标题 | 诗歌欣赏:Meeting at Night中英互译 |
范文 | 诗歌欣赏:Meeting at Night中英互译 Meeting at Night The gray sea and the long black land; And the yellow half-moon large and low; And the startled little waves that leap In fiery ringlets from their sleep, As I gain the cove with pushing prow, And quench its speed i’ the slushy sand. Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach Three fields to cross till a farm appears; A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch And blue spurt of a lighted match, And a voice less loud, thro’ its joys and fears, Than the two hearts beating each to each! 夜会 长岸黑黝黝, 大海灰濛濛; 半月黄又大, 远远挂低空。 我驾小船来, 疾驰多奋勇; 船头惊细浪, 环环映月红。 终于进港湾, 船滞淤沙中; 弃船登沙岸, 海风暖融融。 心头情切切, 脚步快如风; 沙滩一片片, 田野一垄垄。 心头情切切, 脚步快如风; 眼前现农舍, 举手敲窗櫺。 火柴轻轻摖, 脆响急匆匆; 只见蓝光闪, 砰然两心动。 但听轻声唤, 惊喜又惶恐; 灯照心里亮, 情比夜色浓。 罗伯特·布朗宁(Robert Browning 1812—1889)英国诗人 诗的标题为 “夜会”,可是通篇都只是描述前去赴约的`过程,直到最后也未直接显示 “会面” 的镜头。但诗的末行 “the two hearts beating each to each (两颗心相对着跳动)” 这朦胧的一笔却间接地点明了夜会的高潮。译作结尾借景言情,与原作异曲同工。 |
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