标题 | 英国留学准假信证明模版 |
范文 | 英国留学准假信证明模版 停薪留职协议 *******有限公司(以下简称甲方)与本公司职员****(以下简称乙方)就乙方自费赴英国留学一事达成以下协议: 甲方责任义务: 1. 停薪留职期限为****,自***年至****年; 2. 在乙方留学期间,甲方为乙方保留职位,停发乙方月薪,按期为乙方缴纳养老保险金; 3. 乙方毕业回国,甲方为其恢复原有职位。 乙方责任义务: 1. 在留学期间,费用自理; 2. 乙方毕业后应按本协议回甲方工作。如违反协议,甲方将不再为乙方保留职位及待遇。 本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份。 协议方: 甲方: 乙方: **********有限公司 ****** ****年**月**日 Agreement (Translation) ********Co., Ltd. (Part A) reached an agreement with the employee ****(Part B) on***’’s study in the UK by his self-support. The duty of Part A: 1. The deadline of part B’s leaving his post is ***year and *** months, from ***to ***; 2. Party A will keep part B’s post and pay old-age pension for part B; 3. Party A will resume Part B’s post when Part B returns to China after graduation. The duty of Part B: 1. Part B pays his own total fees during his study in the UK; 2. After graduation, part B should go back to work at part A according to this agreement. If part B disobeys this agreement, part A will not keep part B’s post and welfare. This agreement is in duplicate. Part A and Part B each have one copy. |
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