1.Experience is not have done, it is what you have learned while doing it! 经验不是你曾经做过什么,而是你在做的过程中学到了什么! 2.While doing experiments, you must make careful observations. 做试验时,你必须仔细观察。 3.While doing the business she is having two young children to care for. 她边做生意边照料两个年幼的.孩子。 4.He had met her while doing a corporate job. 他是在一次合作项目中遇到她的。 5.He likes to listen to music while doing his homework. 他喜欢一边做作业,一边听音乐。 上一篇:山东菏泽学院是几本学费是多少 下一篇:anti前缀的单词和意思 |