标题 | 幼儿园元旦策划方案 |
范文 | 幼儿园元旦策划方案 导语:元旦,即世界多数国家通称的“新年”,是公历新一年的第一天。以下是小编整理幼儿园元旦策划方案的资料,欢迎阅读参考。 活动目标: 1、通过幼儿装扮新年环境,增添新年氛围。 2、锻炼幼儿的动手操作能力,丰富幼儿的想象力和创造力。 活动准备: 1、剪刀、彩色纸、彩带、气球、打气筒、胶水、卡片。 2、背景音乐《新年好》。 活动重难点:装扮环境的方法和操作方法。 一、出示装扮新年环境的各种卡片或课件,激发幼儿参与活动的兴趣 1、教师出示各种醒目、温馨、快乐的节日环境,激发幼儿装扮新年气氛的兴趣。 2、教师引导幼儿说出卡片上的环境是用什么材料装扮的?想想还有什么材料可以用来布置新年环境。 二、引导幼儿动手操作,布置新年环境 1、教师出示气球,引导幼儿探讨,气球该放到教室的哪个位置?要什么东西才能把气球固定起来? 2、幼儿说出要绳子可以把气球固定起来,这时教师出示彩带,引导幼儿探讨,怎样使我们的教室更漂亮? 提示:教师要引导幼儿大胆说出自己的想法,并将彩带用到适合的位置。如可用做好的彩带系到吹好的气球上,然后挂到教室的天花板上,这样教室上空就会飘起漂亮的彩色气球,还垂掉下来好看的.彩带。更多分享请关注刘老师qq 6711XX 3、教师引导幼儿观察教室的环境,指指窗户,让幼儿说出用窗花装扮窗户,才更显新年气氛。 4、教师出示已剪好的窗花,引导幼儿学剪窗花,引导幼儿小心打开剪好的窗花,贴到窗户上装饰新年环境。 提示: 1、贴的时候要注意安全。 2、幼儿在装扮新年环境时,播放《新年好》的音乐。 三、欣赏新年环境,体验成功的喜悦 1、教师带领幼儿欣赏刚装扮好的新年环境,让幼儿逐一介绍自己装扮的环境,留下操作的足迹。 2、欣赏环境完毕后,教师和幼儿一起收拾教师,活动结束。 四、活动延伸: 1、引导幼儿运用学到的装扮新年氛围的方法装扮家里的新年环境。 2、如果条件允许的话,可以利用课余时间,给孩子照相,留下孩子成长的足迹。 延伸阅读(英语版): Activities: 1. Dress up the New Year environment and add a New Year atmosphere. 2. Exercise children's hands-on skills and enrich their imagination and creativity. Activities: 1. Scissors, color paper, ribbon, balloon, pump, glue, card. 2. Background music good New Year. Activity weight difficulty: the method and operation method of dressing the environment. 1. Show the various CARDS or courseware that dress up the New Year's environment, and stimulate the interest of children participating in the activity 1. The teachers show all kinds of eye-catching, warm and happy festive environment, and stimulate the children to dress up the New Year atmosphere. 2. What is the material for the teacher to guide the child to tell the environment on the card? Think about the materials you can use to decorate your New Year's environment. Ii. Guide children to operate and decorate the New Year environment 1, the teacher shows the balloon, guides the child to discuss, which position of the balloon should be in the classroom? What does it take to hold the balloon? 2. When the child says that he wants the rope to hold the balloon, the teacher shows the ribbon and guides the children to discuss. How can we make our classroom more beautiful? Tip: teachers should guide the young children to speak their own ideas and use the color belts to fit them. If the ribbon is available, it will be attached to a blown balloon and then hung on the ceiling of the classroom, so that beautiful colored balloons will float over the classroom and the beautiful ribbons will fall down. Please pay more attention to liu's qq 6711XX 3. The teacher guides the child to observe the classroom environment, points to the window, lets the young child say USES the window to decorate the window, just shows the New Year atmosphere more. 4. The teacher shows the cut window and guides the children to learn to cut the window, and guide the child to carefully open the cut window and decorate the New Year environment on the window. Tip: 1. Pay attention to safety when Posting. 2. Children play the music of "good New Year" when they dress up the New Year's environment. Appreciate the New Year's environment and experience the joy of success 1. The teacher guides the children to appreciate the New Year environment, and lets them introduce their own environment, leaving the footprint of the operation. 2. After the environment has been completed, teachers and children will gather together to clean up the teachers. Iv. Activity extension: 1. Guide children to dress up the New Year environment by using the New Year atmosphere. 2. If the conditions permit, you can use your spare time to take pictures of your children and leave the footprints of your children's growth. |
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