标题 | 举世闻名的反义词 |
范文 | 举世闻名反义词: 默默无闻 【词意】举:全。 举世:全世界。闻:知道。 全世界都知道的事情,形容非常著名。 【出 处】 北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训·卷七·杂艺[2] 》:王逸少风流才士,萧散名人。举世但知其书,翻以能自蔽也。” 【用 法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含褒义 【示 例】桂林山水,举世闻名。 【造 句】陈景润是举世闻名的数学家。 【原文】 王逸少风流才士,萧散名人,举世惟知其书,翻以能自蔽也。萧子云每叹曰:吾著《齐书》,勒成一典,文章弘义,自谓可观;唯以笔迹得名,亦异事也。”王褒地胄清华,才学优敏,后虽入关,亦被礼遇。犹以书工,崎岖碑碣之间,辛苦笔砚之役,尝悔恨曰:假使吾不知书,可不至今日邪?”以此观之,慎勿以书自命。虽然,厮猥之人,以能书拔擢者多矣。故道不同不相为谋也。选自颜之推《颜氏家训·卷七·杂艺》[2] 【英文解释】be known to all the world;of world renown;be world-famous ; 【中英例句】 北京--在沙发上垂涎三尺的电视观众正在欣赏这个国家举世闻名的烹饪术。 Beijing salivating on their sofas, tv viewers across china have been enjoying a documentary series on the nation's world-famous cuisine. 各位将要游览举世闻名的经典和名胜,参观雄伟的古建筑群,观赏珍贵的中国文物。 You will visit world-famous scenic spots, historical sites, and magnificent ancient architectural complexes and apperciate precious cultural relics. 仅仅看着塔莎奶奶,你永远也不会意识到她是现代世界的一部分,更不会想到她是一名举世闻名备受赞誉的少儿图书作者与插画家。 Looking at tasha tudor, one would never know that she is a part of the modern world, let alone a world-famous, award-winning children's book author and illustrator. 摩根图书馆则贡献了从其举世闻名的收藏中挑选出的一些纸质藏品,包括拉斐尔,米开朗基罗,帕米贾尼诺和帕尔马埃尔伯的作品。 At the morgan library, the exhibition features works on paper chosen almost entirely from its own world-famous collection, including drawings by raphael, michelangelo, parmigianino and palma giovane. 佩鲁贾盗取这幅画后,整整一个世纪过去了,历史学家们却依然不情愿承认这个事实:正是他的无意之举,成就了《蒙娜丽莎》,使之成为如今举世闻名的艺术圣像。 A century has passed since perugia pinched the painting, and yet historians are still reluctant to give him the credit as the unwitting catalyst for making the mona lisa the world-famous icon that it is today. 上一篇:漫不经心的反义词 下一篇:舒服的反义词 |
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