标题 | 同伴压力的影响 Influence of Peer Pressure |
范文 | 同伴压力的影响 Influence of Peer Pressure Peer pressure means the influence given by a group of people around you, such as, parents, friends, classmates, teachers and so on. Their influence will affect your attitude, behavior, conception or decision. As every side has two sides, this influence also has two sides. Let me explain my reasons. 同伴压力是指自己周围的人所形成的压力,比如,父母,朋友,同学,老师等。他们的影响会影响到你的态度,行为,观念或者决定。正如事物都是有两面性的,这样的影响也是一样的。让我给我的观点吧。 For one thing, influence of peer pressure has positive effect. It depends on the specific thing. Sometimes, the influence of pressure will promote me get progress. For instance, my deskmate does well in one math exam, while I fall far behind her. As we are deskmates, i can’t let others look down on me. So i will take her as my good example to fight. And then next time, I can get a good mark by my effort. Take my parents as another example, they like clean. They don’t have the habit to throw rubbish at will. I won’t have this habit either living with them. 一方面,同伴压力的影响有积极的一面。这要具体情况而定。有时候同伴压力的影响会促进我们进步。比如,我同桌在一次数学考试中成绩突出,而我却落后她很多。因为我们是同桌,我不能让别人看低我。所以我会把她当成是我的榜样来奋斗。之后下一次考试,我也可以通过自己的努力取得一个好成绩。还有以我父母为例,他们喜欢干净。他们不会有乱丢垃圾的习惯。和他们生活在一起我也不会养成那样的习惯的。 For another, influence of peer pressure has negative effect. Sometimes the influence will be bad. For example, if my friends ask me to skip class to watch a basketball match with them, i go with them, even i don’t have that thought before. And one of my friends has gone through a lot, he always try to convince me that money is very important. As time passes, i may change my conception. 另一方面,同伴压力的影响也有消极的一面。有时候同伴压力的影响会有不好的影响。比如,如果我朋友叫我逃课陪他们去看球赛,尽管之前我没这想法,但是我可能会和他们一起走的。还有我一个朋友因为经历了很多,总是跟我说金钱的重要性。慢慢的,我也许会改变我的观念。 In summary, the influence of peer pressure has positive and negative sides. We have to advocate the good side and avoid the negative. We have to be clear about what is right and what is wrong and firm our position. 总之,同伴压力的影响有积极的也有消极的影响。我要提倡好的方面,避免不好的一面。我就得明辨是非,坚定立场。 |
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