例句: The cure took six weeks. 此疗程花了六个星期。 She took her driving test yesterday. 她昨天参加了驾照考试。 Cars gradually took over from horses. 汽车逐渐取代了马。 She was taken on as a trainee. 她受聘当实习生。 The sign must be taken down. 这个指示牌一定要摘下来。 I was taken in by her story. 我被她的花言巧语蒙骗了。 We're taking a trip to Montana. 我们要去一趟蒙大拿州。 She was accused of taking bribes. 她被控受贿。 This skirt needs taking up. 这条裙子需要改短。 上一篇:has加动词的过去分词是什么时态 下一篇:take的短语 |