You cannot go home without visiting the fabled art collections of the Prado. 普拉多美术馆充满传奇色彩的'艺术藏品属于旅游时的必看之选。 Each tale has the timeless quality of fable. 每个故事都有其永恒的寓意。 The fate of many British designers calls to mind the fable of the tortoise and the hare. 许多英国设计师的命运令人想起了龟兔赛跑的故事。 Is reincarnation fact or fable? 转世轮回是确有其事还是无稽之谈? It's a land rich in fable. 此地是寓言之乡。 上一篇:初中开学生活物品清单女生 下一篇:有后缀y的单词 |