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moreover的用法 (1)Moreover, Ramsay was no mean thinker himself. 而且拉姆齐自己也是一位出色的.思想家。 (2)A talented artist, he was, moreover, a writer of some note. 他是一位有才华的艺术家,同时也是颇有名气的作家。 (3)The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the location is perfect. 这房租合理,而且地点优越. (4)The task is difficult, and moreover, time is pressing. 任务艰巨,并且时间紧迫. (5)Bicycling is a good exercise ; moreover, it is easy to learn. 骑自行车是一种很好的锻炼方式,并且还容易学. 上一篇:带有able后缀的单词有哪些 下一篇:in前缀的单词 |