标题 | 英语优秀作文带翻译初一 |
范文 | 英语优秀作文范文带翻译初一 在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是小编为大家整理的英语优秀作文范文带翻译初一,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 弃婴岛该存在吗?Should Abandoned Island be Existed? A charity organization was set up not too long ago, but it has already caused a strong social discussion. This organization called Abandoned Island, as the name implies, this place is set up for the parents who don’t want to raise their baby anymore. In my opinion, abandoned island has both advantages and disadvantages. 有个慈善机构还没成立多久就在社会上引发了热论。这个机构叫做弃婴岛,顾名思义,这个地方就是为了安置那些父母不想养的婴儿的。在我看来,弃婴岛有好处也有坏处。 On the one hand, one of the important advantages is that the abandoned island is a haven for abandoned babies, which in one sense, is saving their live. All of the babies in abandoned island are seriously sick, their disease is very difficult to treat and it must cost bunch of money. The parents abandon them here are mainly because they don’t have money to pay the treatment and hoping the abandoned island could save their baby’s live. Besides, abandoned island can stop parents from abandoning baby in dumpster or toilet, which is a crime. 一方面,其中一个重要的好处就是弃婴岛对弃婴来说是避难所,从某意义来说,能救他们的'命。几乎所有在弃婴岛的婴儿都是病得很严重的,他们的病很难医治,而且花费也很大。抛弃他们的父母也大都是因为没钱给他们医治,希望弃婴岛能够救他们的孩子一命。再者,弃婴岛能够阻止父母把婴儿丢在垃圾箱或者厕所里,这是犯罪。 On the other hand, the abandoned island also have disadvantage. This organization might become an encouragement to abandon baby for the parents who have a sick one. Most parents would spend all of their money to cure their baby, and a part of them will give up after they don’t have any money to cure them, and abandon their baby. Once the parents know there are a wonder place to take care of their sick baby for free, it might cases a phenomenon that most parents might give up their baby in the first place. 另一方面,弃婴岛也有坏处。这个机构有可能会成为鼓励父母抛弃病婴的媒介。很多父母都会花尽钱财来治疗他们的孩子,只有一部分在没钱之后就弃疗,然后抛弃他们的孩子。一旦父母知道有这么一个能够免费治疗孩子的好地方,就有可能会引发这么一种现象,大部分父母在一开始就放弃自己的孩子。 Through the above analysis, there is no denying that abandoned island has the positive aspects as well as the negative ones. Taking both of them into account, I suggest that the abandoned island should be existed, because it can save lives,if they were abandoned in dumpster, they have nothing to do but die. 通过以上分析,毫无疑问弃婴岛有好也有坏。考虑到这两点,我认为弃婴岛还是该存在的,因为这能够救命,如果被父母丢在垃圾桶里,他们就只有死路一条。 |
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