英语诗歌:雨 Rain 
Who can explain the rain to my satisfaction? It pours, it drizzles; it sweeps my forehead motherly cool while I am staying in the trench; it drowns the thirsty soul of Skid Row; it rusts time-minded Times Square. Through a prism of carved memory the raindrops are apportioned to my hankering for the translucent sun. So I vision rainbows. My childlikeness travels forever. 雨 谁能把雨解释得 让我满意? 它狂狂地泼 霏霏地下 它如慈母的手 抚摸战壕中我的面颊; 他淹没流浪者 饥渴的`灵魂; 他锈蚀了时代广场中 时间的钟摆。 透过记忆镂刻的结晶体, 雨点纷纷扑向我 渴望中半透明的阳光。 于是我看到彩虹; 我童稚的天真 永远遨游于湛蓝的太空。 |