Curious pedestrians were ordered to move along 好奇的路人被责令离开。 Both of them looked at him with that curious, slightly amused and even arch expression. 他们俩都看着他,带着一副好奇的、有点觉得好笑甚至是淘气的表情。 There was a curious mixture of people in the audience. 观众中有各色人等,显得很怪。 Liz picked up the blue envelope and turned it over curiously 莉兹拿起蓝色信封,好奇地翻过来看。 Curiously enough, a year later exactly the same thing happened again. 说来也怪,一模一样的事情在一年以后又发生了。 上一篇:noise的形容词形式怎么写? 下一篇:无济于事的济是什么意思 |