标题 | 下棋英语作文 |
范文 | 下棋英语作文 在日常的学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。那么你有了解过作文吗?下面是小编整理的下棋英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 今天下午,妈妈拿来一副新买的国际象棋对我说:“来,我们杀上一盘儿?”我听后,十分高兴。 This afternoon, my mother brought a new set of chess and said to me, "come on, let's kill a plate?" I am very happy after listening. 因为我们都是初学者,所以还要边看规则边下棋。我先出兵,在前面设了个陷阱。妈妈哪能中计,马上派出一个兵把我的.兵吃了。我顿时怒了。马上派“车”接连吃掉妈妈的一兵一卒。正当我洋洋得意的时候,一没留神,把“马”掉进了“象”口里……我马上紧张起来,用我的“车”收复了敌军的“象”。 Because we are all beginners, we have to watch the rules and play chess at the same time. I went out first and set a trap in front of me. Mom can't get in the way, send a soldier to eat my soldier right away. I got angry at once. Immediately send "car" to eat mom's soldiers one after another. When I was complacent, I dropped the horse into the elephant's mouth without paying attention I immediately got nervous and used my "car" to recover the enemy's "elephant". 正当我们杀得难分难解的时候,姥姥来了。姥姥看了看说:“你们这下的是什么棋呀!”说着就一会儿帮我想妙招,一会儿给妈妈出点子。不过姥姥还是对我好,在姥姥的帮助下,我顺利吃掉妈妈的“车”、“马”,我们乘胜追击,妈妈哪能防得住我们的进攻,一会儿就被我们打得落花流水,成了光杆司令,自然我赢了。 Just as we were killing each other, grandma came. Grandma looked and said, "what kind of chess are you playing?" I'll help me to think of some clever ideas and give my mother some ideas. But grandma is still good to me. With Grandma's help, I ate my mother's "car" and "horse" successfully. We won the battle. How can my mother prevent our attack? In a moment, we beat her to the ground and became commander in chief. Naturally, I won. 因为赢了棋,我高兴得手舞足蹈。不过,我知道这是因为有姥姥的帮助。我一定好好研究棋艺,不断提高自己的水平,做真正的赢者。 Because I won the chess game, I danced with joy. But I know it's because of grandma's help. I will study the chess skills well, improve my own level and be a real winner. |
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