标题 | 高二英语微课教学设计 Module 7 Unit 5 Using Lan |
范文 | 高二英语微课教学设计 Module 7 Unit 5 Using Language – Peru 作为一名优秀的教育工作者,很有必要精心设计一份教学设计,教学设计以计划和布局安排的形式,对怎样才能达到教学目标进行创造性的决策,以解决怎样教的问题。那么教学设计应该怎么写才合适呢?下面是小编收集整理的高二英语微课教学设计 Module 7 Unit 5 Using Language – Peru,欢迎大家分享。 课题名称:Using Language – Peru 一、学生分析 1、学生在本单元已经学完第一篇阅读文章的内容,对本单元的话题较为熟悉,有一定的词汇基础,本课将结合课文的文体特点给学生深入探讨具有同一主题、但不同题材的文章的机会,并结合学生的实际生活背景,用所学的知识运用到较为真实的写作情境中; 2、本班多数学生英语水平较好,对英语感兴趣,思维活跃,能积极参加课堂活动,有一定的语言综合运用能力。 二、教材分析 本部分内容是单元话题的拓展与运用,围绕着“秘鲁”这个国家进行阅读的理解与分析,两篇文章有着鲜明的语言特点与体裁特征,由浅入深,层层深入;而且旅游这个话题也是学生相当感兴趣的,设计教学重点与环节时,考虑到该特点,让学生仿佛置于一个真实的环境,能切身体会所学的知识,学以致用。 三、教学目标 1、知识目标: 了解、对比拥有同一主题而不同目的的阅读体裁的特征; 2、技能目标: 1)辨别、分析同一主题而不同目的的阅读体裁、语言特征、结构特征; 2)能运用所学的文章体裁特点和语言特点进行写作。 3、情感目标: 学生能从自身的体验出发去发现学习和提高学习小组的合作学习 四、教学重点 1)掌握同一主题的阅读文章的语篇特征与目的; 2)通过阅读与体会,发现两篇文章的语言特征。 五、教学难点 根据真实的写作情景运用恰当的语篇、体裁和语言进行写作。 六、教学方法 任务型教学法和合作教学法 七、教学步骤 steps(步骤)Teacher’s activity(教师活动)Students’activity(学生活动)Purpose(设计意图)I.Read andexplore the Passage on Page 43 1)Ask the students toread another passage to get thetopic andjudge the typeof it 2) Ask the students tothink about what five aspects are mentioned. And then choose the suitable summarizing words for them. 1)The students toread another passage in 3 minutes to get thetopic andjudge the typeof it 2) The studentsthink about what five aspects are mentionedaccording to the content and then choose the suitable summarizing words for them.训练学生Skimming的.阅读技巧,从而归纳文章的主题和各段的主题,得出文章的体裁。 II.Read and explore the Passage on Page 44 1) Ask the students toscan the passage and find out the basic feature of the passage. 2)Ask the students to read the passage again in a short time to analyze the structure and finally get the main idea. 3) Give the students a background for the matching task and remind them to match the message through key words 4) After the previous task, give the students a chance to givetheiropinions about their choices of the tours 1)Studentsscan the passage and find out the basic feature of the passage 2) Students read the passage again to analyze the structure of the passage and finally get the main idea. 3) Students read the information on the handout and the passage. And then match them according to the key words. 4) Students read the passage to think about their choices of the tours toPeruand give their reasons meanwhile.学生通过分析篇章结构得出文章的主旨;并能够根据文体特征训练学生捕抓信息,匹配信息的能力。 III.Compare and summarizethe features of two passages 1)From what has been read, askthestudents tocompare the two passages to find out thesimilarities and differences between them. 2)Ask the students mainly to focus on the different features through different aspects. 3) Ask the students tohave a further exploration of the Lexical Chunks concerning different aspects in the Passage on Page 43. 1)Thestudentscompare and analyze the two passagesand findout thesimilarities between them and decide where the two passages are taken from. 2)The students focus on the different features through different aspects and choose the correct information for each aspect. 3)The studentsread the passage again and search the neededLexical Chunks concerning different aspectsand fill in the sentences.学生能根据所读的两篇文章的内容与语篇特征,判断两篇文章的相似点与不同点,为以后的英语阅读学习进一步打下基础IV.Summary Ask students to summarizewhat they learn and help them to get the answers. Thestudents are to summarizewhat they have learnt and mastered in today’s lesson.学生能小结所学知识,加深学生对本节课的重点知识的理解。 V.Writing task–A passage tointroduceGuangzhou 1)Give the writing background and ask the students to decide which passage to follow. 2) Give a mind map and ask students to think about theaspectsthey would introduce. 3) Give thespecifictask and the requirements; remind thestudentsof the features and language of thepassagethey can follow. 4) To share the students’works 1)The students read background and decide which passage to follow. 2) The students brainstorm to think about theaspectsthey would introduce. 3) Knowing the task, the students will write the passage in a group of four. 4) The students will share their works学生会根据写作背景选择恰当的文体;能根据句子内容恰当选择优美的词块进行写作;能分享,评价相互的作品 |
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