标题 | 萤火虫的单词怎么写 |
范文 | 他对她喊道:“亲爱的小萤火虫,你能放我自由吗?” He called to her and said, "Dear little Glowworm, will you set me free?" 在炎热的夏夜,每只萤火虫都以其亚种特有的方式发光。 At hot summer nights, each firefly flashes its light in a pattern unique to its subspecies. 凝望天空中的同一颗行星,或草丛中闪烁的同一只萤火虫; To gaze upon the same planet in space, or at the same glowworm gleaming in the grass; 奇怪的`是,你可以用我小时候用来捉萤火虫的装置来捕捉你的想法。 Oddly enough, you can catch your ideas with the very same device I used to catch fireflies when I was a boy. 这种光来自雌性萤火虫乌贼,它们在春天产卵,然后死亡,被冲到岸上。 The light comes from female firefly squids, which spawn in spring, then die and wash ashore. 上一篇:以ship为后缀的单词有哪些? 下一篇:大学新增专业好不好 |
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