The car spun right off the track. 汽车完全开出了车道。 We're getting right off the subject. 我们完全离题了。 We both liked each other right off the bat. 我们俩一见如故。 It drizzled off and on all day. 毛毛雨已经时停时续地下了一整天。 It has been off and on for a month. 这样断断续续了一个月。 They drank, off and on, for several days. 他们断断续续地喝了好几天。 The shows kick off on October 24th. 展览从10月24日开始。 Shrugging off her injury, she played on. 她受了伤,却继续进行比赛。 上一篇:漂亮好看的英文怎么写 下一篇:加ible后缀的单词10个 |