˌdon't ˈask (informal ) if you say don't ask to sb , you mean that you do not want to reply to their question , because it would be awkward , embarrassing , etc .不问为好;还是别问的好● ˌdon't ask ˈme (informal ) if you say don't ask me , you mean that you do not know the answer to a question and are annoyed you have been asked (不知答案并表示恼怒时说)别问我● for the ˈasking if you can have sth for the asking , it is very easy for you to get it if you ask for it 只需要求,一经索取(便可获得)◆ The job is yours for the asking . 只要开口,这份工作就是你的了。● I ˈask you (informal ) if you say I ask you , you are expressing disapproval , shock or anger about sth /sb (表示不赞成、震惊或气愤)请问,真是,这还了得● if you ask ˈme (informal ) in my personal opinion 我认为;依我说◆ Their marriage was a mistake , if you ask me . 依我看,他们的婚姻是个错误。 ● ˈask after sb (BrE ) to say that you would like to know how sb is , what they are doing , etc .问候;问好◆ He always asks after you in his letters . 他在信中常问你好。● ˌask aˈround to speak to a number of different people in order to try and get some information 四处打听;多方询问◆ I don't know of any vacancies in the company but I'll ask around . 我不知道公司有没有空缺,不过我会打听打听。● ˌask sb ˈback (especiallyBrE ) to invite sb to come back to your house when you are both out together 邀请(一起外出的人)回到家里来◆ I hoped he wouldn't ask me back . 我本不希望他会邀请我回到他家去。● ˈask for sb /sth to say that you want to speak to sb or be directed to a place 说要找(某人);问到(某处)的路◆ When you arrive , ask for Jane . 你到达后找简。● ˌask sb ˈout to invite sb to go out with you , especially as a way of starting a romantic relationship 邀请外出(尤指男女交往约会之始)◆ He's too shy to ask her out . 他太腼腆,不好意思约她外出。🔑 askBrE /ɑːsk/ NAmE /æsk/ noun ● a big ˈask (informal ) a difficult thing to achieve or deal with 难以做到的事情;棘手的事◆ Beating the world champions is certainly a big ask for the team . 这个队要打败世界冠军当然难度很大。 |
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