标题 | 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 |
范文 | 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师(通用20篇) 在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是小编精心整理的六年级英语作文带翻译 我的老师,欢迎大家分享。 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇1My teacher has a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, rosy lips and a head of black hair. Talk very friendly, I love her. My teacher is very love us, once I was ill, burning violently, I felt very dizzy, fell to the ground, my mother sent me to the hospital immediately, when I woke up, found a teacher and her mother are in my side, I asked my mother, the teacher come mother said: "you faint after the teacher came," from then on, the teacher came to see me every day, back to me with my homework, I listen carefully, the teacher is good, she gave me a few questions, I'm all right, the teacher said: "you must study harder, recover at an early date, the students are waiting for you back." After the doctor and his mother's care and hard care, my disease good, finally, my mother sent me to school, is to catch up with our class quizzes, I finished all the questions, don't know the right, after a day, the teacher hair, the mood of the students were all very nervous, I also included, when the teacher shouted my name, I was thinking that, delayed so long, I certainly didn't test good, but the teacher said that my score is 100 points, I can't believe, I took the papers, the teacher said: "must continue to work hard. I'm not going to let the teacher down. Thank you my teacher, I will study hard and with good grades in return for you. 我的老师有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,红润的嘴唇和一头乌黑的头发。说话十分亲切,我特别喜欢她。 我的老师很关爱我们,有一次我生病了,烧的很厉害,我觉的很头晕,倒在了地上,妈妈立即把我送到了医院,等我醒来后,发现老师和妈妈都在我的身边,我问妈妈老师怎么来得,妈妈说:“你晕倒后老师就来了”,从那以后,老师天天来看我,还给我补习功课,我认真的听,老师讲的可好了,她还给我出了几个题,我全都作对了,老师说:“一定要加紧学习,早日康复,同学们都等着你回去呢。” 经过医生和妈妈的细心和辛苦的照顾,我的病终于好了,妈妈把我送到学校,,正赶上我们班小考,我把题都做完了,不知道对不对,过了一天,老师发卷了,同学们的心情都很紧张,我也包括在内,老师喊到我的名字时,我正在想,耽误了这么长的时间,我肯定没有考好,而老师说我的分数是100分,我都不敢相信了,我拿卷子的时候,老师说:“一定要继续努力”。我不会让老师失望的。 谢谢你我的老师,我一定会好好学习,用好成绩来回报您。 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇2The math teacher of my class is a young man. His name is Jiang Shan. He is tall and fat. We call him the “Big Guy”. When he knows it, he isn’t angry and says it’s lovely. He is easy going and interesting. We can make jokes with him. But about our study, he is serious but patient. We can’t be sloppy on our study. When we have questions, we can ask him anytime. He is a good teacher. 我们班的数学老师是一个年轻的男人。他的名字是姜山。他又高又胖。我们都叫他“大男人”。当他知道的时候,他没有生气,说,这是可爱的。他很容易和有趣。我们可以和他开玩笑。而是我们的研究中,他是认真的,但病人。我们不能草率的研究。当我们有问题时,我们可以随时问他。他是一个好老师。 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇3I have a good math teacher.He is Mr.Wu. How much I like him! I think he is very smart and gifted.When I have some problem that I can't solve,he always helps me. I know that it is not easy for him to teach us such a difficult subject.So I'd try to learn it well. Thank you,Mr Wu! 我有一个很好的数学老师。他是吴总。我有多喜欢他! 我认为他很聪明,有天赋。当我有一些我不能解决的问题,他总是帮助我。我知道这是不容易让他教我们这样一门难学的课程。所以我想学好它。 谢谢你,吴老师! 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇4我想感谢老师,因为老师天天都辛苦地教我们学习知识,给我们讲我故事,讲道理。有时候我们上课不认真听课时,老师会用眼神看我们一眼,我们就赶快坐好,认真听讲。当我们取得一点进步和表现好的时候,老师会及时表扬我们,给我们信心、勇气。 I want to thank the teacher, because every day the teacher has worked hard to teach us to learn knowledge, tell us my story and reason. Sometimes when we don't listen carefully in class, the teacher will look at us with his eyes, and we'll sit down and listen carefully. When we make some progress and perform well, the teacher will praise us in time and give us confidence and courage. 我要感谢老师,她们使我从不懂事的娃娃变成一个合格的小学生、少先队员。 I'd like to thank the teachers, who have made my childish child a qualified primary school student and young pioneer. 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇5我要谢谢我的老师,我们的老师很关心,心疼我们,我很爱我们的老师。我们的语文老师何老师平时可喜欢抚摸我们,用关心的话和我们聊天,很亲切的,让我们很轻松的学习。我们的数学老师陈老师课讲的非常好,讲找规律等题时像做游戏一样就让我们听懂了,我很喜欢听。 I want to thank my teacher, our teacher is very concerned, love us, I love our teacher. Our Chinese teacher, Mr. He, usually likes to touch us and chat with us with caring words. It's very kind and makes us study easily. Our math teacher, Mr. Chen, spoke very well. When he talked about finding rules and other problems, he made us understand them like playing games. I like listening very much. 我很喜欢我们的老师。老师,你们辛苦了,我要做一个懂事的好孩子,努力学习。希望老师在暑假里能好好的休息休息 I like our teacher very much. Teacher, you have worked hard. I want to be a good and sensible child and study hard. I hope the teacher can have a good rest in the summer vacation 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇6老师谢谢您,在我们一年级的时候,您就像一位园丁一样,我们就像一棵幼苗一样。是您用那丰富的知识灌溉这我们,让我们快高长大。如今我已经是一位五年级的学生了,那都是老师您的功劳啊!这短短的五年中发生的点点滴滴让我感动了。在这里我下定决心一定不会辜负老师的我会用我的学习成绩来报答你的。 Teacher thank you, in our first grade, you are like a gardener, we are like a seedling. It's you who irrigate us with that wealth of knowledge and let us grow up quickly. Now I'm a fifth grade student, that's all your credit! I was touched by the little things that happened in the short five years. I'm determined to live up to my teachers here. I will repay you with my academic achievements. 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇7今天,是一个特殊的日子,这个盛大的节日是教师节,这已经是第三十三教师节了。 Today is a special day. This grand festival is teacher's day, which is the 33rd teacher's day. 我们的校长们在星期五时,给我们敬爱的老师们发巧克力和鲜花,下午,我们在黑板上写了“老师您辛苦了”这句话让老师们很为感动。 Our headmasters sent chocolates and flowers to our beloved teachers on Friday. In the afternoon, we wrote on the blackboard the words "teacher, you have worked hard" which moved the teachers very much. 最后,我们也送了老师了一些礼物。 Finally, we also gave some gifts to the teacher. 六年级英语作文带翻译我的`老师 篇8在成长的过程中,每个人都会有一个最喜欢的老师。如果有人问我,最喜欢的老师是谁?我会毫不犹豫地告诉他:我最喜欢的老师是我小学英语老师一一余老师。 In the process of growing up, everyone will have a favorite teacher. If someone asks me, who is my favorite teacher? I will not hesitate to tell him: my favorite teacher is my primary school English teacher more than one teacher. 余老师是一个幽默、风趣的老师,十分平易近人。在课堂上,为了活跃气氛,他会跟我们分享好看的电影、好吃的餐厅,让枯燥的课堂,瞬间变得生动有趣。 Mr. Yu is a humorous and funny teacher, very approachable. In the classroom, in order to activate the atmosphere, he will share with us good-looking movies and delicious restaurants, so that the boring classroom becomes lively and interesting in an instant. 他经常告诉我们,学习要劳逸结合,所以每逢期末,看着我们被繁重的作业压得喘不过气来,他会在课后,突然给我们来一场英语电影放映活动。这让我们既惊奇,又开心。 He often tells us that study should combine work with rest, so at the end of each term, when we are overwhelmed by heavy homework, he will suddenly give us an English movie screening activity after class. It makes us both surprised and happy. 因为期末考试复习实在是太辛苦了,我们的确需要这种放松方式,来减缓压力。虽然放映的是英语电影,目的还是要让我们学习英语,但这已经让我们感激不尽了。 Because the final exam review is too hard, we really need this way to relax, to reduce the pressure. Although the movie is in English, the purpose is to let us learn English, but this has made us grateful. 除了幽默、风趣外,余老师还是一个特别注重教育方式的老师,在教育学生时,特别注意公平合理,不会让一个学生感觉受到委屈。记得一次,班上人称调皮大王的一个同学,用罐木自制了一把水枪,并带到了学校里。 In addition to humor and wit, Yu is also a teacher who pays special attention to the way of education. When educating students, he pays special attention to fairness and rationality, which will not make a student feel aggrieved. I remember once, a classmate called naughty king in the class made a water gun out of tinwood and took it to the school. 在课堂上,他竟拿水枪向同桌喷水。余老师看见了,先是迅速制止了他的荒唐行为。然后,拿着水杯略微向调皮大王身上倒了一点水,并问他:你喜欢身上沾满水吗?调皮大王当然不愿意了。 In class, he even took a water gun to spray water at the same table. When teacher Yu saw it, he quickly stopped his absurd behavior. Then, holding the water cup, he poured a little water on the naughty king and asked him: do you like to be covered with water? Of course, the naughty king doesnt want to. 这时,余老师说,你不愿意,别人自然也不愿意。己所不欲,勿施于人这个道理,你应该明白的吧?调皮大王红着脸点点头。看了余老师的这种教育方式,我们都很佩服他。 At this time, Mr. Yu said, you dont want to, and naturally others dont want to. Dont do what you dont want to do to others. you should understand that The naughty King nodded with a red face. We all admire Mr. Yu for his way of education. 一转眼,三年就过去了,我的学习进入新阶段,即将到新学校学习。但就在这个暑假,我时时想起余老师,我觉得有这样的老师,是我人生中的幸运。桃李不言,下自成蹊。相信,余老师将受到更多学生的爱戴,他也将培养出更多心存感恩的学生。 In a blink of an eye, three years have passed. My study has entered a new stage, and I am about to study in a new school. But in this summer vacation, I always think of Mr. Yu. I think its lucky for me to have such a teacher. Peaches and plums speak for themselves, but they make a difference. I believe that Mr. Yu will be loved by more students, and he will also cultivate more grateful students. 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇9亲爱的张老师,时光匆匆,转眼间三年的时间就过去了。在这三年里,有太多的回忆印在我心头,您的点点滴滴我永远铭记于心。 Dear Mr. Zhang, time is in a hurry. In an instant, three years have passed. In these three years, there are too many memories printed in my mind, your little bit I will always remember. 亲爱的蔡老师,能成为你的学生我感到万分荣幸,您用您关切的话语激励着我们;您用您的心血哺育了一代又一代的学生。 Dear Mr. Cai, it is a great honor for me to be your student. You inspire us with your words of concern. You have nurtured generations of students with your hard work. 感谢您,亲爱的老师。 Thank you, dear teacher. 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇10时间如流水,转眼间,我已经是一名五年级的学生了,在我记忆深处,汤老师总是那么清晰、深刻,使我难以忘怀。她高高的个子,大大的眼睛,卷卷的头发,身材苗条,十分漂亮。汤老师性格十分阳光,微笑是她的代言词。微微一笑,代表你做得很好。苦苦一笑,代表你做得不好。像这样的表情还有很多。所以汤老师也是一位表情帝,很受学生喜爱。 Time is like running water. In an instant, I am a fifth grade student. In my deep memory, Mr. Tang is always so clear and profound that I cant forget. She is tall, big eyes, curly hair, slim and very beautiful. Mr. Tangs character is very sunny. Smile is her voice. A smile means that you are doing well. A hard smile means you cant do well. There are many more expressions like this. So Mr. Tang is also a face emperor, very popular with students. 在我印象中,汤老师是一位很爱学生,又对学生负责的老师。汤老师,在我的成长路上,感谢有您的教导,谢谢您! In my impression, Mr. Tang is a teacher who loves students and is responsible for them. Mr. Tang, on my way of growing up, thank you for your teaching, thank you! 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇11People say that the teacher is a fire, lighting our fire; The teacher is the stone step, taking us step by step. The teacher is like a candle, although delicate, but has a heat, emit a light, illuminates others, but exhaust oneself. The love of the teacher is warmer than the sun, more pleasant than the spring breeze, sweeter than the spring. I have an amiable teacher in my heart. Her name was zhuang, and the zhuang zi was like a small room, but there was never enough knowledge in it. Zhuang teacher is our Chinese teacher. She is very kind and never loses her temper. In class, the teacher with a smiling face and we speak zhuang, under the class, the students always like teachers and talking and laughing, I gradually understand the teacher, she is becoming more and more deep impression in my mind. She is a good teacher in my heart, a teacher who impressed me most. 人们都说老师是一个火种,点燃了我们的心灵之火;老师是石阶,承受着我们一步一步踏实地向上攀登。老师像一支蜡烛,虽然细弱,但是有一分热,发出一分光,照亮别人,却耗尽了自己。 老师的爱,比太阳更温暖,比春风更加和煦,比清泉更加甘甜。我心中有一位和蔼可亲的老师。 她姓庄,庄字就像一间小小的房间,里面却装着永远也学不完的知识。庄教师是我们的语文老师,她非常和蔼,从不乱发脾气。上课时,庄老师用一张微笑的面孔和我们说话,下课时,同学们总喜欢和老师说说笑笑,我渐渐地认识了这位老师,她的印象在我的脑海里越来越深。 她就是我心中的好老师,一位让我印象最深的老师。 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇12NThere are many standards to judge whether a teacher is good or not, such as popularity among students, the scores of students or his or her title. I am lucky to have met many good teachers who have their own characteristics. In my mind, a good teacher first should be rich in knowledge, especially in his or her own subject, which is the basic requirement to a good teacher. Secondly, a good teacher should be patient. As we all know that not all students can do well in study, so that it requires teachers to be patient enough to help the poor students. Finally, a good teacher should be creative and able to keep pace with the times. It means that our teachers should continually get new information and knowledge to enrich themselves. 有很多标准可以衡量一个老师是否是个好老师,比如是否受学生欢迎,学生的成绩或者老师的头衔。我很幸运遇到了很多有自己的特点的好老师。我认为,一个好老师首先应该拥有丰富的知识,特别是在他所教的科目上,这是一个好老师的基本要求。其次,一个好老师应该具有耐心。我们都知道不是所有的学生成绩都好,这就需要老师有足够的耐心去帮助那些差生。最后,一个好老师应该具有创造性,能够与时俱进。这意味着老师应该继续获取新的信息和知识来丰富他们自己。 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇13我的老师,他是教我数学的,他也同时是校长。李老师也有点幽默。他姓李,我们喊他李老师。李老师头发有点乱,但是教学方法一点也不乱。个子高高的,李老师的眼睛黑的像黑宝石似的。李老师还带着一副黑眼镜。 My teacher, he teaches me mathematics, and he is also the principal. Mr. Li is also a little humorous. His surname is Li. We call him Mr. Li. Mr. Li's hair is a bit messy, but his teaching method is not messy at all. Tall and tall, Mr. Li's eyes are black like black gems. Mr. Li also wears a pair of black glasses. 我有一次,有一道数学应用题不会做,然后,我去请教李老师。李老师耐心并且细心的讲给我听,李老师又给我做了类似这样的题目,因为李老师怕我遇到做类似的题目不会做。我们有李老师这样认真负责的老师,真幸福啊! I once had a math problem that I couldn't do. Then I went to ask Mr. Li. Mr. Li told me patiently and carefully. Mr. Li also gave me similar questions, because Mr. Li was afraid that I would not do similar questions. We have such a conscientious and responsible teacher as Miss Li. How happy we are! 这就是我们班的数学李老师 This is Miss Li in our class 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇14I have a lot of teachers, one of the most painful is our teacher in charge teacher li. Miss li a bit bigger than my mother, every night prepares a lesson earnestly, often sleep late. Miss li is very beautiful, from time to time will smile on his face. She love us very much. Once, my classmate accidentally dropped the feet bleeding, Mr Li is very try so hard, then lifted the students to the clinic in person, let the doctor taken care of. Mr Li's behaviour, still let us moved. Miss li is very serious. One day, when she was in the text, a classmate is with relish playing toys under the desk, the teacher stared his one eye, he then put toys and attentive listening with us. But after a while, the students took up toys, play up carefully. Teacher provocation, loudly say: "guerrero (the name) of the classmate, you leave this afternoon." Say that finish, the teacher speak practise divination to with relish. That afternoon, the teacher taught him a lesson, indeed as expected the next day, he was much more carefully in class. Miss li is very concerned about us. Once, the teacher found a classmate notebook have a lot of homework to do, immediately to call his parents, said the teacher to leave his homework. Take on the next day, did not do all filled up, and no wrong, we all admire him, ask him what's going on, he said: "it's good to the teacher's patience, not until six o 'clock I had too tired." We burst into laughter and said, "not the patience of teacher is good, is the teacher is very concerned about you. My teacher like a candle, burns himself, lights others and consumes itself. 我有许多的老师,其中最疼我们的是班主任李老师。 李老师比我妈妈大一点,每天晚上都认真备课,经常很晚才睡。 李老师非常漂亮,时不时脸上会露出微笑。她非常疼爱我们。一次,我的同学不小心把脚摔流血了,李老师非常着急,便亲自把那个同学扶到医务室,让医生悉心照料。李老师的行为,至今仍让我们感动。 李老师非常严肃。一天,她在讲课文时,一个同学正在课桌下津津有味的玩耍着玩具,老师瞪了他一眼,他便放下玩具和我们一起专心致志的听讲。可是不一会儿,那个同学又拿起玩具,认真的玩耍起来。老师怒发冲冠,大声说到:“古瑞(同学的名字),今天下午你留下。”说完,老师又津津有味地讲起课来。那天下午,老师教训了他一顿,果然第二天,他上课认真多了。 李老师很关心我们。一次,老师发现一个同学本子上有很多作业都没有做,便立刻给他的家长打电话,说老师要留他补作业。第二天拿上来看,没有做的全补上了,而且没有一个错,我们都很佩服他,问他是怎么回事,他说:“老师的耐心真好,把我留到六点钟都不嫌累。”我们哄堂大笑,说:“不是老师耐心好,是老师非常关心你。 我的老师像蜡烛,燃烧了自己,照亮了别人。 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇15老师,我想对你说Teacher,I Want to Say 李老师是我的英语老师,她对我很好。起初,我学英语遇到了很多困难,所以我感到很失落,想放弃。那个时候,李老师在我的作业里写下了一些话,她说她知道我是一个好女孩,她鼓励我永不放弃。她还告诉我如果我有任何问题都可以去问她,不要害羞不敢去。而且在学习上她还用适合我的方法引导我。现在,我已经取得了很大的进步。我想对李老师说,我非常感谢你。你是的老师。 Miss Li is my English teacher,and she is very kind to me. At first,I have many difficulties in learning English,so I feel lost and want to give up. At that time,Miss Li writes some words in my homework. She says she knows me is a good girl and inspires me to never give up. She also tells me if I have any question,I can ask her without feeling shy. Besides,she leads me in a properly way suitable for me in study. Now,I have made great progress. I want to say to Miss Li,I am so thankful to you. You are the best teacher. 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇16The new semester has begun. Every thing seems the same as before, except one thing. That is our class has a new English teacher. His name is Yang yang, but we always call his English name, Robert. He is young and sunshine. He just graduated from university. His pronunciation is very good and I like his spoken English. Robert is humorous and his class is interesting and lively. Except for the textbook, he finds many other articles for class teaching, such as songs, movies and cartoons. He says that we can learn more from what we are interested in. I like this new teacher. · 新学期已经开始了。除了一件事以外,每一件事看起来都和原来一样。那就是我们班来了个新的英语老师。他的名字叫杨阳,但是我们经常叫他的英文名Robert。他年轻阳光,刚刚从大学毕业。他的发音很标准,我很喜欢他的口语。Robert很幽默,他的课堂生动有趣。除开课本,他还找了很多文章进行课堂教 学,比如歌曲,电影和卡通。他说我们可以从我们感兴趣的东西学到更多。我喜欢这位新老师。 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇17People always say that a good teacher can change a student’s lifetime, and I agree with it. I started to learn English since I went to middle school, but many of my classmates had learned it before, so they always got high mark, and I felt so distressed. Then my English teacher encouraged me not to give up. She told me that during her school time, her English level was in the middle, but she loved it and learned with passion. Finally she became an English teacher. I was inspired and decided to insist. In the second year, my English level improved greatly. I was so thankful to my teacher. 人们总是说,好的老师可以影响学生的一生,我很认可这个观点。上初中后我就开始学习英语,但我很多同学在之前就学过了,所以他们能够经常得高分,我感到很苦恼。然后,我的英语老师就鼓励我不要放弃。她告诉我,在学校时候她的英语是中等水平,但是她喜欢英语,并且很有学习激情,最后她成为一名英语老师。 我受到了启发,决定坚持下去。第二年,我的英语水平大大的提高了,我很感谢我的老师。 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇18My teacher is Mrs. teacher, he is a woman teacher. She was very young. High on the bridge of the nose has a pair of water Lingling big eyes, short hair, looked even younger. He knows everything very knowledgeable. He taught us the language, we call a stroke of word painting, he wrote the word can be beautiful. Always happy with a smile on his face when the nest. She angry when we are afraid to look at her front, only dare to look at the blackboard. We do not always angry teacher, we have to study hard. 我的老师是伍老师,他是女老师。她很年轻。高高的鼻梁上长着一双水灵灵的大眼睛,头发短短的,显得更年轻了。他很有学问什么都知道。他教我们语文,一笔一划的叫我们写生字,他写的字可漂亮了。他高兴的时候脸上总带着笑窝。可她生气的时候我们都不敢正面瞧她,只敢看黑板。我们不要老师总是生气,我们要努力学习。 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇19How are you? I am Tony.It is hot this summer holiday. Are you reading this at home?Now,I am in Hong Kong.I'd like to give you my e-mail. Hong Kong is not as big as Shanghai, but it is a modern and beautiful place. It's very busy in the street. I can also see many tall buildings. They're always bright at night. I like Disney Land best.I can see many cartoon characters there like Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Snow White and so on.I want to stay in Disney Land longer, but the airplane will not wait for us.I have to say goodbye to my Disney friends. I want to tell you more, when I meet you in the new term. 你好吗?我是托尼。今年夏天天气很热。你在家看这篇文章吗?现在,我在香港。我想写电子邮件给你。 香港不像上海那么大,但它是一个现代化、美丽的地方。街上很热闹。我还能看到许多高楼大厦。它们晚上总是很明亮。 我最喜欢迪斯尼乐园。我可以看到很多卡通人物,比如唐老鸭、米老鼠、白雪公主等等。我想在迪斯尼乐园呆得更久,但飞机不会等我们的。我得跟我的迪斯尼朋友说再见了。 当我在新学期见到你的时候,我想告诉你更多事。 六年级英语作文带翻译我的老师 篇20mrs brown is an excellent physics teacher of our school. she is a good-looking woman, with gentle manners and a kind smile. mrs brown likes her work very much. she works hard and makes every class perfect. listening to her talk is an artistic treat indeed. she treats her students as her own children, not only strictly but also kindly. she always shows deep concern for them and makes great efforts to train them into persons of ability. all the students respect her very much. 布朗夫人是我们学校的一名优秀物理教师。她是一个漂亮的女人,有着温柔的举止和亲切的笑容。 布朗太太非常喜欢她的工作。她努力工作,使每一个班都很完美。听她的谈话真是一种艺术。她把她的学生当作自己的孩子,不仅严格而且亲切。 她总是对他们表示深切的关注,并作出巨大努力培养他们的能力。所有的学生都非常尊敬她。 |
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