标题 | 看焰火英语作文 |
范文 | 看焰火英语作文 在生活、工作和学习中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的.问题,以下是小编整理的看焰火英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 今天是三峡国际旅游节,下午我看了巡游典礼,晚上吃完饭,就去看焰火,路上天空下起了细雨,市民们仍然涌向江边,人流如织象蚂蚁搬家似的。 Today is the Three Gorges International Tourism Festival. In the afternoon, I watched the parade ceremony. After dinner in the evening, I went to see fireworks. There was a drizzle in the sky on the road. The citizens still swarmed to the riverside, like ants moving. 还有五分钟焰火晚会就开始了,我们等啊等,这五分钟就象十五分钟一样漫长,我正想玩一会儿,一声巨响,把我吓了一跳,我连忙爬上屋顶看! There are five minutes left for the fireworks party. Let's wait and wait. These five minutes are as long as fifteen minutes. I just want to play for a while. A loud noise scared me. I quickly climbed up the roof to watch it! 焰火形态万千,有的象狮子头,有的象稻草人,还有的象流星雨……接着,燃放焰火的大炮开始“狂吼”了,一个个焰火飞上了天,一朵朵五颜六色的花儿在空中盛开,把天空映衬的明如白昼,人们不断地欢呼雀跃,可焰火一会儿就放完了,我恋恋不舍地回了家。 There are thousands of fireworks, some are like lion heads, some are like scarecrows, and some are like meteor showers Then, the firecrackers began to roar. One by one, the fireworks flew to the sky. The colorful flowers bloomed in the air, setting off the sky as bright as the day. People kept cheering and cheering. But the fireworks were soon released, and I was reluctant to go back home. 我今天非常开心,希望下次焰火晚会快点儿到来。 I'm very happy today. I hope the next fireworks party will come soon. |
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