标题 | lots of的近义词是什么 |
范文 | lots of的近义词是什么 英语词汇积累是学好英语的基础,下面是小编整理的lots of的近义词及相关内容。欢迎阅读! lots of的近义词是什么 numerous a lot of a great deal of a great many a large number of heaps of many much hundreds of lots of造句 This factory churns out lots and lots of cars a day 这家工厂一天可生产很多汽车。 I have lots and lots of ) settlements , don ' t i 我有总量和许多)殖民,不是吗 I ' d buy an island if i had lots and lots of money 果真我有许多许多钱,我就买一个小岛。 < i > i ' m sending you lots and lots of kisses . bye for now ! < / i > 我给你很多很多的吻.再见了 This young boy had freckles , lots and lots of freckles 这年轻男孩有雀班,他有很多的雀班。 He used to brag that he would make lots and lots of money 他经常吹牛说自己会赚很多很多钱。 We can always see lots and lots of night owls in bar areas 我们总能在酒吧里看到许多夜猫子。 I i ' m sending you lots and lots of kisses . bye for now ! i I献给你很多很多的吻。先再见啦! i Lots and lots of efficient collections 许许多多的高效集合。 I mean , there ' s lots and lots of speculation about extraterrestrials 关于外星球生命一直有很多说法 Control over oil , lots and lots of oil 也是对石油的控制。 But they have lots and lots of magical altars scattered around them 但是他们周围有很多很多的.魔法祭坛。 I ' m reading lots and lots of books on being a literacy coach 我正在阅读很多很多关于如何当好语文教导主任的书籍。 And don ' t ply foreigners with lots and lots of disparate questions 我们都知道,真正的友谊是经受得住时间考验的。 Lots and lots of ladybugs 许多许多的花大姐 I guess so . there ' ll be lots and lots of tourists from all over the world 我想是这样。将有许许多多来自世界各地的游客。 Lots and lots of flour 很多很多的面粉 A i guess so . there ' ll be lots and lots of tourists from all over the world 我想是这样。将有许许多多来自世界各地的游客。 More and more things run against lots and lots of these microprocessor - based systems 越来越多的事物撞上运气和许多这些以微处理器为基础的系统。 You will continue to see lots and lots of very successful start - up companies in this industry 你将会继续在这种工业中看见运气和许多非常成功的启动公司。 |
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