Her common sense is a bridle to her quick temper. 她的常识是对她急脾气的抑制。 It is the bridle and spur that makes a good horse. 要把马练好,缰绳靴刺少不了。 It is the bridle and spur that makes a good horse. 要把马练好,缰绳靴刺不可少。 He led me into my box and took off my saddle and bridle. 他带我进了我的圆栏,卸下了我的马鞍和笼头。 We should bridle spending to save some money for the house. 我们应该控制开销,为买房子储蓄些钱。 上一篇:广东本科公办大学分数线 下一篇:食物的英文单词有哪些带 |