标题 | 七夕节的英语周记 |
范文 | 七夕节的英语周记 愉快又充实的一周又告一段落了,这一周内让你有什么启发呢?不如趁现在好好写一篇周记。我们该怎么写周记呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的七夕节的英语周记,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 七夕节的英语周记1七夕是我们村里喜庆的日子,家家户户都把客人请到家里作客,整条村子都喜气洋洋的。 那一天来临了,家里就把桌子和椅子通通都拿出来摆齐,然后请酒楼的厨师和杂工来做菜,如果是自己做的会忙不来,就情来帮忙哦! 那家酒楼的菜真的很好,他们非常认真的,细心的去做好每一道菜,菜做出来了,我目瞪口呆的,多么完美啊!很多路过的客人都围观起来,其实是我们一家和许多家的人一起请他们来的,因为酒楼的老板也接上门为客人服务的,所以他们就来了。到了吃饭了,入席我们家的客人,看到了桌上的菜说:“卖相很不错噢。”吃完后他们更加赞叹不已,我觉得做菜的厨师和杂工是非常辛苦的,我们在这里吃、喝,他们却在清洁做完菜的工具,很不适合,我们在高兴,他们在工作,所以我就拿了两瓶大大的汽水出去送给他们喝,让他们心里高兴,我们也开心了。 Tanabata is our village festive day, every household to the guests please go home at home, the whole village are beaming. That day came, the family put the table and chairs are all out of the Qi Qi, and then please the restaurant chef and craftsmen to cook, if it is to do their own busy, love to help Oh! The restaurant is really good restaurant, they are very serious, careful to do every dish, the dishes come out, I am stunned, how perfect ah! A lot of passing guests are onlookers, in fact, we and a lot of people together to ask them to come, because the owner of the restaurant also pick up the door for the guests, so they came. To eat, and to our guests, see the dishes on the table, said: "sell very good Oh." After eating them more amazed, I think cooking cooks and craftsmen is very hard, we are here Eat, drink, they are in the clean finished dishes of the tool, it is not suitable, we are happy, they are at work, so I took two bottles of large soda out to give them to drink, so that they are happy, we are happy The 七夕节的英语周记2七夕--一个充满神奇色彩的词语,在岁月的冲刷中,似乎风华已逝。 小时候听多了牛郎织女的故事,至今仍回响在耳旁。牛郎织女的日子,仍铭记在心中。鹊桥已建,争相目睹两人相聚时的声声细语。 现在是一个开放的`时代,外来节日似乎逐渐替代我们的传统节日。人们知道有西方情人节,并在西方情人节那天送给女朋友或老婆许多的礼物,但是否还记得,遥远的东方有个七夕? 恒河系里,一个美丽的传说,一座美丽的桥梁,一个承载着中华五千年的爱情故事。儿时,你们也许听得多了;儿时,你们也许曾幻想着有那么一天牛郎织女会在一起。 中华儿女,为什么不能将这个美丽的故事延续下去?中华儿女,难道你们真的那么喜欢外来文化,而不喜欢自己那个“丑陋”的中华文化?中华儿女,难道你就让喜鹊搭成的桥梁白白地消失? Tanabata - a full of magical words, in the years of erosion, it seems that elegance is gone. Childhood to listen to the story of the Cowherd and Weaver, still echoed in the ear. Cowboy Weaver's day, still remember in mind. Magpie Bridge has been built, competing to see the two together when the sound of whispers. Now is an open era, foreign festivals seem to gradually replace our traditional festivals. People know that there are Western Valentine's Day, and in the West Valentine's Day to give a girlfriend or wife a lot of gifts, but still remember that the distant East has a Tanabata? Ghetto, a beautiful legend, a beautiful bridge, a five thousand years of Chinese love story. In childhood, you may hear more; childhood, you may have imagined that one day Cowherd and weaver will be together. Chinese children, why can not this beautiful story continue? Chinese children, do not you really like foreign culture, and do not like their own "ugly" Chinese culture? Chinese children, do not you let the magpie bridge formed in vain to disappear? 七夕节的英语周记3小朋友,你们知道七夕节吗?你们知道关于七夕节的知识吗?如果不知道,那就让我来告诉你们吧。 在我国,农历七月初七的夜晚,气候宜人,瓜果飘香,这就是人们俗称的七夕节。七夕节又称为“乞巧节”和“女儿节”。 七夕节最普遍的习俗,就是妇女们在七夕节的夜晚进行的各种乞巧活动。 乞巧的方式大多是姑娘们穿针引线验巧做些小物品赛巧。各个地区的乞巧方式不尽相同,各有趣味。 七夕节不仅仅有习俗,还有古诗。有一首诗是这样的:“未会牵牛意若何,须邀织女弄金梭。年年乞与人间巧,不道人间巧已多。”像这样的古诗还有很多哦。 七夕节始终和牛郎织女的传说相连,这是一个美丽的,千古流传的故事,这个故事是我国四大民间爱情传说之一。 现在你们应该对七夕节了解了不少吧。哦,对了,七夕节应该多吃一些瓜果哦。 Children, do you know Tanabata Festival? Do you know the knowledge of Tanabata Festival? If you do not know, let me tell you it In China, the seventh day of the seventh day of the lunar month, the climate is pleasant, fruit fragrance, which is commonly known as Tanabata Festival. Tanabata Festival is also known as "Qi Qiao Festival" and "daughter festival". The most common custom of Tanabata Festival is the variety of beggars carried out by women on the evening of Tanabata Festival. Qi Qiao way most of the girls are punctured lead to make small items Sai Qiao. Various areas of Qi Qiao different ways, each interesting. Tanabata Festival is not only custom, there are ancient poetry. There is a poem is like this: "There is a lot of ancient poetry like this, there are a lot of things like this." Tanabata Festival and Cowboy Weaver's legend is always connected, this is a beautiful, eternal spread of the story, this story is one of China's four major folk love legend. Now you should know a lot about Tanabata Festival. Oh, yes, Tanabata Festival should eat some fruit Oh. |
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