标题 | 难忘的运动会英语作文 |
范文 | 难忘的运动会英语作文 在生活、工作和学习中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的.转化。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是小编为大家收集的难忘的运动会英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 昨天,我们学校进行了一场难忘的冬运会。运动会有踢毽子、跳单绳、跳集体绳和接力跑比赛四个项目。我没来得及吃早餐参加了跳单绳比赛。 Yesterday, our school had an unforgettable Winter Games. There are four events in the Games: shuttlecock kicking, single rope jumping, group rope jumping and relay race. I didn't have time to eat breakfast to take part in the single rope jumping competition. 体育场上人声鼎沸。第一个开始比赛的项目是跳单绳,先是六甲班男同学跳哇!六甲班龙子豪跳得好快啊,一场下来,他跳了287个,我估计会是全校第一。接下来六甲班女同学、六乙班男同学、六乙班女同学先后上场,最后总算轮到我们班男同学了,我默默地祈祷。随着裁判老师一声哨响,比赛开始了。首先我跳的第一个就“卡壳”了,可能是因为太紧张,后面接连失误。情急之中我很快稳住了情绪,一连跳了80多个。这时忽然想起体育老师的一句话:“跳绳是体力和均衡的对抗。”最终,我还是只跳了143个,实在没劲了,也许是没有吃早餐的缘故吧。 There was a lot of noise in the stadium. The first event to start the competition is to jump single rope. The first one is the male students of class 6A! Longzihao of class six a jumped so fast. He jumped 287 in one scene. I think he will be the first in the whole school. Next, the female students of class 6a, the male students of class 6a and the female students of class 6A went on stage successively. Finally, it was our male students' turn. I prayed silently. The match began with a whistle from the referee. First of all, the first one I jumped was "stuck". Maybe it was because I was too nervous and I made mistakes in succession. I quickly calmed down in a hurry, jumping more than 80 in a row. At this time, I suddenly thought of a sports teacher saying: "jumping rope is physical strength and balance of the confrontation." In the end, I only jumped 143, which is really boring. Maybe it's because I didn't eat breakfast. 下午我们进行了接力跑,有一个班一开始就落后10秒钟,但我相信他们会慢慢赶上来的。后来追得很快,虽然结果以1秒惜败,但这也算是一个令人难忘的奇迹了。接下来轮到我们班了,刚开始不分上下,可到了第5棒,乙班选手冲过头了,交接棒失误,我们以大距离毫无悬念地夺得了冠军。 In the afternoon, we had a relay run. One class was 10 seconds behind at the beginning, but I believe they will catch up slowly. Later, I was able to catch up quickly. Although I lost in 1 second, it was an unforgettable miracle. Next, it's our class's turn. At the beginning, we didn't get up or down, but in the fifth stroke, the players in class B rushed over and made mistakes in handing over the sticks. We won the championship with a long distance and no suspense. 通过本次运动会,我懂得了一个道理,坚持就是胜利,重在参与,这次冬运会真难忘。 Through this sports meeting, I have learned a truth that persistence is victory and participation is the most important thing. This winter games is unforgettable. |
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