标题 | 下雪了 Its snowing |
范文 | 下雪了 Its snowing 下雪了啊,下雪啦!我开心极了,我直奔到楼下,去迎接着这漫天飞舞的雪花。 Its snowing, its snowing! Im very happy. I go straight downstairs to meet the flying snowflakes. 只见天空中,那一个个小雪花在空中翩翩起舞,像一个个小精灵。那雪花一簇簇的,大的'如鹅毛,小的如冰晶,美丽极了!我忍不住拿起手机拍下了这美好的时刻。我在雪中转圈,和雪花的一起共舞,那一个个小雪花,落在肩膀上、胳膊上,凉飕飕的。这太开心了,我兴奋地大叫起来:下雪啦!下雪啦! I saw in the sky, that a small snowflake dancing in the air, like a fairy. The snowflakes in clusters, big as goose feather, small as ice crystal, beautiful! I cant help but pick up my mobile phone to take this beautiful moment. I turn around in the snow and dance with the snowflakes. The small snowflakes fall on my shoulders and arms. Its chilly. It was so happy that I cried out excitedly, its snowing! Its snowing! 可惜,这雪太小了,也不能堆雪人,玩打雪仗。温度也很高,雪一落在地上,不到几秒钟就融化了。这场雪下得可真让人留恋啊! Unfortunately, the snow is too small to make a snowman and play snowball fights. The temperature is also very high, and as soon as the snow falls on the ground, it melts in a few seconds. This snow is really unforgettable! |
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