标题 | 5个cide后缀的单词 |
范文 | When a will was discovered near the man's dead body, patricide was suspected. 当男尸旁的遗嘱被发现时,人们便怀疑这是一桩杀父案。 Richard III and Macbeth are also demons: they have the complex of patricide. 理查三世和麦克白是具有弑父情结的恶魔。 Will there be new winning conditions in TAD, like Regicide? TAD会有新的胜利条件,例如弑君吗? Someone who commits regicide; the killer of a king. 犯杀君之罪的.人;杀害国王的人。 Revolution and regicide a grand fact? 革命和杀死沙皇都是伟大的事业吗? 上一篇:初中生开学前要买什么 下一篇:开学带什么东西六年级 |
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