标题 | 颐和园中英文导游词 |
范文 | 颐和园中英文导游词 作为一名导游,很有必要精心设计一份导游词,导游词具有注重口语化、精简凝练、重点突出的特点。那么大家知道正规的导游词是怎么写的吗?下面是小编收集整理的颐和园中英文导游词,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 颐和园中英文导游词1大家好!欢迎来到颐和园,今天由我来担任你们的导游,我叫杨依璠,大家可以叫我杨导游,废话不多说,现在就开始我们一天的旅程吧! Everybody is good! , welcome to the Summer Palace today by me to serve as your guide, my name is Yang in Fan, you can call me Yang, tour guide, please donate said, now let's start our day trip! 首先,我们绕过大殿,来到有名的长廊,这条长廊有七百多米,分成273间,绿漆的柱子,红漆的栏杆,每一间的横槛上都有五彩的画,画着人物、花草、山水,几千幅画,没有那两幅画是相同的,长廊的两旁还栽满了花草树木,这一朵花还没谢,那一朵花又开了,让我们感觉神清气爽。好了,我们走了这么大一会儿,也累了,现在请旅客朋友们坐在长廊的凳子上,休息一会儿,吃点儿东西,喝点水,但是大家千万不要把垃圾乱扔,这样即破坏环境,又给清洁工人员带来了不便,请大家把垃圾都丢到垃圾箱里。这不是一举两得吗! First, we bypass hall, came to the famous promenade, the gallery has more than seven hundred meters, is divided into 273, the pillars of the green paint, red paint railings, each cross sill have colorful paintings, painted figures, flowers and plants, landscape, thousands of painting, without the two picture is the same, the gallery also planted with trees and flowers on both sides, this didn't thank a flower, the flower opened again, and let us feel refreshed. Well, we walked so much in a short while, also tired, now please passengers sit on a porch friends stool, have a rest, eat something, have a drink of water, but you don't throw the trash, so that damage the environment, and brought inconvenience to cleaner, please put the rubbish into the dustbin. This is not kill two birds with one stone! 我们游览过了长廊,现在请大家跟随我到万寿山来游玩吧!现在我们已经在万寿山的脚下了,请旅客朋友们抬头向上看,我们会看到一个八角宝塔形的三层建筑耸立在半山腰上,这就是佛香阁,下面的一排排金碧辉煌的宫殿,就是排云殿。 We visited the gallery, now follow me to the longevity hill, please come and visit! We are now at the feet of the longevity hill, please passengers friends look up look up, we will see a three layer architecture of anise pyramid stand in the hillside, this is the Buddha incense, the rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, is the cloud temple. 现在我们在万寿山山上了,据说这里是看颐和园全景最好的地方,我们向前眺望,映入眼帘的是昆明湖,它静得像一面镜子,绿得像一块碧玉,不知旅客们有没有这样的感觉? Now we in longevity hill mountain, it is said that this is the best place to see the Summer Palace view, we look forward, greeted the kunming lake, it quiet like a mirror, like a piece of green jade, I wonder if the passengers have such feeling? 我们已经在万寿山山下了,昆明湖就在我们眼前,它围绕这长长的堤岸,堤上有好几座式样不同的石桥,湖中心有个小岛,我们走过长长的石桥就可以去小岛上玩,这座石桥叫十七孔桥,桥栏杆上有上百根石柱,柱子上都雕刻着小狮子,姿态不一,没有那两只是相同的。 We are already below the longevity hill and kunming lake is in front of us, it around this long bank, there are several styles of different stone bridge, on the lake in the center there is a small island, we can go to the island to play through the stone bridge, the bridge is called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, railing on hundreds of pillar, pillars are carved with a lion, have different attitude, without those two are just the same. 时间过得真快,到和大家说再见的时候了,真希望大家以后有机会再来观赏一下颐和园的美景。 How time flies, to say goodbye to you all, wish you have a chance to later to enjoy the beauty of the Summer Palace. 颐和园中英文导游词2亲爱的游客们: Dear visitors: 大家好,我是阳光旅行社的导游,我姓罗,你们可以叫我小罗。很高兴能为您服务,希望您们旅行快乐。今天,我们要去美丽的颐和园游玩,它是被列入《世界名录》的皇家园林,但是在游玩的时候我给你们提几个要求:不要到处走动,以免掉队;不可以抽烟;不可以乱扔垃圾。 Hi, I'm sunshine travel guide, my name is luo, you can call me xiao luo. Glad to be of service, I hope you happy journey. Today, we're going to visit the beautiful Summer Palace, it was included in the list of the world "royal garden, but the pleasure when I gave you a few requirements: don't move around, lest left behind; Can not smoking; Can't litter. 现在我们就进了颐和园的大门,绕过大殿,就来到有名的长廊了。看,那绿漆的柱子,红漆的栏杆,多漂亮呀!这条长廊长七百多米,分成二百七十三间,每一间的横槛上都有五彩的画。几千幅画没有哪两幅是相同的。这么特别的景色,您一定没见过吧! We are now into the door to the Summer Palace, around the hall, came to the famous long corridor. Look, the pillars of the green paint, red paint of the rail, how beautiful! This corridor of more than seven hundred meters long, divided into two hundred and seventy-three rooms, each of the cross on the sill have colorful pictures. No two thousands of painting picture is the same. Such a special scenery, you must have never seen! 走完长廊,我们就来到了万寿山脚下,抬头仰望就可以看见一座八角宝塔形的`三层建筑耸立在半山腰上,屋顶上的琉璃瓦闪闪发光,那就是佛香阁了。下面一排排金碧辉煌的宫殿,就是排云殿了。 Walk the promenade, we came to the foot of longevity hill, look up you can see a three layer architecture of anise pyramid stand in the hillside, the glass tiles sparkling in the roof, that is the buddhist incense. The following rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, is the row of cloud temple. 我们现在登上了万寿山,颐和园的景色大半收在眼底。看前面那就是昆明湖了,昆明湖静得像一面镜子,绿得像一块碧玉,现在我们就去昆明湖细细游赏吧! We are now on the longevity hill, the Summer Palace landscape most in view. Look at the front that is kunming lake, kunming lake quiet like a mirror, like a piece of green jade, now we will go to kunming lake finely touring! 看,昆明湖好大呀,它周围的堤岸也好长呀。我们现在要到昆明湖的小岛了。通向小岛的这座桥是有名的十七孔桥,这座桥有“三多”,一是桥洞多,二是狮子多,三是石柱多。看,这座桥的每根石柱上都雕刻着精美的小狮子。这么多的小狮子,姿态各异,没有哪两只是相同的,真是人间极品。 Look, kunming lake good big ah, bank or grow around it. We now have to go to kunming lake island. To the island of the bridge is famous, the marble seventeen-arch bridge which the bridge has "sanduo", it is a little tunnel, the second is the lion, the three pillars of is. Look, the bridge has in each pillar carved with beautiful little lion. So many little lion, different posture, no two are just the same, really juicy. 颐和园到处都有美丽的景色,说也说不尽,下面请你们细细游赏吧!一会儿在这里集合。 The Summer Palace is filled with the beauty of the scene, said also said not, below please be touring! Collection here in a minute. 颐和园中英文导游词3大家好,这次去颐和园由我带大家去游览。对了,忘记说,我的名字叫吴洋羊,大家叫我洋羊就可以了。 Everybody is good, go to the Summer Palace by me to take you to visit this time. Rightness, forgot to say, my name is Wu Yang sheep, you call me the sheep. 快到颐和园了,我先向大家介绍一下。颐和园位于北京西北郊,主要是有万寿山和昆明湖。再提醒大家几点。1、不能乱扔垃圾,要扔就扔在周围的垃圾桶。2、要跟紧我,颐和园很大,一不小心会迷路的。3、带的贵重物品自己放好。 Quick to the Summer Palace, I introduce to you first. The Summer Palace is located in the northwest Beijing, is mainly with longevity hill and kunming lake. Remind you again what time. 1. Don't litter, to throw it in the surrounding the trash. 2. To closely to me, the Summer Palace is very big, would get lost carelessly. 3. Take valuables myself. 这就是颐和园的大门,很大,很宽阔。 This is the gate, the Summer Palace is very large, very wide. 大家跟我一起进来。 Everyone come together with me. 瞧,这是远近闻名的长廊,全长728米,共273间,是中园园林中最长的游廊,1992年被认定为世界上最长的画廊,列入“吉尼斯世界纪录”,廊上的每根枋梁都有彩绘,共有图画14000余幅,内包括山水风景,花鸟鱼虫,人物典故等。没有哪两幅画是一模一样,没有一点儿相似的。 Look, this is the famous promenade, the total length of 728 meters, a total of 273 rooms, is the longest in the garden landscape in the veranda, was identified as the world's longest art gallery in 1992, listed in the "guinness book of world records," gallery on each fang liang have coloured drawing or pattern, there are pictures of more than 14000, including landscapes, flower, such as characters and their stories. No two picture is the same, not a bit similar. 别忘了看两旁的花草,也很美。 Don't forget to look on both sides of the flowers and plants, is also very beautiful. 现在走完长廊了,来到万寿山脚下。大家抬头向上看,那座八角宝塔形的三层建筑,就是佛香阁。下面的一排排金碧辉煌的宫殿,就是以前很漂亮的排云殿。大家随我一起爬上万寿山吧。 Now walk the promenade, came to the foot of longevity hill. Everybody looked up and look up, the anise three layers of pyramid building, is the Buddha incense. The following rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, is used to be a beautiful cloud temple. Everyone with me to climb to the longevity hill, have. 现在已经在万寿山了,看一看下头的景色。这下头是昆明湖。 Is now in the longevity hill, take a look at the head of the scenery. The head is kunming lake. 大家跟我一起下去吧。 You go down with me. 这就是昆明湖,清得像一面镜子,绿得像一块碧玉。想坐游船的可以去,等会儿到这集合。 This is the kunming lake, clear as a mirror, like a piece of green jade. Want to take a cruise ship can go to, come to that later. 现在,看这边的桥,叫十七孔桥,因为它有十七个孔。桥的的栏杆上有上百根石柱,柱子上刻着小狮子。这么多的狮子,姿态不一,没有哪只是相同的。 Now, on this side of the bridge, that the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, because it has the 17th hole. There were hundreds of pillar in the bridge railing, pillars carved with a lion. So many lions, different attitude, which is just the same. 今天的游览结束了,下回再见。拜拜! Today's tour is over, see you next time. Bye bye! |
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