标题 | 英语日记带翻译 |
范文 | ★英语日记带翻译 清明节,放假三天。我和妈妈决定去河西踏青。 Qingming Festival, three days off. My mother and I decided to go to Hexi for a walk. 那里的空气清新,马路干净。河边,绿树成茵,桃花粉红,河水清澈见底,风景真美。顺着河沿沙滩走,我看到有三位叔叔在钓鱼。我问妈妈我们能不能钓鱼,妈妈说我们没有钓鱼杆,我只好去玩堆沙堡了。 The air is fresh and the road is clean. Riverside, green trees into the grass, peach pink, clear river bottoms, beautiful scenery. Walking along the beach, I saw three uncles fishing. I asked my mother if we could fish. My mother said that we didn't have a fishing rod, so I had to play sandcastle. 一会过去了,我觉得无聊,我拿起妈妈的电话打给弟弟,让他过来陪我玩。弟弟过来后,我们就开始玩滑滑梯,还有攀绳,不一会儿,玩得满头大汗。 After a while, I felt bored. I picked up my mother's phone and called my brother to let him come and play with me. When my brother came, we began to play with slides and rope climbing. Soon, we were sweating. 时间过的真快,要回家了。今天真是个快乐开心的节日,我还想再去河西玩。 Time flies. It's time to go home. Today is really a happy holiday. I want to go to Hexi again. |
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