标题 | 新学期英语学习计划 |
范文 | 新学期英语学习计划集合九篇 时间就如同白驹过隙般的流逝,迎接我们的将是新的生活,新的挑战,一起对今后的学习做个计划吧。那么你真正懂得怎么写好计划吗?以下是小编精心整理的新学期英语学习计划9篇,欢迎大家分享。 新学期英语学习计划 篇11、get up at 6:20 every morning, with 10 minutes to review the texts back1 2times,6:40 from the start. 2、listen to the class carefully, actively, make notes. 3、carefully written homework, wrong answer, take seriously every class. 4、after you finish your homework, review the content that very day and prepare the very next day in class. 5、for the class and history, geography, biology every learn a lesson, to concentrate on to buy their own extracurricular exercise book, for the time to do not copy the answer, do not read a book, by virtue of their learned to do. If you will not encounter the problem, and can immediately see the answer or read a book, to wait until after finish all, go to look for an answer again, had carried on the back in time. 6、for the main course and Mathematics ( algebra, geometry ), Chinese, English, physics and politics, each took a unit or a class, to contrast" optimization" on the part of further deepen understanding and consolidated, and to do exercises, writing still can not copy the answer, after writing can make the teacher corrects or control, find the error corrected. 7、have to time to ask the teacher or ask students, to understand. 8、every night to listen to English for 30 minutes, training your listening. Maupassant said:" man lives in hope, a hope or to achieve, there will be a new generation of hope." Chinese New Year is the new hope, new hope, new journey, new harvest. The new semester, a new starting point, a new look, let us a vision of a better tomorrow, let us once again set foot on the journey. 新学期英语学习计划 篇2The new term is coming and i will be wiser and wiser because i will learn more knowlege.I will do more meaningful things that makes my life more colorful. First,i will enrich my everyday activities and do more sports, such as:Ping pong,football and basket ball. Sports are really interesting,aren't they? Second,i will read more books, just as the saying goes: the more , the better. It's true that I know more about the world and understand why people say that the world is very big from books. Third,i will study maths,physics and English better.I will solve more difficult maths problems and be interested in them.I will think about more physics problems.English is important and I will spend more time on it.I'm really looking forward to the coming future.I am ready to face the future! 新学期英语学习计划 篇3Another new term is coming again. Hence, i should make a study plan to improve myself. Firstly,i decide to finish my homework more carefully than before. And pay more attention to the knowledge which i didn't know it clearly. I will go through the knowlege that i have learned and consolidate it. Furthermore, i will have more patience for the new knowledge that i am facing. Secondly,i will do a lot of reading to widen horizons and try to combine thoery to practice. I believe that i can benefit a lot from books. Finally, i will learn to adjust, to be more positive and more helpful. I want to improve my social skills and have a better connection with my classmates. That's what i plant to do in a new term. 新学期英语学习计划 篇4新学期开始了,这就需要同学们尽快从暑假中懒散的生活中走出来,以良好的心态开始新学期的学习和生活。查字典小学网为大家提供了新学期英语学习计划,希望对大家有所帮助。 20xx小学生新学期英语学习计划 新学期开始了,有些小朋友们还没有从暑假的休息中调整过来,为了更加有效的学习新知识,建议小朋友对新的学期制定一个学习计划,小朋友们一定会事半功倍的,现对此计划作一点建议: 1、复习: (1)完成巩固已学知识的必要的练习题。 (2)听课文录音,跟读模仿—熟读—背诵—自己反串对话中不同人物表演。 (3)依照课文,编排设计新对话,为与同学合作做准备。 (4)试着在当天的日记里,用上所学的词句。例如:今天We have_____new friends in our class、One is_____、And the other is_____、They come from_____。。。 (5)生活中主动运用所学知识。 2、预习: (1)听下一课录音(先不看书),了解自己能听懂什么。 (2)打开书阅读,圈出生词及不理解的句子,并对照录音确定生词读音。 (3)根据上下文猜测生词、生句的意思。如有必要试着查字典,确定词义。将没有把握的词句做出标记,第二天请教老师或同学。 (4)试着对新课文提出几个问题。 3、阶段反思:每周末自己总结本周学过的单词、短语、句式功能、语法项目,检查自己是否完成既定学习目标,评价自己的学习态度、课上表现、学习效果等。查漏补缺,及时调整,为下一阶段学习作好准备。 新学期英语学习计划 篇5The new term is coming. I am so excited because in the new term, I will be a Grade 8 student. In the new term, I will have some new teachers. As for me, I want to make a difference in the new term, so I have made a plan for it.First, my Chinese and English are the best and I will work hard to keep them good as usual. But my math and physics are not as good as Chinese and English. Therefore, I have to try my best to improve them. Except preview and finishing homework, I have to review regularly to strengthen knowledge. Second, I will pay more attention to news, so that I will read more newspapers and watch news program. I don't want to be a student who just study only. Last, I will do exercise twice a week. Badminton and table tennis are my favorites. All in all, I look forward to my life in Grade 8. 翻译: 新学期快来临,我很激动,因为我即将成为一名八年级学生。新的学期,我将有很多新老师。对于我自己,新的学期也要有不同的表现,为此我做出了计划。首先,我的语文和英语还不错,我将继续发扬。我的数学跟物理,没那两门这么好,因此要努力提高才行。除了预习跟完成功课以外, 我要逐渐注重扩大知识面。其次,我将开始关注新闻,多浏览报纸,看新闻栏目,我不想成为死读书的人。最后,每周两次锻炼,羽毛球,乒乓球是我的最爱。我很期待我的八年级生活。 新学期英语学习计划 篇6新学期的到来给我也带来了全新的目标!本学期,作为一名五年级的学生,我们将要迎来五年级下册的学习阶段。随着这个学期的开始,毕业的脚步距离我们也越来越近。为此,我必须提前做好准备,充分提高自己作为一名小学生的素质和能力。 现在,针对我在学习上最大的难点——英语,我在对自己的情况进行分析后,以英语为主,对自己本学期的提高计划拟定如下: 一、累积是基础 说到语言,最重要的就是每个字词,而对英语来说,基础就是单词的累计和运用!因为过去我对英语并不擅长,所以单词量一直不多,甚至还有许多欠缺和不足。但从本学期开始,对于单词的累积和学习,将成为我在学习期间的常态。 1. 每日的累积 利用早晨、课件、午休等空余时间,我可以积极利用起来记忆一些单词。在这方面,我准备了一个小记事本,将每天要记的单词记录上去,方便自己随时查看。 当然,在记的时候不紧急要记怎么写,对于单词的意思以及单词的读音,我都要结合起来背诵。 2. 每天的考试 到了晚上,就是检验自己的时间了,在巩固了一天学习之后,我要对当天规定的单词进行默写,确保自己能掌握好词汇的累积,并逐步提升每天规定的数量。 当然,对于之前学过的单词也不能松懈,要不断的巩固,并多多复习。 二、自我提高 累积了单词,那我就必须要积极的使用起来,通过每天学习的单词,我要为自己增加一些额外的任务,帮助自己掌握正确的使用。如: 1. 学会用单词造句,利用每天的新单词造句,有必要的话可以结合起来,完成一篇英语作文。 2. 完成日子,根据自己每天的情况,固定完成一篇英语日记。帮助自己累积一些常用的单词、语法。 3. 阅读英语文章,通过自己掌握的词汇去阅读,不仅能提高自己的读写,还能了解到自己有哪些不足的地方。 三、自我的约定 英语并不是一件简单的学习,但再难的事情,也怕“坚持”二字。为此,在本学期开始后,我要坚持自己的学习,只能向前进,不能后退和放弃!一定要通过自己的努力,突破这个难关! 很快,我们就要走向毕业,今后的未来,还有很多需要学习的事情,如今最基础的英语都没学好,可没法继续向前!为此,我一定要严格执行自己的学习任务! 新学期英语学习计划 篇7一.学习目标 从听说读写四个方面全面,同时提高英语水平,最终使自己具备与人顺畅交流的能力,听懂新闻广播,演讲,报告,英文电影的能力,翻译以及写作的能力。 二.总则 1、充分利用一切可以利用的时间学英语,把零碎的时间充分利用起来,不断地重复。 2、听说读写译五项都要练,以听说为主。 3、求质不求量,把听写的文章彻底搞懂足矣,不要好大喜功,贪大贪快。扎扎实实,按部就班。 4、抓住一套教材足矣,不要盲目的更换教材 5、每一天的计划,必须坚决执行,没有任何借口。 三.具体措施 1.听力 重视精听。每天用一个小时的时间练习精听。要听懂每个单词,并将文章大意记下来,听数遍,直到把文章补全。之后的两天一有空闲时间就反复听这篇短文,直到听烂为止。 周末看一部外国电影,放松的同时学习一些英语习惯用语,俚语等。复习就内容,检查一周来的学习计划执行情况。 随身带着mp3,走路时,学习疲惫时听一些新闻,空中英语等短文章短对话。 2.口语 每天练习精听后复述听写的短文。 每天坚持张嘴说,课余时间与同学用英语交流,与网友英语聊天,每周参加英语角。 注意在朗读过程中纠正发音。 3.阅读 每天中午饭后读英文报纸,对于不会的单词先不要查词典,尽量根据上下文猜词义,然后再查这些单词的意思,用法等每天晚上睡觉之前对《床头灯》小说系列,强化词汇和理解力,培养英语思维。 早起读《新东方美文阅读》。把精美的句子画下来,并背诵,周末整理复习。 4.写作 每天晚饭后写简短的日记,记录一天中最有趣的,或是感慨最深的,或是令人感动的.等小事儿。 每周末整理一周以来所积累的报纸上的生词,听力中遇到的生词,以及《床头灯》中遇到的生词及句子,还有《新东方美文阅读》中被画下来的精美句子。 每半个月写一篇专题作文,并与范文作对比,找出差距,纠正错误,改进不足之处。 四.特殊情况 如有临时事宜或意外情况耽误学习进程,打破原学习计划,那么根据具体情况对计划加以调整,但应遵循不轻易放弃学习,不找借口,尽量遵守计划的原则。培养足够的信心,相信自己一定能学好英语,学习过程中不断鼓励自己,甚至可以给自己阶段性的奖励以加强学习的动力。 新学期英语学习计划 篇8The new term is coming. I am so excited because in the new term, I will be a Grade 8 student. In the new term, I will have some new teachers. As for me, I want to make a difference in the new term, so I have made a plan for it. First, my Chinese and English are the best and I will work hard to keep them good as usual. But my math and physics are not as good as Chinese and English. Therefore, I have to try my best to improve them. Except for previewing and finishing homework, I have to review regularly to strengthen knowledge. Second, I will pay more attention to news, so that I will read more newspapers and watch news program. I don't want to be a student who just study only. Last, I will do exercise twice a week. Sports are really good for health. And health is the most important thing in life. All in all, I look forward to my life in Grade 8. And i believe that with my new plans, my new term will be colorful and interesting. 新学期英语学习计划 篇9一、学习目标 从听说读写四个方面全面,同时提高英语水平,最终使自己具备与人顺畅交流的能力,听懂新闻广播,演讲,报告,英文电影的能力,翻译以及写作的能力。 二、总则 1、 充分利用一切可以利用的时间学英语,把零碎的时间充分利用起来,不断地重复。 2、 听说读写译五项都要练,以听说为主。 3、 求质不求量,把听写的文章彻底搞懂足矣,不要好大喜功,贪大贪快。扎扎实实,按部就班。 4、 抓住一套教材足矣,不要盲目的更换教材 5、 每一天的计划,必须坚决执行,没有任何借口。 三、具体措施 1、 听力 (1)重视精听。每天用一个小时的时间练习精听。要听懂每个单词,并将文章大意记下来,听数遍,直到把文章补全。之后的两天一有空闲时间就反复听这篇短文,直到听烂为止。 (2)周末看一部外国电影,放松的同时学习一些英语习惯用语,俚语等。 (3)复习就内容,检查一周来的执行情况。 (4)随身带着mp3,走路时,学习疲惫时听一些新闻,空中英语等短文章短对话。 2、口语 (1)每天练习精听后复述听写的短文。 (2)每天坚持张嘴说,课余时间与同学用英语交流,与朋友英语聊天,每周参加英语角。 (3)注意在朗读过程中纠正发音。 3、阅读 (1)每天中午饭后读英文报纸,对于不会的单词先不要查词典,尽量根据上下文猜词义,然后再查这些单词的意思,用法等 (2)每天晚上睡觉之前对《床头灯》小说系列,强化词汇和理解力,培养英语思维。 (3)早起读《新东方美文阅读》。把精美的句子画下来,并背诵,周末整理复习。 4、写作 (1)每天晚饭后写简短的日记,记录一天中最有趣的,或是感慨最深的,或是令人感动的等小事儿。 (2)每周末整理一周以来所积累的报纸上的生词,听力中遇到的生词,以及《床头灯》中遇到的生词及句子,还有《新东方美文阅读》中被画下来的精美句子。 |
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