标题 | 漫话探险英语作文 |
范文 | 漫话探险英语作文 在生活、工作和学习中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编为大家收集的漫话探险英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 在今日崇尚个人英雄主义,拼搏顽强的鲁滨逊精神的浪潮之中,中小学生无异于弄潮儿:“中日少年友好徒步野行”,“寒暑假野外训练营”。在一片褒扬声中,我的声音难免有些煞风景,但我仍大声呼喊:“中小学生不应该去探险!” In today's wave of advocating individual heroism and striving for the indomitable spirit of Robinson, primary and secondary school students are no different from the tide: "China Japan youth friendly hiking", "winter and summer field training camp". In a praise, my voice inevitably some evil scenery, but I still shouted loudly: "primary and secondary school students should not explore!" 也许探险能丰富人生阅历,也许探险能磨炼意志,也许探险能激发自立意识,但途径只有唯一吗? Maybe exploration can enrich life experience, maybe exploration can temper will, maybe exploration can stimulate self-reliance consciousness, but there is only one way? 古人云:“行万里路,读万卷书。”行万里路固然重要,读万卷书则与之相比更切实更完善更有效,这“书”是一种载体,它是另一条大道。 The ancients said, "travel ten thousand miles, read ten thousand books." It is important to travel thousands of miles, but reading thousands of books is more practical, more perfect and more effective. This "book" is a kind of carrier, it is another avenue. 一个孩子在餐桌边,捂着嘴大喊:“不吃不吃,奶奶的菜吃了口干……这是一则鸡精,但意味深长,祖国花朵如何迈向自立,没有自立,大张旗鼓去探险;天方夜谭。然而在生活,这样的例子比比皆是: A child was at the dinner table, covering his mouth and shouting: "don't eat, grandma's food is dry It's a chicken essence, but it's meaningful. How does the flower of the motherland march towards independence? Without independence, it's going to explore in a big way. In life, however, there are many such examples: 大学新学年,新生父母来陪读;小学食堂,学生对带壳熟鸡蛋无可奈何;高中教师,学生无法削光苹果皮;暑假到来,大学生抱着一箱脏衣服让父母洗。 In the new academic year of the University, the parents of the freshmen come to accompany them; in the canteen of the primary school, the students have nothing to do with the boiled eggs with shells; in the high school teachers, the students can't peel the apple skin; in the summer vacation, the students hold a box of dirty clothes for their parents to wash. 父母着急了,老师着急了,社会着急了。于是急于奋起直追,一个个夏令营,一个个探险团,一个个“公主太阳”茫然不知所措,弄得狼狈不堪。父母迷茫了,老师迷茫了,社会迷茫了,为什么会陷入怪圈,为什么探险训练会拔苗助长,适得其反呢? Parents are in a hurry, teachers are in a hurry, and society is in a hurry. So eager to catch up, one by one summer camp, one by one exploration group, one by one "Princess sun" at a loss, make a mess. Parents are confused, teachers are confused, and society is confused. Why do we fall into a strange circle? Why do adventure training encourage us to grow up? It's just the opposite? 探险毕竟是危险的,这需要一定的自立能力和一定的经验,这就是探险训练的弊端之处吧? After all, exploration is dangerous, which requires certain self-reliance and experience, which is the disadvantage of exploration training, right? 条条大路通罗马,人们把太多的热情投入了探险,而淡忘了生活的点滴。 All roads lead to Rome. People put too much enthusiasm into exploration and forget about life. 我们不能去蒸炒饭菜,但能否从端饭端菜做起?我们不能洗净棉衣,但能否从洗手帕,袜子做起?我们不能徒步去郊游,能否从主动买什物做起?我们想要的矫健身子,能从宽阔的.操场中获得;我们想要的团队、吃苦耐劳精神能否从一次次义务劳动中获得,即使高山大川能陶冶心境,我们能否去名胜景点;而不去危险的奇山峻岭。探险能带给我们神秘感,但未成熟的身心体魄,知识与经验会把我们带入险境,甚至扼杀生命之花。 We can't steam and fry the food, but can we start with serving the food? We can't wash cotton clothes, but can we start with handkerchiefs and socks? We can't go outing on foot. Can we start by buying things on our own initiative? The healthy body we want can be obtained from the wide playground; whether the team and hard-working spirit we want can be obtained from the voluntary work, even if mountains and rivers can cultivate our mood, can we go to scenic spots instead of dangerous mountains and mountains. Exploration can bring us mystery, but immature body and mind, knowledge and experience will bring us into danger, even kill the flower of life. 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,增其意所不为。 Heaven will be responsible for the people. We must first work hard, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, empty their body and do what they do. Therefore, we must be patient and increase what we don't do. 亚圣名字的亘古恒言由响于耳。但时过境迁,面对自强自立之路,我们必须高呼探险吗:我们眼前只有探险这一条羊肠小道吗? The eternal words of the name of the Assyrian ring in the ear. But as time goes by, facing the road of self-improvement and self-reliance, do we have to shout out: is there only a narrow path of exploration in front of us? |
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