标题 | 给西部小朋友的一封信英语作文 |
范文 | 给西部小朋友的一封信英语作文 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是小编为大家收集的给西部小朋友的一封信英语作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 亲爱的西部小朋友们: Dear Western children: 你们大家好! Hello, everyone! 我是宇宙太阳系地球中国浙江丽水遂昌新世纪实验学校五一班的刘昊晗。 I am Liu Haohan, class 51, Suichang new century experimental school, Lishui, Zhejiang Province, China. 这几天,我们一直在学习关于你们西部的文章,知道了你们那儿是那么美丽,又是那么的荒凉;知道了你们那儿是多么的贫困。 In recent days, we have been learning about your western part, knowing how beautiful and desolate your place is, and how poor your place is. 现在,全国都开始了捐献出自己的零花钱、书、衣、裤、玩具等等的东西。象我们学校,就开展过这样的活动。还有西部大开发工程也还在建造当中。 Now, the whole country began to donate their own pocket money, books, clothes, pants, toys and so on. Such activities have been carried out in our school. And the western development project is still under construction. 要是你们还有什么困难,也可以来找我们。 If you have any difficulties, you can come to us. 我在电脑上看到了你们那的教室设备简单,一块石头和几根木头,绑起来就成了一张凳子。 I saw on the computer that your classroom equipment was simple, a stone and a few pieces of wood, tied up into a stool. 我们这儿的条件可比你们要好多了。我们的.学校名叫“新世纪实验学校”,在去年刚造好,里面的设施都是崭新的,蓝瓦红墙,相当的美丽。学校一共分为3幢大楼:一幢教学楼,一幢办公楼,还有一幢是餐厅、音乐室、电脑房等教室所在的大楼。我们的教室设备也不错,都用上了多媒体。 Our conditions here are much better than yours. Our school is called "New Century Experimental School". It was built just last year. The facilities inside are brand-new, blue tile and red wall. It is quite beautiful. The school is divided into three buildings: a teaching building, an office building, and a building where the dining room, music room, computer room and other classrooms are located. Our classroom equipment is also very good. We all use multimedia. 我们的活动丰富多彩。虽然操场还没建成,不过还有体育室、乒乓球室和舞蹈室顶着。而且我在家里的活动更丰富。我家有一台乒乓球台、一台液晶电视、二台纯平电视,还有一台电脑。要是你来了,我家的红色警戒、梦幻西游、大话西游、罪恶都市、小斗士……不把你给玩疯了,那这事就可以进入《天方夜谈》了! Our activities are colorful. Although the playground has not been completed, there are still sports rooms, table tennis rooms and dance rooms. And I have more activities at home. My family has a ping-pong table, a LCD TV, two flat TVs, and a computer. If you come, my red alert, dream journey to the west, big talk journey to the west, evil city, little fighter Don't play you crazy, then this can enter the "night talk of heaven"! 哦,对了,我要睡觉了,拜拜! Oh, by the way, I'm going to bed. Bye! 最后祝你们: Finally, I wish you: 迅速发达、身体健康、学习进步! Rapid development, good health and learning progress! 浙江省丽水市遂昌县新世纪实验小学的刘昊晗 Liu Haohan, New Century Experimental Primary School, Suichang County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province 20xx年3月20日星期二 Tuesday, 20 March 20xx |
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