标题 | 比喻农村麦田的句子 |
范文 | 比喻农村麦田的句子 正是麦子拔节、抽穗、扬花、结籽的时节,万倾麦海.泛着绿油油的波浪。走近麦田,只见长长的麦穗挺着浓密的锋芒,锋芒根部开出一朵朵小小的白花。一些不知名儿的小蜂在麦穗前绕来绕去.花大姐也在穗子上,叶子上爬来爬去的忙碌着。 It is the season of jointing, heading, flowering and seed-setting of wheat that is full of green waves. As we approached the wheat field, we saw long ears of wheat with dense sharp edges, and small white flowers blooming from the root of the sharp edges. Some unknown little bees were circling around the ears of wheat. Big Sister Hua was also on the ears, and the leaves were busy climbing up and down. 金色的麦田就像无边的海浪。 The golden wheat fields are like endless waves. 一阵微风吹来,梯田里掀起金黄色的麦浪。比大海的波涛还要壮观。 A breeze blew and golden waves of wheat rose in the terraces. It's more spectacular than the waves of the sea. 那绿茸茸的麦田让我痴迷,使我沉醉!那“天人合一”的感觉随瞬间绽放的蒲公英,飘向了无边的远方…… The green wheat fields fascinate me and intoxicate me! The feeling of "harmony between man and nature" blossoms instantly with dandelions, and drifts to the infinite distance... 麦田像一张张美丽的图纸,柔软而又坚韧,随着风轻轻摆动着。 The wheat fields are like beautiful drawings, soft and tough, swinging gently with the wind. 麦苗伸展着嫩叶,顶着亮晶晶的雨露,像翡翠那样绿得发亮。 The wheat seedlings stretched out their tender leaves, withstood the bright rain and dew, as green as jadeite. 五月里,麦田黄了,一片又一片。粗壮的桔杆上挑着蓬乍乍的穗头,熟得那么欢畅,深沉,像串串金色的汗珠,像无边的金色的海。 In May, the wheat fields turned yellow, one after another. On the strong orange pole, there are spikes that ripen so delightfully and deeply, like a string of golden sweat beads, like the boundless golden sea. 麦田里黄澄澄的,好像是铺上了一层金色的地毯。 The wheat fields were yellow as if covered with a golden carpet. 绿化带外延就是麦田,微风刮起,麦浪翻滚,金灿灿的麦穗,拿到手里沉甸甸的。 The extension of the green belt is the wheat field, the breeze blowing, the wheat waves rolling, the golden ears of wheat, get heavy hands. 麦芒一根根笔直竖着,真像一把迎头的大到帚。麦粒圆鼓鼓的,比那顶好的苹果籽儿还大。 Mai Mang stands upright, like a broom to the head. The grain is round and bigger than the best apple seed. 麦田里,麦穗儿粒粒饱满,金黄金黄的。风一吹,麦浪滚滚,让人心旷神怡。 In the wheat field, the ears are full and golden. When the wind blows, the wheat waves roll, making people relaxed and happy. 春麦无论从那个方向望去,它们在天地间算不上高个儿.但谁也不弯下笔挺的腰。它们你携着我.我扶着你,像柔韧的屏.惬意地牵动着春风;像神奇的毯,一直铺进无边的白云,展入山巅的红霞。 Whether they look in that direction, spring wheat is not tall between heaven and earth, but nobody bends down. They carry me with you. I hold you like a flexible screen. They comfortably affect the spring breeze; like a magical blanket, they have been spread into endless white clouds, into the red clouds at the top of the mountain. 冬去春来,杨柳吐绿,温暖的春风吹绿了一望无际的麦田,吹皱了静静流淌的河水。甘美的春雨,像蛛丝一样轻,想针见一样细,像线一样长,像筛子筛过一样密密地向大地飞洒着。 When winter goes to spring, willows turn green, and the warm spring wind blows green the endless wheat fields, wrinkling the still flowing river. Sweet spring rain, as light as spider silk, as thin as needle, as long as thread, as close as sieve to the earth. 麦田就像美人鱼的金色长发,让人浮想联篇。 The wheat fields are like mermaid's long golden hair, which is imaginative. 春天,无边的麦田,绿油油、清爽爽、活脱脱、笑朗朗,清风吹来,阵阵清香…… Spring, boundless wheat fields, green oil, refreshing, lively, laughing Langlang, the breeze blowing, bursts of fragrance... 徘徊于乡间小路,看着庄稼田里一片片金黄的麦田,看着田野里一片绿色的果林,那些青色的果子,在这个季节里有着青春的阳光和魅力。 Wandering in the countryside, looking at the fields of crops, golden wheat fields, looking at the fields of a green fruit forest, those green fruits, in this season has the youthful sunshine and charm. 静静的站在颜色已经添几许金黄的麦田里,随着一点略显暖意的风的吹来,看着一层一层的麦浪,闭上眼,仿佛听到了一段大地的呼唤,嗅到了一丝丰收的喜悦。 Standing quietly in the wheat field with a few golden colors, with a little warm wind blowing, watching the wheat waves layer by layer, closing their eyes, as if they heard the call of the earth, and smelled a trace of the joy of harvest. 远远望去,麦田翻滚,好像是一片金色的海洋。 From a distance, the wheat fields rolled like a golden ocean. 麦田干净而又充满了神秘感。 The wheat fields are clean and mysterious. 下雪了,麦苗娃娃在雪被下面,‘呼呼“地睡得正香。有的麦苗娃娃把头伸出被子外面,好像一个探头顾盼的顽童,好奇地打量着这粉妆玉砌的世界。 It's snowing. The wheat seedling doll is sleeping soundly under the snow quilt. Some of the wheat seedling dolls stick their heads out of the quilt, like a naughty boy looking forward to, looking curiously at the world made up of powder and jade. 远远望去,麦苗长得密集齐整,好像川裁刀削平的毛茸茸的绿色地毯铺资开来。浅棕色的田梗经纬交织.就好像绿毯中的彩纹,美观大方。微风吹拂,麦苗轻轻晃动,好像把自己的精神抖擞抖擞,准备使出全身勺气往上窜呢。 Looking from afar, the wheat seedlings grew densely and neatly, as if the furry green carpet had been laid out by the Sichuan cutting knife. The light brown stalks are interwoven with longitude and latitude, just like the colorful patterns in the green carpet, which are beautiful and generous. When the breeze blows, the wheat seedlings shake gently, as if shaking their own spirit, ready to make the whole body spoon gas to go up. 远处麦田中,金黄的麦子连成一片,就像一座金色的海洋,微风一吹,麦子一晃一晃的就像波浪一样,它们相互拍打着,在这海洋中那些收割机便成了渔船,它们慢慢的驶过,留下那满是秸秆的道路便成了渔船划过的余波。 In the distant wheat fields, the golden wheat is linked together like a golden ocean. When the breeze blows, the wheat sways like waves. They beat each other. In this ocean, the harvesters become fishing boats. They drive slowly, leaving the straw-covered road as the aftermath of fishing boats. 成熟的麦子,挺着沉甸甸的腰杆,互相磨擦着,发出嗦嗦的响声。“突突突“收割机响过,麦田一排排地倒了下去。 Mature wheat, with its heavy waist pole, rubs against each other and makes verbose noises. The harvester rang and the wheat fields fell in rows. 渐渐地走的越来越远,嶙峋的青山,绿油油的麦田,袅袅的炊烟都一点点的淡了,淡了,渐渐淡成一缕光阴,看不见了。 Gradually walking farther and farther, the rugged mountains, the green wheat fields, the curling smoke are a little light, light, gradually fading into a ray of time, invisible. 麦收是一年最忙的时候,眼看着一望无际的麦田,微风吹起金波翻滚,沉甸甸的麦穗压弯了麦秆,仿佛看到那一缸缸的小麦、热气腾腾的白馍馍、飘着油花的面疙瘩汤,顿时精气神就上来了,浑身都是劲。 The wheat harvest is the busiest time of the year, watching the endless wheat fields, the gentle breeze blowing golden waves rolling, the heavy ears of wheat bending the straw, as if to see the jar of wheat, steaming white buns, floating oil flower noodles soup, the spirit immediately came up, all the body is vigorous. 麦田是浪漫而朴实的,远方的麦香已静静的沉入了心灵的深处,轻轻的轻轻的一丝一丝落下。 The wheat field is romantic and simple. The wheat incense in the distance has quietly sunk into the depths of the soul and falls gently and gently. 麦田好似金色的沙滩呈现在我们面前。 The wheat fields appeared before us like golden beaches. 麦田好似秋姑娘的连衣裙,随风而动。 The wheat fields are like autumn girls'dresses, moving with the wind. 我坐在长凳上,看着绿油油的麦田,还有天边火红的晚霞。纪晓岚有副对子:一种人忠臣孝子,两件事读书耕田。 I sat on the bench and looked at the green wheat fields and the red sunset in the sky. Ji Xiaolan has a pair of sons and daughters: one kind of person is loyal to his minister and filial son, two things are reading and farming. 到了夏季,麦香扑奔,整个麦田像是金子的海洋。 In summer, the wheat fragrance rushes, and the whole wheat field is like a sea of gold. 黑麦通通结了穗,那穗还没有长满,还是轻飘飘的。一片浅绿色的麦浪在风中波动。 Rye bears spikes, which are not yet full, but are still floating lightly. A pale green wave of wheat waved in the wind. 熟了的麦子,穗穗挺拔,锋芒毕露,有阳刚之气。 Ripe wheat, spikes straight, sharp, masculine. 大片大片的麦田在微风里泛着绿浪,把密密匝匝的细碎白花绽放在无边无际的绿海里,麦穗儿扬起高昂的头颅,用淡淡的'麦香纠缠着缕缕白花花的阳光,在那锋利的麦芒牵来的布谷歌唱里探望着金黄。 Large tracts of wheat fields are full of green waves in the breeze. They blossom in the endless green sea. The ears of wheat raise their high heads and tangle the sunshine of the white flowers with light wheat fragrance. They visit the golden yellow in the sharp wheat-awn-led Bugoogle singing. 绿油油的一眼望不到边的麦田。 The wheat fields are too green to be seen at a glance. 到了芒种前后,白水杏飘香,布谷鸟鸣叫,这时候麦子就熟了。那一片片的麦浪随风飘舞着,黄橙橙的麦穗殷勤的点着头,这丰收的气息,让地头的农人们眼里只发热。 Around the awn seeds, the almonds are fragrant and cuckoos are singing. Then the wheat is ripe. The wheat waves fluttered with the wind, and the ears of yellow orange and orange bowed their heads attentively. The smell of the harvest made the farmer's eyes only feverish. 麦田伸展着嫩叶,顶着亮晶晶的雨露,像翡翠那样绿得发亮。 The wheat fields are stretched out with tender leaves and shining rain and dew. They are green and shining like jadeite. 正在返青的麦苗,毛绒绒、绿茵茵的,在朝辉下挑着一颗颗晶莹透亮的露珠。 Returning green wheat seedlings, plush and green, are carrying crystal-clear dew beads in the morning glow. 麦田好似金色的海浪向我们涌来。 The wheat fields came to us like golden waves. 成片的麦芒直指天空,如执剑问天的侠客。只是这些麦芒让我们的眼睛疼痛,仿佛使我们不忍凝视农人的辛劳和汗水,它想刺痛我们的心,让我们流泪。 Films of wheat straightly pointed to the sky, such as knight-errant with sword. It's just these awns that make our eyes ache, as if we can't bear to stare at the farmer's hard work and sweat. They want to hurt our hearts and make us cry. 麦田黄了,一片又一片。粗壮的桔杆上挑着蓬乍乍的穗头,熟得那么欢畅,深沉,像串串金色的汗珠,像无边的金色的海。 The wheat fields are yellow, one after another. On the strong orange pole, there are spikes that ripen so delightfully and deeply, like a string of golden sweat beads, like the boundless golden sea. 远处金灿灿的稻田,在秋风的吹拂下,像一片金黄色的海浪在翻滚,十分壮观。 In the distance, the golden paddy fields, blown by the autumn wind, roll like a golden wave, very spectacular. 清晨的阳光划过金色麦田,稻草人懒洋洋的睁开了朦胧睡眼,最美好的景色在一瞬间定格于成熟的季节。 Early morning sunshine across the golden wheat fields, the straw man lazily opened his dim sleeping eyes, the best scenery in an instant fixed in the mature season. |
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