Prohibition was laid on the export of coal. 禁止煤炭输出。 The company's gearing up for the big export drive. 公司正为大规模输出作好准备。 Consultancy, insurance and tourism are also parts of the export trade. 咨询,保险及旅游也是出口贸易的一部分。 Export had suffered during the last six months. 前6个月内,出口已蒙受损失。 Oil has supplanted coffee as our main export. 原油已经取代咖啡成为我们的'主要出口货物。 Sugar is one chief export of China. 糖是中国的主要输出品之一。 上一篇:walk的短语搭配 下一篇:bicycle是什么意思译 |