标题 | 学英语作文 |
范文 | 【精华】学英语作文汇总十篇 在我们平凡的日常里,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是小编收集整理的学英语作文10篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 学英语作文 篇1This year,we will have a long holiday.I am really excited. I am going to go to Hainan this summer holiday.I think it is cool in Hainan.I am going to go with my parents. We are going to go there by train.We are going to stay there for five days. I am going to swim there. I like swimming very much.Then I will read books at home.And I will help my mother do the housework.I belive,I will have a happy holiday. 学英语作文 篇2Hello, everyone. We have a new friend today. This is Mike, he's from America. He is thirteen years old now. He likes playing baseball and basketball. He is good at Maths. I hope you can get on well with him. 学英语作文 篇3I had a busy weekend. On the Saturday, I walked to Lily’s home . I studied English with her. in the afternoon, I cooked noodles with my mother .On Sunday morning, I watched TV, it was fun. Then I went to a park by bike . I flew kites. It was a sunny day. In the evening, I washed my clothes and cleaned my room. My last weekend was very busy. But I was very happy. 我有一个繁忙的`周末。星期六,我走到莉莉的家。我跟她学习英语。下午,我煮面条用我的母亲。上周日上午,我看电视,很好玩。然后我去公园骑自行车。我放风筝。那是一个阳光灿烂的日子。到了晚上,我洗我的衣服,打扫房间。我上周末很忙。不过,我很高兴。 学英语作文 篇4I go to school from Monday to Friday .I go to school by bike at 7:30 in the morning .I must cross two busy roads .If the traffic light is red or yellow,I know I can’t cross the road ,so I wait. If the light turns green, I know it means “Go”, and then I walk across the road .I always ride on the right side of the road .I am never against the traffic rules. 【要领点评】 这篇作文的题目是“不要违反交通规则”,小作者没有说一些空话,而是从自己的`经历写起,叙述自己以什么方式去上学,在上学的路上是怎么做的,很形象。 小朋友们在作文时注意不要图大,那样很容易使文章显得空洞,而要写自己身边熟悉的事情。要注意行文中字母的大小写、句子的标点符号等。 学英语作文 篇5Almost every child has seen the things about Disney, such as the Disneyland, the classic cartoon character-Mickey Mouse and the Disney films. Disney company creates a lot of interesting images, most of them have companied the kids to grow up, these lovely creatures are imaginary friends. They appear in the screen every day. Disney company is a dream factory. 几乎每个孩子都见过关于迪斯尼的东西,如迪斯尼乐园,迪斯尼经典卡通人物米奇老鼠和迪士尼的电影。迪斯尼公司创造了很多有趣的.形象,他们中的大多数都是陪着孩子成长,这些可爱的生物都是虚构的朋友。他们每天都出现在屏幕上。迪士尼公司是一所梦工厂。 学英语作文 篇6New term is coming, all things have changed, but one thing I have never forgot, which is studying The first thing, I will never waste my time again, you know Franklin said :"Never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today." I will do it as good as Words of Franklin. The second, I will ask more questions which is a puzzle for me. Because of these things can let me understand all of knowledge in book very well. The third, I will do more execrises.For example, English, Maths, Chinese and so on. To sum up, time is too improtant to let me get a good performance, so action is only one thing I can do! I will action more, less talking. 学英语作文 篇7Hi! My name is Linda. I’m from LuGu Foreign Language Primary School. I get up at 6:30. It’s 7:05. It’s time for breakfast. It’s 7:30. It’s time to go to school. On my way to school, I can see cats, dogs, rabbits, and some birds. Oh, it’s 9:10. It’s time for Chinese class. It’s 10:00. It’s time for English class. It’s 10:50. It’s time for math class. It’s 12:00. It’s time for science class. It’s 2:50. It’s time for painting. It’s 3:30. It’s time for Chinese. It’s 4:30. It’s time to go home. It’s 9:30. It’s time to go to bed. I like my day. 学英语作文 篇8我虽然学英语时间不长,但其中滋味却品尝了不少。 记得上二年级的时候,学校开办了英语兴趣班。父母一个劲儿地鼓励我报名,还列举了许多英语的好处,而我呢,却是冲着新鲜好奇参加的。想来不是挺难的事,可学起来还真不容易。老师一进教室就讲了一大堆英语单词,我一句也听不懂,觉得没趣,上课便开起了小差,一连几堂课老师的提问我都答错了,越学越没劲。最让我难堪的还是期末考试。英语老师把家长代表请来与学生当面对练问答。我们家来的是高级知识分子—妈妈,英语可棒了!我怕妈妈知道我的底细,心想不举手混过去,谁知老师偏偏向我提问,我本来就没学好,再一紧张,三句话竟答错了两句,出了洋相,我的脸“刷”地一下就红了,甭提多难过了。三年级英语成了正课,经历过一次教训的我,这下可不敢马虎了。上课认真听讲,积极举手回答问题,同学们和老师都说,我两个耳朵像小白兔似的总是竖着听。时间一长,渐渐地体会到了学英语的乐趣。自然精神也来了,学英语的积极性倍加高涨。 每当家里电话铃响,我拿起电话先喊一声“Hello"。是同学,就把学过的单词以及句子连起来搞一次对话练习,既是复习,又有提高,一举两得,真过瘾。如果是大人打的电话,那就更好了,不但练习了对话,还可以在我接不上的时候让人家教我两句。当然更多的人说不来英语,我就取笑对方,一个劲地说学过的那几句英语,直到对方莫名其妙地反应过来问:“你爸在不?”我才讲中文。由于对方听不懂,所以爸爸接过电话,听到的总是对方的`表扬:“你女儿真不简单,还会说英语。”每当这时,我心中总是乐滋滋的,他们哪知我这个才人门的小家伙只懂一点点皮毛。最让我得意的还是有一次到四川联合大学与大学生玩耍,他们用英语与我对话,我才说两句,他们就夸我音读得准。我一高兴,便搬出了我所有的家底,还用英语向他们提问,三个大学生连连夸我是个学英语的好苗子,我更加得意了。一个周末,我兴冲冲地走进滨江公园英语角,想跟“老外”对话,谁知站在“老外”身边,人都傻了,除少数单词以外,一句话也听不懂。这时的我才真正有无地自容的感觉。 学英语,使我真正懂得了“学海无涯”的深刻含义,就像在大海里游泳,在海边游一下很容易,要游过大海可不那么简单! 学英语作文 篇9My mother My name is Jessie. I am twelve. I love my mother, her name is Miss Xiao. She has black hair and two big eyes. She is a very beautiful woman. My mother works in a hotel. She is a manager. She likes fish and vegetables, but she doesn’t like meat and chicken. My mother can cook, sing and read, but she can’t fly. Her cooking and singing are both very good. This is my mother! 学英语作文 篇10如今已是21世纪,英语已成为世界语言,我才刚刚接受英语,对英语了解的甚是肤浅,因此上网恶补了一番。英语,english,也称美语,作为当今世界事实上的国际社交语言,它取得的成功是史无前例的。从使用它的人口来说,以英语为母语的人数仅次于汉语而居世界第二位,大约有四亿多人。英语是用音标拼成的,我的.《英汉小词典》上约有5500个单词和短语。oh!mygood!汉语有好几万个呢,英语才那么少,怪不是是世界语的,越方便越适于交流嘛!不过,英语据我所知,有一般现在式、一般过去式、一般将来式……好多啊!今天,我在网上找到一个剑桥英语网站,里面有好多英语语法呢,还有什么“剑桥英语一级单体预备表”、“剑桥英语一级笔记”、“如何记单词”、“英语大全444法”看的我是眼花缭乱、目不暇接。我在上面啃了一天,还找到了444个日常口头用语,我一个一个的把它们拼写下来,不过那么多个我怎么全会呢?所以就得用字典了,在网上也有英语字典,我遇到不会的单词就在上面查,这种字典是有英语单词、音标和释义的那种,很好用。唔,英语,你真有趣。 |
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