标题 | 英文学术会议邀请函 |
范文 | 精选英文学术会议邀请函3篇 如今更多的企业趋向于使用电子邀请函。在生活中,需要使用邀请函的场合越来越多,我们该怎么拟定邀请函呢?以下是小编为大家收集的英文学术会议邀请函3篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 英文学术会议邀请函 篇1dear ms wang: i have the great pleasure, on behalf of the international conference onmedical biometrics orga nization, of inviting you to contribute to the symposiumon medical device technologies, medical data processing and management, medicalpattern recognition, medical biometric systems and applications to be held inshenzhen, between 30th may and 1th june 20xx. we would like to invite you to submit a manuscript to the internationalconference on medical imaging devices, medical information retrieval, biometrictechnologies, feature matching and classification, computer-aided diagnosis andother applications. the idea is to present originally contributed research,review, and short communication articles in the field of medical biometrics.deadline for submissions would be april 3, 20xx. kindly submit your manuscriptsas an e-mail attachment at luguangm@hit.edu.cn. i will be looking forward to your favorable reply. sincerely yours, guangming lu 20xx-01-02 英文学术会议邀请函 篇2Dear Sir/Madam: As one of the oldest disciplines, history had undergone a tremendous transition during the last century, resulting in a blending boom of traditional subjects and countless new perspectives. The beginning of a new century urges the new generation of history scholars to optimize the traditional methods, fields, perspectives and materials of history. Contributing as a leading role, Tsinghua University’s Department of History had witnessed the establishment of major milestones of history in the last century. Since 20xx, we have successfully held two international conferences on history. While the 100th anniversary of Tsinghua opens a new page for the university, the Department of History hereby announces the open of The Third International Academic Conference on History from November 23rd to 24th in 20xx, themed “The Reflection and Outlook of History”. Young scholars from all over the world are warmly welcomed to participate,to share and to progress together. This conference mainly focuses on doctoral studies. Outstanding works by postgraduate and undergraduate students are also welcomed. Papers that represent any scientific endeavor that addresses itself to any history related issues are welcomed. An abstract less than 1,000 words together with a brief introduction less than 300 words of the author shall be received by June 1st, 20xx via email to: thuhistory@163.com. Results of the review process will be notified by June 20th, 20xx at the latest. Paper invitation will be sent to accepted speakers subsequently. In addition, all presented papers will be included by CNKI. Full papers of no more than 20,000 words must be submitted by September 30th, 20xx. The intention is to publish a collected edition of papers from the event. The conference will take place in Tsinghua University, Beijing and free accommodation will be provided for the participants who come to Beijing from other cities and areas. Travel funding may not be available to postgraduate students and early career scholars. Contacts: Bin WANG, binbinwXX88@XX6.com, +86189110286XX Chengzhong ZHANG, zhangchengzhong20xx@XX6.com, +86158014358XX Bingwen WANG, wangbingwen20xx@163.com, +86155100866XX February 7, 20xx 英文学术会议邀请函 篇3(一)会议邀请函的含义 会议邀请函是专门用于邀请特定单位或人士参加会议,具有礼仪和告知双重作用的会议文书。 邀请函用于会议活动时,与会议通知的不同之处在于:邀请函主要用于横向性的会议活动,发送对象是不受本机关职权所制约的单位和个人,也不属于本组织的成员,一般不具有法定的与会权利或义务,是否参加会议由对象自行决定。举行学术研讨会、咨询论证会、技术鉴定会、贸易洽谈会、产品发布会产等,以发邀请函为宜。而会议通知则用于具有纵向关系(即主办方与参会者存在隶属关系或工作上的管理关系)性质的会议,或者与会者本身具有参会的法定权利和义务的会议,如人民代表大会、董事会议等。对于这些会议的对象来说,参加会议是一种责任,因此只能发会议通知,不能用邀请函。学术性团体举行年会或专题研讨会时,要区别成员与非成员。对于团体成员应当发会议通知,而邀请非团体成员参加则应当用邀请函。 (二)会议邀请函的基本内容 会议邀请函的.基本内容与会议通知一致,包括会议的背景、目的和名称;主办单位和组织机构;会议内容和形式;参加对象;会议的时间和地点、联络方式以及其他需要说明的事项。 (三)会议邀请函的结构与写法 1.标题。由会议名称和“邀请函(书)”组成,一般可不写主办机关名称和“关于举办”的字样,如:《亚太城市信息化高级论坛邀请函》。“邀请函”三字是完整的文种名称,与公文中的“函”是两种不同的文种,因此不宜拆开写成“关于邀请出席××会议的函” 2.称呼。邀请函的发送对象有三类情况: (1)发送到单位的邀请函,应当写单位名称。由于邀请函是一种礼仪性文书,称呼中要用单称的写法,不宜用泛称(统称),以示礼貌和尊重。 (2)邀请函直接发给个人的,应当写个人姓名,前冠“尊敬的”敬语词,后缀“先生”、“女士”、“同志”等。 (3)网上或报刊上公开发布的邀请函,由于对象不确定,可省略称呼,或以“敬启者”统称。 3.正文。正文应逐项载明具体内容。开头部分写明举办会议的背景和目的,用“特邀请您出席(列席)”照应称呼,再用过渡句转入下文;主体部分可采用序号加小标题的形式写明具体事项;最后写明联系联络信息和联络方式。结尾处也可写“此致”,再换行顶格写“敬礼”,亦可省略。 4.落款。因邀请函的标题一般不标注主办单位名称,因此落款处应当署主办单位名称并盖章。 5.成文时间。写明具体的年、月、日。 学术会议邀请函范文 会议邀请函格式 一、寄信人地址、日期。 二、收信人及其地址。 三、尊称:dear x x x。 四、正文:发出邀请,要真诚而渴望。说明邀请的目的及有关信息,有相关的资料随信寄出。 学术会议邀请函格式范文五、落款。 学术会议邀请函适用范围 这是对知名的学者、教授发出的邀请其前来参加学术会议的信函。信中一定要写明邀请参加学术会议的时间、会议内容,需要与会者做的工作,以便对方有备而来。另外,参加学术会议期间的食宿、交通等费用问题如何解决也应交待清楚,一般都会有专门的参会指南,不要忘记附上。 学术会议邀请函惯用例句 (1)the academic contbrence on british a nd american literature sponsored by beijing university will be held in beijing on 2nd july XX. 我们定于XX年7月2日在北京大学举行英美文学学术会议。 (2)i am writing today to invite you to our university next summer between may to june to take part in a meeting. 我写信正式邀请您在明年5、6月间来我校参加一次会晤。 (3)if you have any paper or.toples on which you would like to give talks,please inform us as soon as possible for the program is being finalized soon. 如果您有要宣读的论文或发言的论题,请尽早来函告知,因为会务准备工作不久将结束。 (4)we will pay your hotel accommodation a nd meals,but you will be responsable for your airfare. 会议免费安排食宿,往返机票自理。 |
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